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Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:52 am
I wonder if the Mass catapult could be used to penetrate the nebula, we know it denies hyperspace so why not copy the enemies solution to their own hyperspace block. If hyperspace can be made into a catapult and an engine, could the modified mass state be a ship based engine? So instead of reliant on these relays, they can alter their own quantum state. Its possible that some of the more advanced technologies might not be possible to use say shields, so these ships would need the focus on armor not shields. It would be like how some ships have a stealth mode, that requires some ship system on the down state.
ANy one else think that hyperspace hallucinations may be connected to other extra sensory abilities. Those energy being what exactly do they see when a ship exits hyper space, the breach between hyper and normal space, mass, energy, life, minds, material? Once that is known, then it is possible to mess with it.
Are we sure it is the empress causing trouble, it could be some highborn or those that attempted the assassination attempts? I always thought the ones causing trouble would be other alien races as well troublesome nobles.

Those guardian exomechs, they can fly correct, why not make the carrier's capable of transporting them as well, so quicker orbital drop of reinforcements.

Will the fairy people get offered an indictor and gate to give them security? ALso, give them a staging point in another sector.

That sun light powered laser, if they built a system of those lasers and mirrors, they could potentially build a laser capable of even greater power. If you read the "Troy Rising" series, you know the weapon I speak of. CAn you actually detect that laser, it is only focused sun light, would its signiture be covered up by the background?

That gravity gun, could it be remade similar to the torsion shockwave generator or smoother? SO mess with gravity tech, and species sensitive to gravity changes. The torsion shock wave generator and the torsion guns are basicly the same tech, the smoother eliminates them both. CAn the shock wave generator be use to enhance torsion effects, so enemy torsion weapons blow them selves appart due the increase of their effect. If a smoother can suppress, why cant shockwave make it so volitile that it hrms it self?

That new race on the planet off limits to the empress, I wonder if they can go to the academy as well.

The imxi are new to hyper correct, wanna bet they still use those mass relay system they first came up with? So fixed point targets which will mess their logistics up. Also, use hte whole hyperspace delay system, to mess with their shipping, use the stealth ships to lay mines where they might appear, so plenty of time to do their jobs.

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:33 am
by dellstart
well its time the gloves came off, isnt it.

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:53 pm
by heustess
Jason should get the Kimdori to launch a bunch of fraction-c asteroids at the Consortium construction yards in the nebula. Those rocks would lay waste to the quantum phase launcher pieces. The pieces are not mobile, so they are sitting ducks.

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:09 pm
Asteroid mining is breaking apart giant rocks, then putting the smaller rocks into smelters and refiners. Using the mirrors and rotational effect they could smelt and melt down asteroid all at once. So speed up the supply of raw materials.
Since they have a huge replicator demand, why not make a huge replicator station in the moon to take the raw material and make it useful. I know replicators and make stuff already, but using raw materials hides it and is more energy efficient.
Great idea for last ditch defence against the FTL moon weapon. You know the exact path and location of the where the asteroid field will enter the indicted space. Set up a giant solar mirror system to project the laser directly into the rock storm, see how the consortium fleet deal with their hiding places getting flash fried.

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:57 am
by dellstart
Question: If the bachi teams don’t wear uniforms, then how does one distinguish between the teams? Unless I suppose you have the same home colors and away colors, across the board.
Question: Isn’t the down side of contorting too much with the mob, now on display. Not only the finger do they want, but the entire hand.
Question: Is all this Shio entry into the Karrine infantry /navy, or the House itself one way or two? What happens when their Home worlds are redeemed, are they all just going to go back? What does this means, in terms of loss of man power and possible security risk as well.
Question:If things go south btwn jason and Dahnai, just where does that leave them or the Imperium?

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:05 am
by dellstart
Evil thought: :twisted: whos is to say thats this isnt a set up? who has the msot to gain the most from a break btwn houses Karrine and Merrane?.

Re: Secession- Chapter 2

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:14 pm
by CRYUnicornClear
I don't know who would get ther better deal from the 2 houses merging. But the title of the book is Secession so we just might find out what hapens if house Karrine seperates from the Imperium. If that hapens what changes will there be on Earth and Exile?