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sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:31 am
by Fel
Sorry it's late.

Mother's been in and out of the hospital the last week, so that's been keeping me busy.

They can't find anything serious wrong, they think she might have acid reflux disease...more tests next week.

Between that and my bout of self-disgust over failing the CCNA, I haven't been much in a writing mood.  Been consoling myself in EQ when not working or ferrying mother back and forth from hospital and doctors.

I won't be writing too much in the next few weeks, as I'm bound and determined to only take the CCNA retake ONCE.  When I pass the CCNA, I'll get back to writing on a semi-schedule (at least for me).

When I do come back, I'll be completing Sword of Fire, then I'll probably put a few more chapters of Subjugation down.

Hope you enjoy it.

BTW:  yes, linkage will be put up in a later post.  I sent it to a bunch of people on IRC.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:59 am
by kridengaged
Sorry your mother isn't well.  :(
Hope they diagnose her quickly.

Good lick on your CCNA exam.  ;)
Sure you'll do well this time around.

And, as a fan -


Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:15 am
by Hearly
Sorry to hear about your mother fel,

Chapter 9 rocked I can't wai t to see who the interested party is who would send him that stuff..

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:39 am
by Lochar
fel wrote:Sorry it's late.

Mother's been in and out of the hospital the last week, so that's been keeping me busy.

They can't find anything serious wrong, they think she might have acid reflux disease...more tests next week.

Between that and my bout of self-disgust over failing the CCNA, I haven't been much in a writing mood. Been consoling myself in EQ when not working or ferrying mother back and forth from hospital and doctors.

I won't be writing too much in the next few weeks, as I'm bound and determined to only take the CCNA retake ONCE. When I pass the CCNA, I'll get back to writing on a semi-schedule (at least for me).

When I do come back, I'll be completing Sword of Fire, then I'll probably put a few more chapters of Subjugation down.

Hope you enjoy it.

BTW: yes, linkage will be put up in a later post. I sent it to a bunch of people on IRC.
Here's to hoping it's nothing bad with you Mother.  take care of family first, then your rabid fans.

Come on someone, post 9.  Then I'll be happy too.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 4:30 am
by spider
Someone quick... post a link to sub 9 i need my chapterly fix to quench my subjugation addiction... I would have gone on irc if not for the fact that i'm at work and i can't use irc...  >:(

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 5:01 am
by Xel
You guys can get the chapter at it's on the website already. I'll post a link to it too.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 5:03 am
by spider
Thanks for posting the link Xel...!! ;D

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 6:46 am
by spider
Well once again Fel has done a chapter which fills the readers with lot's of questions and anticipations for the next chapter.. You go Fel.. i ain't making any assumptions on what's going to happen since curiosity killed the cat  ::)

PS: Hope your mom is fine... :)

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 10:27 am
by Spec8472
Fel, thanks for taking the time to post a chapter.
I hope everything works out well for your Mother.
Good luck (or rather: good management) and best wishes for your CCNA exams.

Everyone else: sorry for not putting the link up (I woulda thought Grey or Canis would've done it), but i'm stuck on regular old dialup, and only with my work lappy (it's the only modem i've got now, until my ADSL gets connected).

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 11:49 am
by canisd
I would have put up a link but I thought of it five minutes after I shut off my computer because of a heavy thunderstorm with lots of lightening that went through my area last night

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:02 pm
by straechav
Much better than last chapter. To borrow an old clich; the plot is thickening. Hopefully Jason can learn to pilot that thing. Extreme mayhem makes for extreme entertainment. It is interesting, I suppose someone recognized the true potential in Jason, and decided that he's worth of trying to bribe (which all this is, after all).

Keep it up, and keep posting.

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:31 pm
by Hearly
straechav wrote:Much better than last chapter. To borrow an old clich; the plot is thickening. Hopefully Jason can learn to pilot that thing. Extreme mayhem makes for extreme entertainment. It is interesting, I suppose someone recognized the true potential in Jason, and decided that he's worth of trying to bribe (which all this is, after all).

Keep it up, and keep posting.
I'm wondering if it is a Test.. I think it might be the Emperess herself who sent it, Or someone very close to her, If that person has Her ear, then she has to be somewhat aware of him..

The test being what could he do with it, as in looking into it's systems, how could he change/modify it to make it better, as so far he's frustrated everything they've done to find him, so wouldn't it be "interesting" from the Faey Point of view to see what he could do with a "real" military machine..

Now, as to why if the Emperess(or the high ranking person) knew from Kumi exactly where he was, why wouldn't she have him just picked up? because from Jsylin he learned that they don't want to hurt him as they see him as too valueable of an asset, so giving him the Illusion of "freedom" and letting him lose to see what he does might be the "best" thing from there point of view...

The above is just random thoughts.. but what does everyone think?  Holes in the theory?

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 4:24 pm
by Weresmilodon
Yeah, the Empress was the first person I thought of when the representant started talking. Lot's of secrecy and all that. But we'll see sometime sooner or later, and till then we'll just have to stew in it.

On another note, am I the only person suspicious of the new species introduced? My plot-sense started tingling about then.

Now Ill have to go read elsewhere so I can get the image of the empress visiting Jayson in his home (in great secrecy of course, anonymously)

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 4:30 pm
by Hearly
were, what I thought was very very interesting is Kumi lives only a  hop-skip-jump away from them Emperess and how easy it would be if he went to see Kumi with his ship after he gets the cloaking worked out...

Re: sub9 released

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 12:03 am
by Hearly
Something else I just thought of..

How would someone "else" know to contact Kumi to get to Jason? How would someone even know there was a connection? Unless she told them....