Did I miss something...

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Did I miss something...

Post by ViceMan »

I have read all the stories in the subjugation universe twice and I am wondering If I missed something or if nothing ever came of a few things.

The first is when Jason is in hiding from the noble house that rules earth and he thinks is up a way to defend against MPACs, which is a layered shield that is modulated to surround the MPAC round in layers of magnetic fields which then reverse its direction back towards who shot it. after that I Haven;t read anything more about it. Did I miss it or is it just no mentioned again.

Another thing that is only mention 2 maybe three times is the Karinne engines which does the opposite of what the rest of the Faey Imperium engine do, It pushes in stead of pulls or vice versa. Its mentioned once when that one lady (whose name escapes me right now) is taking an engine apart and mentions this fact to Jason. The other time is when the same gal mentions that she still looks into it from time to time on her own. is there any other mention of it, and would this not be a good thing to research?

One thing I was linking about is the Nova craft the Jason likes so much. He mentions that is cramed full and that nothing could be added to it. Well I was thinking that even though Karinne tech was way more advanced, it also suffered from things like not using newer data and storage methods (like that thing that attaches to their face) and other things that reduce the size of components. So if they applied that tech to whatever is in the nova, with the better combined engine tech, to reduce the size of things, which would allow them to add shields and or weapons. even if they had to increase the size like 10% it would still be very fast and maneuverable.

One other thing to think about while I am at it. Jason mentioned that Rail guns where being used for the Gladiator Mechs. He also mentions that they are carrying ammo for it. Could you not use the same room to actually build a small automated factory to make those rounds? I mean those rounds as far as it is mentioned the rounds are iron with laminated Titanium sprayed onto it. Both iron and titanium can me replicated, and since the rounds are not to big you could put in two replicators, one to produce the inro rounds and one to feed titanium into molecular sprayers ( like three or so) to spray the titanium onto the iron rounds. And even if the round in the mechs are not those rounds, they have the complex item replicator to manufacture higher elements, so could you not put in a small ammo factory to feed the gladiator rail guns?

Tell me what you think and know. These are just some things I have though about over time. Wondering if others have thought about them to.
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by arargh »

1) I have read them more than twice.

2) I don't remember it being mentioned again.

3) 'Myleena' is the missing name, I think. Only the two times, IIRC.

4) I think that the Nova is a low priority item.

5) I don't think that adding replicators is worth the trouble. After all, the Gladiators have several other weapon systems, and the Rail guns (which are really Coil guns) are not the primary.

6) I haven't really thought these things. And, I don't think you missed anything. :)
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by tereszcz »

I do wonder why anti MPAC shield was not pursued. However, I would apply the tech on much bigger scale say a ship size. Turning the weapons of Fey against them, that would really ticked them off :D
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by shade656 »

House Karinne invented teryon shields that could stop metaphased weapons (MPACs). Jason and crew found this out when they went back to earth in the Scimitar, to rescue the Legion.
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by Darkchiun »

shade656 wrote:House Karinne invented teryon shields that could stop metaphased weapons (MPACs). Jason and crew found this out when they went back to earth in the Scimitar, to rescue the Legion.
Actually they found that it was only mildly effective against MPACs the idea they were pursuing before then would have been much more effective than the teryon shields as the teryon shields collapsed after a few hits from them (which was still better than anything else out there) and the real defense against the MPACs was the armour itself which the metaphased plasma could not pass through. The idea they were pursuing beforehand if up-scaleable would be a quite effective defense against the faey's plasma torpedos which function from what I understand as a much scaled up MPAC gun. The plasma torpedos were also the most effective faey weaponry against the karinne ships I belive. (OMG I posted)
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by tereszcz »

We still might see it in upcoming book. From the title, I am guessing we will see a civil war in the faey empire. The question is who will secede?
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by Darkchiun »

I am guessing it is going to be either the the trillanes or duvalles or however they are spelled. Possibly even karinne itself
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Re: Did I miss something...

Post by gmanjynx »

With Jason now considering concession I bet it would be a good time to revisit this technology since the current shielding is only effective for one salvo of MPAC fire.