Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

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Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by heustess »

It felt really good to have a battle chapter end on a really positive note. KMS kicked their bug-eyed butts. It does make me very nervous about the chapter that will contain the 2nd Battle of Karis. Or should that be the 3rd Battle of Karis? Things are going too well for the good guys. Fel will do something horrible to them. And end with a nasty cliff-hanger.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by mjkj »

Wow, that was quite a tense scene :) really good, Fel.

I just hope they will come back and finish them off after they defended Karis...

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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

I wonder if the indictor in the nebula is specially made so when it self destructs to prevent capture, it will be an exceptionally large explosion so diminish the fleet of ships there.

Seeing as terra is becoming such a key system, will they put more effort in to terraforming Mars and venus. A story I once read, said that if the planets swapped atmospheres it would go along way to help make them habitable. WIth their spatial technology, and a small set of star gates, they could possibly do this. THen use pioneer species to help make the planet habitable. It could be a long term project for the academy, to turn these planets in to habitable and stable ecosystems.
They could create an artifical EM fields, or some how cause the core of the planets to spin independantly.

SInce the kimdori, karrine and faey ships are the more valuable, would the other races use their older and less capable ships to protect and defend them, to ensure they survive to deal with the enemy.

SO House Karrinne is becoming the sanctuary of choice for the telepathic members of the species in the galaxcy. Imagine what they could learn if they examine each race telepathic gene.
WIth so many zio joining, is it really hard to believe that this race would join the imperium at some point. Getting another race to willing join the imperium would be great PR, and help bolster her position.

Due to the anti torsion system, the dark matter weaponry will need to be refitted to all ships, so they need to be set up to be usable to the whole confederation. we have only seen the consortium use gun torsion weapons, not the shock wave weapon. while the shockwave system would be affected, could it be less than the beam weaponry.
Thta mass altering catapult, the kimdori did get the plans and tech for it before it was destroyed. Kimdori can use it to sneak into indicted systems.
That ambient energy collector thing, what happens if you make it giant, say bigger than a star gate. That could really mess with he extragalactic fleet coming
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by Dreamer »

I agree, that was a nice chapter end note. Where is the hidden dagger and how long is its blade?

:mrgreen: This is a break from the storyline. :o

I know that this will likely never happen (unless Fel gets really bored or Heaven's fobid gets a writers-block), but in the realm of What if...
I have been thinking of a crossover story about all of Fel's heroes/anti-heroes: Tarrin, Kel, Jason, Kit, Kyven, and Fox each fall asleep and awaken together in a Limbo realm. After deciding not to maim/taunt/prank/slander/intimidate/subdue each other, they decide to try a day-in-the-life of one another. Each character would have 1-2 chapters telling how they would have handled the issues/trials that had been faced by the proper protagonist.

Tarrin spends a day as Kit - researching 3 articles and typing them up (trying not to go into a Were-rage against the computer) for the newspaper and trying to change Laura's diapers while Jessie and Vil go on a Girl's-Day-Out Shopping Spree. :evil:
Kel finds himself preparing for the first class training Fox's newly recruited monks and trying to figure out how to not trip over his own tail while demonstrating foot sweeps and shoulder-throws. :oops:
Jason helps prepare Suld for its battle against Kravon's army. Creating laser rifles for the Rangers to use while fending off an eager, irrepressible Phandebrass trying to "learn more about these fabulous, mystical rods, I say!!" :wink:
Kit sets up a draconic newspaper and gains the support of the FDs, WDs, and SDs for the EDs through his insightful and powetic articles about the machinations of the CDs. :shock:
Kyven sets up pranks against the marines occupying Earth and training 3-D in the art of misdirection while his illusions and shadows degrade the Faey moral while proving that nightmares can beome REAL. 8)
Fox the Wanderer leads the Arcan (or RCN) charge against the human armies at the battle of Avennar, unleasing his martial arts and psionics upon the hapless humans. He might even teach Lightfoot a few things. :D
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

Does any one think the whole liver cancer thing was more important? So capable of detoxing more different material and creating new proteins.

SO a near decisive battle coming, but the thing is the consortium must have some kind of defense against cybi, or the invasion would be futile. THere are 2 methods, occupy or incapacitate.

Once this battle is done, 3 years to the next conflict. They have to divide up the imxi territories, and deal with remaining enemy assets. The imperium will probally try to get the choice systems first, but the skaa are likely to get a number of system due to their losses and contributions to the war. the consortium is sending colonist, so what would the plan be for them, simple destruction, or allow them to build homes here.

Will the urumni push for their recompense from house trillane during this break? also, the zio are joining the house karrine so much, that greyhawk could simply join the imperium to make sure his planets get all the best benefits.

The benga are lower tech that the consortium, just really big. So the confederation will get as many members as possible ready to fight and deal with the enemy. How big a ship is needed for that giant canon, that the karrine have. Say they build ships dedicated to that single weapon, they could hole the enemy ships in one shot at a distance. or set up a station with multiple canons.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by hoppy »

SYED wrote:Does any one think the whole liver cancer thing was more important? So capable of detoxing more different material and creating new proteins.

