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Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:58 pm
by Mizriath
Hmm, I have some lost thought on the FTL tech.

The Consortium takes 5 years... copied Karinne's tech

The Syndicate much faster but actually not much better than the consortium until recently

Jason's Karinne tech .... 2000 years but almost the most advance in terms of weaponry

I have to read up on the tech specs :(

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:30 am
by Fel
Those times involve crossing over from Andromeda to our galaxy using a hyperspace jump.

Five years in real time.

2000 years with relativity delay.

About 220 years utilizing one of the Consortium's old hyperspace catapults.

Also: I found a continuity error in the chapter. Somehow I switched Rann's birthday from 16 days away to 10 days away. I'm really not sure how I did that. I've corrected it in my copy, but it's such a minor thing, you guys can just change it in yours. ;)

The Confederate Council will meet 16 days away, not 10. It IS supposed to happen on Rann's birthday.

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:04 am
Any one else think the Benga are linked to faey, humans and zio? Do we know if they are telepaths, or capable of being influenced mentally? The adaptiveness of the faey, it might be a genetically augmenter trait? So they can guess where they will come out of hyper, this time they have lots of time to build weaponry and gear to mess with the fleet? If they also haveadapted karrine tech, they may not be so hard to take down
Missiles are fusion and anti matter, do we know if they are focused instead of omni directional?
Did they sell the advanced replicator tech, or did they produce the stuff themselves? later they can own the emergency ration business with this stuff.
As part of the jamming plan, they are gonna make sure any messages from andromeda that are sent but not recieved, that they will get a copy just in case.

With house karrine open to all, wanna bet that alot will be telepaths from other races looking for acceptance? colonists have 50% telepaths, while other have less than 5.5 % telepaths in their populations. With population of races being in the billions, that means there are literally millions of telepaths outh there. This may encourage the colonists to make stronger ties to the faey, or just the karrines. If telepaths are ostrasized, then they would be eager for a new start.

[quote]“It’s a form of faster than light travel,” Zaa asked. “This they got from the race they subjugated, not from Andromeda. They will build this device that will catapult ships using it into what you might call a hyperphased state, which will reduce mass within the effect to a mean zero value, thus allowing an object of mass to exceed the speed of light.”
“The old warp drive theory from Star Trek,” Jason grunted.
“A viable theory, but this is a quantum effect. That means that as soon as they phase the ship into a quantum alternative, it behaves as a singular quantum microstate.”
“Meaning only phase matched energy, pulse weapons, MPACs, and plasma torpedoes will hit it,” Jason growled. “A defense on top of a means of travel.”
“A rather clever solution to their problem,” Zaa nodded. “The effect decays over time, so if calculated correctly, they decay out of the microstate and return to real space where they intend to be. They’ll still lose a lot of ships during transit from our ambushes along the way, but they’ll get some to Karis using this system.”[/quote]

I make speed to be 4.8 light years/day. Do we know if there is a maximum or minimum range, or mass restrictions? Why not not make a smaller version so missiles can ignore hulls, or even shield? Any explosive device would always be far more effective inside a ship.When jason was making his skimmer stealthy and making armor, he mentioned phased cloth, any chance this material could be used to interact with phased objects. Will they share this technology to the confederation, also do they have the tech to take advantage of it? While it may allow them to pierce indiction, karrines can hyper jump, and it is possible any attack will be seen coming.

Is it possible to build a hyperspace catapult that can work through an indiction fieled, either to enter or exit a locked system? They made their engines get tuned to it, could a catapult be tuned as well?
If they combined the two catapult technologies, how long would the trip to andromeda be?

Trieste will be in line of sight at some point of Karis, so why not use the GraF cannon to mess with the moon if need be. To make the moon hyperspace capable, they would need to have extensively fitted out the moon with tech. With the moon hollowed annd refitted, could it be repurposed to aid in the fight against the enemy?

To deal with the faey desire to expand, give them the willing conspiators of the consortium? There must be a limit to how much space the empire can absorb at any one time, so the faey would have to just accept those systems. it was how many systems again?

With the need of habitable planets, will the academy start terraforming projects both on planets in the goldilocks zones, and possibly those planets or moons, close enough to gas giants that could be ignited?

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:12 am
by expedient
An enjoyable start. It's nice to see some of the ideas that people have discussed in these forums popping up.

I like how the preparations for the current war are being challenged by the upcoming war with the syndicate. I have a bad feeling one or two attempts at spying will be going on at the summit...

