draconian measures

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draconian measures

Post by baochou »

Does anyone have a copy of chapter 2?
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Re: draconian measures

Post by Greymist »

There wasn't ever a chapter two released, as far as I'm aware. It morphed into the new short story Fel is writing called "Earth Bond".
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Re: draconian measures

Post by Fawks »

WHAT ?!? Why doesn't anyone ever tell me these things! Now I have to stop reading Kit (again) and read a totally new story from Fel. :)

Maybe I'll read both of them at the same time.

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Re: draconian measures

Post by Fel »

You should pay more attention. ;)

And yeah, these things do happen. I rebooted Draconian Measures, thinking I could make it better by redoing the basic premise behind the story...the appearance of dragons in the modern world.

It's not the first time I've redone a story with major modifications, it's just the first time you've actually seen the first incarnation and the revision that spawned from it.

As to which is better, well, I'll leave that up to you.
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Re: draconian measures

Post by Mark_Reed »

So do you have any future plans/intentions to continue Draconian Measures at some point?