SO a near decisive battle coming, but the thing is the consortium must have some kind of defense against cybi, or the invasion would be futile. THere are 2 methods, occupy or incapacitate.

Once this battle is done, 3 years to the next conflict. They have to divide up the imxi territories, and deal with remaining enemy assets. The imperium will probally try to get the choice systems first, but the skaa are likely to get a number of system due to their losses and contributions to the war. the consortium is sending colonist, so what would the plan be for them, simple destruction, or allow them to build homes here.

Will the urumni push for their recompense from house trillane during this break? also, the zio are joining the house karrine so much, that greyhawk could simply join the imperium to make sure his planets get all the best benefits.

The benga are lower tech that the consortium, just really big. So the confederation will get as many members as possible ready to fight and deal with the enemy. How big a ship is needed for that giant canon, that the karrine have. Say they build ships dedicated to that single weapon, they could hole the enemy ships in one shot at a distance. or set up a station with multiple canons.
I don't think the ska will play the losses card because they don't think that way and every one else has enough experience with them that it would be called.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by NSC »

I was a bit disappointed with the battle in the nebulae. I would have liked to see some live feedback to Jason, and his reaction. I also think the confirmed death of the energy being was just way too easy. I guess I expected more. The whole battle just went too well for the Karinnes, almost textbook. I guess the next chapter will have Jason's response to it all, but considering this short story is mainly about the secession of the house from the imperium, I think I may have like to see this whole battle spun off as it's own part in the next story.

Not complaining though, I'm sure Fel is writing the story he intends, and I check every day for the next chapter.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

Once the nebula is cleared, would the Karrines be tempted to claim it, could be a potentially useful basing area.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by Wolfee »

SYED wrote:Once the nebula is cleared, would the Karrines be tempted to claim it, could be a potentially useful basing area.

I'd say no for a number of reasons...

1) the Karrines already have a planet in the area, which is capable of being a home for the races that make up house Karrine.
2) the reason for the Karrines spreading out is to have distant planets, where stargates are to facilitate rapid movement throughout the galaxy.
3) See reason 1, nebula's aren't necessarily good for growing food one the reasons for the Karrines spreading out.
4) Only reason to take teh Nebula is if someone finds a way around the indicators.
Dreamer wrote:I agree, that was a nice chapter end note. Where is the hidden dagger and how long is its blade?....
Makes me a bit nervous as well. I can see the Allied forces winning by the skin of they're teeth, at the same time taking dreadful losses would be one way Fel could spin this. And then having to spend the next 3 years recovering.... Or Fel just might kill off the enemies currently within the galaxy and in the next book jump ahead 3 years and the battles to come... or blah blah blah... we'll just have to wait to see what Fel does.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

What would happen if a generation got a mind machine link? could be very useful. Potentially leading to nanite cyberntic upgrades for bodies.
Potentially there could be other generations hidden in the faey population. SO here is a way to locate them, analyse medical history of the faey imperium, look for bloodlines prone to cancer, yet oddly resistant to normal medical solutions.
A way to help karrine to expand better, the imperium is famed for telepathic instruction, so at the academy start a school for telekinesis. That way they get a chance to recruit telekinetic peoples.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by kabalman2000 »

SYED wrote:Thta mass altering catapult, the kimdori did get the plans and tech for it before it was destroyed. Kimdori can use it to sneak into indicted systems.
I could have sworn the Kimdori ships already had powerful enough engines and Jason had given them the formulae for jumping through the interdiction field.

On a seperate note: If I were in house Karine I would be extremely worried about the long term viability of the house with Jason considering trying to establish some form of democracy. This form of political system is inherently unstable as it is the nature of all people, when acting in mobs (voters), to look out for their own individual short term interests (greed, if you will). This inevetably leads to those who seek power for power's sake to pander to the un-perspicacious (yeah, I don't think it's a real word either) desires of the masses to obtain that power. They pass political laws to help their friends and hamper their foes, unconcerned with the long term damage as they probably won't be around to suffer it.
  • I seriously considered deleting the following paragraph. I did delete the supporting philosophic reasoning, which had absolutely nothing to do with religion. I blanked out the identity of the political philosophy I am condeming. I tried to make it as un-flame and un-troll like as possible. Still, I probably was completely unsuccesful. So I have hidden it behind the curtain of "spoiler" and ask that if you are easily offended or very invested in any particular political philosophy, don't read it. It's really more for Fel than anything else. Let's definately NOT have a discussion about it because I don't want to waste my time writing a book of philosophy that those I most want to change won't accept. Besides, this is the wrong place for it. Thanks.
This inevitably results in the objective evil that is ______, which does nothing but promote the creation of poverty, inhibit the creation of wealth, and concentrates power and what wealth remains in a few of the well connected. I can't fill in the blank as that could be considered a flame, but just look at the political philosophy that has taken over the current democracies, and the results, as an example. BTW: If you're thinking of supplying a name for the blank spot I left you will be at least as wrong as you are correct in any name you choose (I was a little disingenuous about why I blanked the name, you can't name evil as it just changes it's name once it is recognized).
A strong family with a tradition of looking out for the long term, keeping the people as free as possible, and making sure the next generation of leaders is just as well trained in these goals (including the tradition of skipping around any bad apples that may pop up) could very well be the best possibility for long term survival of a political system (especially with Cibi for continuity).
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by Wolfee »

kabalman2000 wrote:
SYED wrote:Thta mass altering catapult, the kimdori did get the plans and tech for it before it was destroyed. Kimdori can use it to sneak into indicted systems.
I could have sworn the Kimdori ships already had powerful enough engines and Jason had given them the formulae for jumping through the interdiction field.