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:49 am
SO while everyone is building and using torsion weaponry, House karrine will be developing the armor and dark matter weaponry technologies of the consortium to arm the races against the syndicate. This may be a good things as we know there are going to be issues in the alliance, being able to smack the worst in to line would be great. It also returns the possiblity of expansion to other races as it wont cost too much to expand.
The zio I can see making a deal to be part of the imperium, they just got conquered and freed. Their thanks go to house karrine, and they would be fair to them. It also allows them to get revenge as they rebuild. Their military was always minor, so choosing who takes them would be the best result.
The skaa I can see as pushing at the border and claiming new systems. The republic and empire are forced by one side to unite. I can also picture the skaa trying to add some urrumni or alliance systems to their territory.
Alliance got conquered, so I see variuos factions making a power pla so messing with the status quo.
The kimdori are going to back karrine to the hilt, and the moridin will help keep the extragalactic visitors at bayh as they are clearly bad for buisness.

Torsion weaponry made defence easier and made fighters really deadly. Can DM weaponry even fit on defense satellites and fighter craft? We know that it is a shorter range weaponry. WIth the size of the new enemy, it will be difficult to get in close.
Koisigi will be set up to mass that artificial Adamantium to armor their allies. Does this armor get affect by his metal gun?
Using the knowledge of how torsion weaponry was developed to be used by all the races, adapt the DM specs to match.
What kind of shields does the consortium uses?
THe catapult that affects mass, allows solid object to pass through each other correct? ANd not all shields will be able to stop them. SO depending on what they use, it may be possible to launch missiles deep inside a ship or station. It doesnt even have to be the explosive misiiles, those sonic ones or marbles could do plenty of damage.

So if its likely most rulers are telepathic, or aiming to get telepathic, so could prince greyhawk marry that telepathic zio we saw. Will jason offer humans a chance at becoming telepathic? The project is sure to have information on how to do such a thing. The consortium desperatly wanted the generations, the ability was clearly meant as a weapon against thei enemy so the giants should be susceptable to the telepaths.

The GRAF cannon is a big gun, say you built a ship just to be armed with a single one, how big would it be. Say those corvettes are the size of the GRAF ships, in big enough numbers they would do huge damage to the giant ships. These cannon were one shot, 2 kill kind of weapon, so if it hits the enemie down they go.

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:44 pm
by dellstart
Some very interesting sub developments as well.
It’s interesting to note, how Jason’s human heritage, suddenly flares up, in the most unusual of circumstances. Which I suppose is true of anyone, whose lives in foreign country, let alone with an entirely different species.
That line about having his Grandson marrying into the mob just cracked me up. Yila’s aims are far from clear as well.

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:57 am
The karrines are the only known telepaths that are capable of having their powers advances, wanna bet that allot of houses will start their own projects to make better telepaths? At the very least, there will be attempts to get karrine generation to marry in to the house or gain their genetic material?
THe fact that the shaman powers are real, it will make others wonder what else is possible, so projects dedicated to all forms of ESP.
Will the kimdori alterations, could he do a trick similar to the communion to other species and gain their knowlegde with a touch? COuld he learn to be a shaman?

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:07 pm
by dellstart
SYED wrote:The karrines are the only known telepaths that are capable of having their powers advances, wanna bet that allot of houses will start their own projects to make better telepaths? At the very least, there will be attempts to get karrine generation to marry in to the house or gain their genetic material?
THe fact that the shaman powers are real, it will make others wonder what else is possible, so projects dedicated to all forms of ESP.
Will the kimdori alterations, could he do a trick similar to the communion to other species and gain their knowlegde with a touch? COuld he learn to be a shaman?
Plausible indeed.

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:03 am
SAy house karrine create that Mind Machine tech for all the house, they could simply hide it as new gestalt tech, so while other could get it, due to the fear of messing with their minds, they would avoid that tech.

I wonder if house Karrine can build something similar to Iron man?

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:16 am
by CRYUnicornClear
Would anyone else find it helpfull to have a chacter list. I was geting confused with all of Jason's diferent kids. Is it just me?

Re: Secession - Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:17 pm
by Greymist
CRYUnicornClear wrote:Would anyone else find it helpfull to have a chacter list. I was geting confused with all of Jason's diferent kids. Is it just me?
Yep, took me into chapter 2 to start working it out. I've also forgotten what Buzzsaws are.