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Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:11 pm
by Fel
I'm done with chapter 13.  I log onto IRC to deliver it and...

I find that NewNet has split into 2 different networks, and half the people in one channel on one network, and half in the the channel on the other.


For now--for NOW--I'd like to use the #sennadar on the original NewNet, via, if only because it seems that a majority of people are in that channel as opposed to the one on the other network.

Mind you, that certainly may change, depending on how stable things are on either network.

Anyway, someone will post a reply to this with a site where you can get 13.  Sorry it took so long, but I have a lot going on right now.

Hope you enjoy it.

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:13 pm
by J-Man5
you can get it at


Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:08 pm
Fel & J-Man5

Thank You


Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:10 pm
by Lochar
Woo!! Happy happy!  Joy JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great chapter, and I like the idea of convert a piece of Pyrosia into Sennadar.

Question:  If Tarrin does have to end up using the Druidic route, if the Elder God of Pyrosia isn't dead it should wake him up with a start.  Making a change to his whole universe is rather startleing, isn't it?

Going up on my site here in just a few minutes.

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:18 pm
by Weresmilodon
I haven't had the time to read it yet, but... Fel, i think i've said it before. Can't we move the IRC channel to another server? NewNet is just too unstable, and it seems to be getting worse lately.

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:50 am
by Hearly
Very Nice fel

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:58 am
by Wildcat
Yay, another chapter! I can't wait for the battle; it looks like it'll be a really good one. You've done a magnificent job finding harder and harder challenges for Tarrin to face so that even now I know he's going to have to fight hard to win.

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:12 am
by Spec8472
Having a Sickie today ... just woke up and, hey: new chapter! link:

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:37 am
by Forbidder
Grrrrreat!  I got my werecat fix.  Now I should be tied over for a while.  It was a great read I had to stop doing all other stuff that I was doing and concentrate.

Hope your muses keep up with your pace and supply you with plenty more inspiration so we can see more chapters :)

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:17 am
by MommyDoom
I happy. I goooood.

*sigh of contentment*


Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:05 am
by DaBear
Very good chapter. I woke up and started checking all my various sites for updates and almost skipped past the post because I thought it was another false alarm, then I say Fel's name and actually shouted 'Yippee!' Then looked around my empty apartment hopping no one heard.  ;D

I like the way you invision the dwarves/Dura/Duthak (keep wanting to spell that Dunthak for some reason) and their lives/way of living.

I thought the last line of the chapter hilarious but then became saddened that it was the last line in the chapter. My greedy, self-centered First child mentality screams More, More, More!!! But I'll restrain my self from saying anyth... ahhhh!! Damnit to late.


Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:37 pm
by J-Man5
mommydoom wrote:I happy. I goooood.

*sigh of contentment*

You?  Good?   When?!!!!


p.s. Taunts the Spoon of Doom holder!!!!

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:21 pm
by MommyDoom
j-man5 wrote:
You? Good? When?!!!!


p.s. Taunts the Spoon of Doom holder!!!!
Mom?  Is that you?  ;D

Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:40 pm
by J-Man5
mommydoom wrote:
Mom?  Is that you?  ;D

With my nick being "J-Man5" I would hope you'd be able to not confuse me with your mother.  Though that might say something about her looks.  I certainly know from personal experience that I am not "equipped" to be someone's mother.


Re: Chapter 13 and the netsplit...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:31 am
by Graewolfe
nice work as always fel, loved your veiw/s on dwarves/all thierothernames
*goes into greedy kid mode* MORE NOW CHOP CHOP ;D