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curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:36 pm
by deane
just wondering does anybody have any recommended stories to read their? I'm bored and looking for more stories :-) that is ;-)

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:40 am
by dellstart
l0l! Just Google harry potter etc etc thousands right there , everything from Innocent tales of action to full on Yaoi!!! Starwars , star trek , transformers, need i go on?

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:39 am
by Belgarion213
I kind of think he was asking for some recommended fics, rather than just finding out that there were millions of them...
Since 95% of all fan fiction is horrible unreadable rubbish, just searching for fan fiction on Google isn't very good.

Best bet would probably go via TVtropes, the fanfic recombination section has categories for lots of things from anime to movies. Usually there's a range of readable stuff, and some stuff that is fairly 'meh'.

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:10 am
by Hearly
If your bored and never read the Honor Harrington series.

Mission of Honor is the latest cd they have there with all the stories but the Earc is out for A Rising Thunder (next book in the series)

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:03 pm
by Koroby Most of his stuff isn't finished, but it's still enjoyable to watch Shinji act like an action hero.

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:44 am
by Brounks
If you like Harry Potter and Stargate i would suggest

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:42 am
by dellstart
Belgarion213 wrote:I kind of think he was asking for some recommended fics, rather than just finding out that there were millions of them...
Since 95% of all fan fiction is horrible unreadable rubbish, just searching for fan fiction on Google isn't very good.

Best bet would probably go via TVtropes, the fanfic recombination section has categories for lots of things from anime to movies. Usually there's a range of readable stuff, and some stuff that is fairly 'meh'.
:oops: my bad.sorry about that .

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:50 pm
by deane
no problem dell and wow a HP/stargate novel :-) gonna love reading this!

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:46 am
by DigitalMaestro
It was a great read. I just burned through all 39 chapters. I'm anxiously awaiting updates from yet another author now.... lol


Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:38 pm
by flash
Well, you haven't mentioned any preferred fandoms, categories or genres yet, so it's difficult to make suggestions you'd want to read. But since you seem to be happy with a HP/SG1 crossover, I'll start with a few stories from either (or both) of those fandoms that I believe are worth a read.

Harry Potter/Firefly = Browncoat, Green Eyes by nonjon (Finished, almost 300k words. I've said it often enough whenever this story has been mentioned, but it's one of the very few crossovers between Harry Potter and Firefly worth reading and certainly the only novel-length one. In this story, Harry Potter binds himself to the Weasley family as a guardian to be summoned in times of need. You can imagine that Harry won't be happy when the one doing the summoning calls himself Weatherby, right? This fanfiction also features a nice back-story about the Earth-that-was and how Reavers came to be.)

Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1 = Harry Potter: An Ancient's Journey by keiranhalcyon2010 (Incomplete, ~400k words. This story was one of the first crossovers between Harry Potter and Stargate SG-1 that have been worth reading. In the past five plus years, it has grown to a respectable story the length of several novels.)

Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1 = Fighting the Gods by phoenix catcher (Incomplete, ~300k words. The premise is very close to the previous story with very similar circumstances. It too hasn't been updated in more than a year, but what has been written, is readable. The writer has published a number of other crossovers with the Harry Potter character, but most of those are slash stories and that's not everyone's cup of tea.)

Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1 = The Astria Porta Project by Solunvar (Finished, ~40k words. After Harry Potter has done away with Voldemort, he needs a new hobby, of course. This story is a surprising sequence of events, that begins with a treasure hunting Harry and continues with him opening a museum in the muggle world. How could that come to be a Stargate crossover? Go figure!)

Harry Potter/Star Trek/Star Wars = Harry Potter and the Four Founders by Darth Marrs (Finished, ~130k words. The first story deals solely with the Harry Potter fandom, but there are two sequels, The Forever Mage with Star Trek and the The Lord of Light with Star Wars. In the first part of this trilogy, Harry is up against his arch-nemesis Voldemort and his wives - yes it's something of a harem story - are the reason why there are two more sequels. I wouldn't say that those are the best stories or crossovers ever, but they can make for a fun casual read. If you're interested in exploring the Star Trek backstory of the 21st century, you should give "The Forever Mage" a read.)

Harry Potter = The Brave New World by bellerophon30 (Finished, almost 900k words, so it can be a bit of a chore to read. It's one of those stories that writers in the Harry Potter fandom have tried often and only seldom gotten right, or finished for that matter. In the Brave New World, Harry has enough of Britain, Hogwarts and Dumbledore and wants to try attending a new school in the good old US of A. Of course, trouble won't stay behind. I like this story, because the writer spends a lot of time on portraying the American wizarding world.)

Harry Potter = The Lie I've Lived by jbern (Finished, ~200k words, but sequel yet to be written. In my opinion, jbern is one of the best writers of the Harry Potter fandom and this story is only one of several that could be mentioned. You should definitely check out his other stories like "Bungle in the Jungle", its sequel and "To Fight The Coming Darkness". In this story, Harry comes to an earth-shaking realization that will trouble him throughout his fourth year at Hogwarts. jbern describes a Harry that can be more than be led around by the nose and he's certainly a more realistic and life-like character than in canon.)

Harry Potter = Poison Pen by GenkaiFan (Finished, ~75k words. It's Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts and he's fed up with the status quo. He gains a more slytherin outlook on his life and decides to affect some changes, both in the school and the greater wizarding world. Not that anyone else knows, of course ;))

Harry Potter = Partners by muggledad (Finished, ~170k words. Partners is one of those stories that I appreciate both for its realism and for its escapism. A literally beaten down Harry escapes his relatives for the last time and receives help from the most unlikeliest places imaginable. The Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass pairing has become a bit of a cliché, but this story is absolutely worth reading if you like Harry a bit more independent than in the books.)

Smallville = The Portal by a-delacroix (Finished, ~160k words. This story will become ten years old this coming November and I like it so much for three reasons. First, it offers a nice flashback into the early seasons, when the Smallville fandom was still alright and the show was fun to watch. Second, the character of Chloe Sullivan has always been much undervalued in the show and this story fixes it neatly. Third, we not only see a true friendship between Lex and Clark but also a few glimpses into Ancient Rome. There's an even longer sequel of ~350k words called Biological Families, where Clark once again travels into the past and meets not only Indiana Jones but also has to deal with plenty of Nazis.)

There's plenty more fanfiction that can be suggested, but if you're not looking for anything specific, then this forum won't be of much more help than any other. You see, already has communities for this sort of thing. If you go to any category on the website, you'll find a link called "Communities (123)" on the top of the page, where 123 denotes the number of user-created communities for this fandom or crossover pairing. A community is a list of stories that every reader can create. Much the same is true, if you open an author's profile page and check his or her favorite stories list. I'm sure that you'll always find something new to read for the next ten or twelve years between all those lists of recommended stories ;)

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:50 am
by Sancria
I got a page of fanfiction I read on that site. happened to favorite them even so I never have to remember them. not all of them are finished though.

Re: curious about fan fiction full stories

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:46 pm
by dawich
Hearly wrote:If your bored and never read the Honor Harrington series.

Mission of Honor is the latest cd they have there with all the stories but the Earc is out for A Rising Thunder (next book in the series)

Much, much more than just the HH - almost all of Lois McMaster Bujold's MIles series, everything John Ringo ever wrote, practically, and so forth. If you go for the latest listed CD with a book title you recognize, it includes most of the author's back catalog, that Baen owns.

And it's completely legit!

Sometimes you get ARCs on the CDs, not the actual printed version (last to Ringo books, spring to mind) but still, months and months of great reading. The new CD is due 'any day now'.