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Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:58 am
by Forbidder
I don't know how many of your on this list cares or not.  But is hosted from Velocity Networks ip range.  And apparently Velocity Networks did something to get them on the spyware, ad tracking lists which peerguardian and other blockers reject.

So I have to disable my peerguardian whenever i come to the Sennadar website now, and the rest of the people on this board probably becareful of pop up ads and stuff.

Um, I'm just sharing some important information, I'm not making a fuss or anything.  Happy and safe computing.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:02 am
by Spec8472
forbidder wrote:I don't know how many of your on this list cares or not. But is hosted from Velocity Networks ip range. And apparently Velocity Networks did something to get them on the spyware, ad tracking lists which peerguardian and other blockers reject.

Interesting... thanks for the info.
It's very cheap hosting, so I wouldn't be suprised if they're just a single box or two on a rack, using the IP space of some network that is also hosting Spyware or something.
Can you add an "Exception" for / its specific IP?

If anyone can find a host which beats/equals the "Advance Plan" on this page, then let me know.

Check out this thread for the requirements.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:32 am
by canisd
Hey Spec here's one to look at has some possible hosting plans

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:46 am
by Forbidder
Yeah, I added an exception to this specific IP address, it works sometimes for one of my blockers, and I haven't figured it out on the other blocker. (Yes I run multiple blockers)  But in the end, it's not too bad for me, I can deal with it.

And this server does work very smoothly otherwise.  I've had bad experiences with other slow or overloaded servers.  This one doesn't do it.  So I guess it's all a toss up.  Depending on what people are willing to deal with.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:05 am
by Greymist
Forbidder what blockers and browser do you use?

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:37 am
by Forbidder
I've used peer guardian for a while, but it gets slow when the block list is large, so I also have bluetac's protowall, which blocks more than just tcp traffic and is much faster. I also have the hosts file in windows redirect some of the totally unnecessary adserver and trackbot hostnames rerouted to Um, I got winxp ICF going, but that doesn't use IP or IP ranges. I also have a Router doing simple firewalling too.

With that much security you'd figure I would use a virus scanner huh? I really don't except for once a month or three. ;D But I do use Adaware, and spybod search and destroy on a weekly basis.


As for browser, I use Microsoft Internet Explorer because it's so integrated with windows, I figure windows is going to load all the libraries, and drivers for explorer even if I ran another browser, why would I need to bother. But I realize that the browser is one of the biggest places an attack can come in from. I just make sure I limit my browsing to well known sites, and immidiately analyze suspicious activity. But it's still not full proof.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:26 pm
by Greymist
Or you could use another browser and remove all those add blocker blah things, it means you don't need to limit the sites you visit, you have tabs and a better browsing experience :)

/me notes he was surprisingly civil in that.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:23 pm
by Lochar
If you want the same functionality as IE, get FireFox.  That's what I'm using, and I have no problems with it.

*Lochar is suprised at how civil Greymist was.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:11 pm
by Forbidder
Oooh, does Firefox have a very good recommendation from you all?  I'm going to take a look at it.  I had been avoiding getting a different browser because I hated netscape, and I didn't like the minimalist third party browsers that didn't support java or some such.

But why would I get rid of the blockers?  They serve more than just blocking ad and trackers on the browsers, they also serve to block ip's from people/companies known to waste bandwidth from ftp and web servers.  Maybe Firefox does block people from accessing my ftp server that I don't want.  I'll go look now.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:32 am
by Greymist
Fine, keep one plain firewall (which I'd do anyway to safeguard from any new RPC etc exploits) and get FireFox  ;D

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:48 am
by Weresmilodon
Yeah, i use Firefox as well. And the only thing i really miss is the ability to Shift+Tab to the last link of the page, instead of having it stopped at the beginning... But the Tab's more then make up for it.

And besides, i don't think there is a way to uninstall IE. I still use that when a page dosen't work in Firefox.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:22 am
by Lochar
You can always delete the IE directory off your computer.  That works decently well.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:24 am
by Forbidder
depending on what version of windows you can  use the Add/Remove Windows programs, and remove IE.

And I'm browsing on Firefox.  It's pretty nice, uses only 2 more megs of memory than explorer, and it's as stable as IE.  So far the only times I've been able to crash firefox is when it asks me if I want to accept cookies and I click the X to close the prompt instead of answering yes or no.  But I am having problems importing my IE bookmarks.  Anyone able to do that without Firefox crashing out?

But I just plain decided to add in my bookmarks manually.

I don't know if I find the tabbed windows to my liking or not.  I'm the kind of guy who likes to open up like six windows all about the size of a third of his screen, and move the windows to the four corners of the screen, so I can multi-browse and do atleast four simultaneous things.

But the great thing about Firefox is that I can turn off the tabbed windows feature!  Yay.

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:44 am
by canisd
Forbidder, I too have started using firefox and forgot to import the IE bookmarks.

In IE go file, then import and export, and export the favorites to a html file

then in firefox go to bookmarks, manage bookmarks, then on that screen go to file, import and select the html file of the bookmarks

Note italics are the menus and sorry if message seems wierd its 0200 in the morning

Re: Velocity Networks is now blocked by peerguardian.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:42 pm
by Taltos
when i got firefox it automatically imported all favourites...
and i dislike tabbed browsing, too
aside of that i clearly prefer firefox..