On a seperate note: If I were in house Karine I would be extremely worried about the long term viability of the house with Jason considering trying to establish some form of democracy. This form of political system is inherently unstable as it is the nature of all people, when acting in mobs (voters), to look out for their own individual short term interests (greed, if you will). This inevetably leads to those who seek power for power's sake to pander to the un-perspicacious (yeah, I don't think it's a real word either) desires of the masses to obtain that power. They pass political laws to help their friends and hamper their foes, unconcerned with the long term damage as they probably won't be around to suffer it.
  • I seriously considered deleting the following paragraph. I did delete the supporting philosophic reasoning, which had absolutely nothing to do with religion. I blanked out the identity of the political philosophy I am condeming. I tried to make it as un-flame and un-troll like as possible. Still, I probably was completely unsuccesful. So I have hidden it behind the curtain of "spoiler" and ask that if you are easily offended or very invested in any particular political philosophy, don't read it. It's really more for Fel than anything else. Let's definately NOT have a discussion about it because I don't want to waste my time writing a book of philosophy that those I most want to change won't accept. Besides, this is the wrong place for it. Thanks.
This inevitably results in the objective evil that is ______, which does nothing but promote the creation of poverty, inhibit the creation of wealth, and concentrates power and what wealth remains in a few of the well connected. I can't fill in the blank as that could be considered a flame, but just look at the political philosophy that has taken over the current democracies, and the results, as an example. BTW: If you're thinking of supplying a name for the blank spot I left you will be at least as wrong as you are correct in any name you choose (I was a little disingenuous about why I blanked the name, you can't name evil as it just changes it's name once it is recognized).
A strong family with a tradition of looking out for the long term, keeping the people as free as possible, and making sure the next generation of leaders is just as well trained in these goals (including the tradition of skipping around any bad apples that may pop up) could very well be the best possibility for long term survival of a political system (especially with Cibi for continuity).
I totally agree with this... We all know that democracy isn't in the long term stable. The best type of long term government would be a a series of enlightened dictators. Basically someone like Jason, who is riding herd on everything, but also has total control. It is alright to delegate provided you retain the authority to come back and undo something if need be. In the long term, hundreds to thousands of years, a noble family who trains each generation of children to a code of service to the house is the best bet, coupled with guidance from Cybi & the Denmother. This method is far above even democracy's short term gains. To pretend otherwise is to doom the house to ultimate failure.

Edit Greymist: Deleted your other post which was identical to this one except for the placement of a comma/full stop.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by GBLW »

kabalman2000 wrote: <SNIP>
A strong family with a tradition of looking out for the long term, keeping the people as free as possible, and making sure the next generation of leaders is just as well trained in these goals (including the tradition of skipping around any bad apples that may pop up) could very well be the best possibility for long term survival of a political system (especially with Cibi for continuity).
In other words a (Constitutional) Monarchy or are you suggesting an Oligarchy?

The reason I ask is that I have been involved with the Democratic process for over fifty years.
Having voted for that long and having faithfully voted in each municipal, provincial and federal election of any riding where I happened to reside, I can say that in my opinion the main problem with democracies is that many people simply don't care - thus often as few as ten percent of the people in any riding can swing the vote. That means special interest groups often control who is elected. Then on top of that what politicians promise they will do during a campaign and what they actually do once elected bear little resemblance to reality.
Now if everyone who was eligible to vote actually did vote and if there were teeth to the legal system, along with penalties for dishonest politicians, then I think democracy would probably be a very decent system.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by Greymist »

GBLW wrote: <SNIP>
Now if everyone who was eligible to vote actually did vote and if there were teeth to the legal system, along with penalties for dishonest politicians, then I think democracy would probably be a very decent system.
Would it be possible with America's constitution to have a compulsory voting system like exists in most of South America, Australia and South East Asia? Would you support that?

I won't disagree with the penalties for dishonest politicians, then again I can't really talk given the small number of elections I've involved myself in.
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Re: Secession, Chapter 8 [Spoilers]

Post by Mizriath »

Just an off the wall thinking.

Consortium after losing to the Syndicate and possibly being eradicated after losing to Jason decides to raise the white flag and offer to be part of the Imperium!! or whatever it will be called next to join the fight against the Syndicate. They will just be restricted to the Imxi sector. :evil:

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