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Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:52 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Okay, I can huma along when I don't know the words with the best of them - but I am getting seriously confused by the layout of Noram. I mean I realise the setting is bounded by the gulf of mexico, the east coast, the appalacian mountain range - and somewhere just south of New York (I don't recall snow being mentioned a lot) but other than that I'm largely lost.

Where the hell is everybody? Has anyone kept a better track of mapping locations than I have?

And as a side issue, as the Arcans achieve more and more success - they increase the chance of getting a visit from european (and oriental?) ambassadors. Of some sort. I can understand them turning their nose up at Flur (or similar) but those from further afield might have comidities worth trading for. Recognition and Ligitimacy if nothing else.

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:57 pm
by expedient
I was thinking about this: Should we set up a custom map using Google Maps My Map feature (or MS equivalent) so we can see where things are and troop movements etc?

Update: I just had a quick look into the feasibility of this. The main difficulty is that you can't remove features (such as place names and roads) without Google Maps Pro ($399). It might actually be easier to annotate a series of blank terrain maps in order to keep the details manageable.

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:48 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Or you just use the the KMZ 'bookmarks' file that Google Earth uses. :)

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:04 pm
by expedient
Sorry, I wasn't clear.

It's fairly simple to add new information to Google Maps/Earth but ideally in the interests of clarity I'd start with the 'terrain' maps and add information on top of those. Unfortunately the standard maps have either contemporary text labels all over them or satellite photos with towns, cities and farmland in the detail. If you could start with only the basic information it would be better (in my opinion) for this sort of thing. Earth Pro does allow that but I can't see a simple way of doing it using the free tools.

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:34 pm
by Fel
Maps to track troop movements?

Nooooooo! You're making this HARD!!!!

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:25 pm
by DigitalMaestro
Fel wrote:Maps to track troop movements?

Nooooooo! You're making this HARD!!!!

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:08 am
by ANTIcarrot
Fel wrote:Maps to track troop movements?
That was smeone else's idea. I'm just hoping for some kind of vague idea of where everything is. Something a tadmore precise that 'within 200 miles of the east coast'. :)

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:35 pm
by expedient
Fel wrote:Maps to track troop movements?

Nooooooo! You're making this HARD!!!!
No. I'm going to track down the ridge where Kyven's leg is caught by Toby's whip and take pictures. Then compare the view from the rock above Haven with the description for discrepancies. After that I'll track down the island where Jason tested his railgun prototype and the bar where he played piano and see what else you got wrong! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Seriously, if we had a list of story place names mapped to their current names/locations it'd be a simple matter to draw lines showing where Kyven went during his spirit walk or the general path Danver's army has followed.

Re: Where the hell is everbody? (map request)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:07 pm
by Tarquinus
That is true but it also means that Fel has to be a lot more precise when he speaks of distances and positions of troops.... IE if Army A moved 50 miles and Army B moved 150 miles Fel can say that they are still however many miles apart from 50 to 1000 or more but if there is only a possible 300 miles then he can't say they are 500 miles apart etc. Prolly a crappy example but my thoughts all the same.