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Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:26 am
by Fel
On Wednesday, I went from being just fine to flat on the floor so dizzy I couldn't even raise my head in about 10 minutes. It came with nausea and cold sweats, as well as a curious inability to lock my eyes on something, which I think contributed to my vertigo.

I figured I got food poisoning from some McDonald's I had that morning, given how swiftly it hit me.

Well, yesterday I felt well enough to get up and move around, though I was still a tiny bit light-headed and would get dizzy if I moved my head too fast. By bedtime, I felt even better. I figured that by this morning, I'd be just fine and well enough to go to work.

I woke up about half an hour ago, and I'm dizzy again. I'm getting steadily better and should be alright in time for work, but I've never been sick like this before, and to be honest, it's scaring me a little. I've never had an illness I couldn't shake off within 2 days, and I've NEVER had one that came BACK after I got better. As far as immune systems go, I can say that I'm blessed with a very strong one. I can count the number of times I've been sick enough to miss work on one hand in my entire life.

So, you nurses and doctors out there, what the heck have I got? Getting a diagnosis here is way cheaper than going to a hospital.

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:28 am
by abysmalblade
... kinda sounds like what happens to me when i get low blood pressure but i don't know

btw thanks for all the stories

now to disappear again

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:33 am
by Tarquinus
Well, I'm by no means a doctor... However I do experience two things that are similar. The worst of the two being Migraines.... Those are the exact symptoms I get from an extreme migraine along with a bad headache of course. Secondly Hypoglycemia causes those same symptoms and eating doesn't always end them immediately. Try drinking orange juice and see if you start to feel better. It will likely take 1-3 hours depending on your metabolism before you see any real change.

You could also expect to see some similar symptoms if you have diabetes and aren't watching your sugar levels... high or low.

Hope you feel better mate.


Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:18 pm
by garion
beleave it or not an inner ear infection can cause those symptoms

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:36 pm
by Mistra
if it didn't stop after eating something, i'm with garion, any other possible ear-related symptoms like a high-pitch sound or partial hearing-loss? (not like i'm a doctor or anything, just a lot of similar conditions in my family.)

edit: happy birthday btw

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:58 pm
by imthejman85
Last time I had food poisoning it was kinda obvious. I had stuff coming out both ends simutaniously.... it was not a pleasant experience. An inner ear infection could cause the dizziness and vertigo, but I don't remember if it could prevent you from at least focusing your eyes on something. I doubt it would cause you to break into cold sweats though, albeit it could also cause the nausea if you get dizzy enough, which it sounds like you were. As much as it pains me to say it, diagnosis via Sennadar Forums might not be the way to go. I suggest just biting the bullet and seeing a doctor about it. Let us know how everything's going Fel! Looking forward to the next chapter!

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:14 pm
Fel wrote:On Wednesday, I went from being just fine to flat on the floor so dizzy I couldn't even raise my head in about 10 minutes. It came with nausea and cold sweats, as well as a curious inability to lock my eyes on something, which I think contributed to my vertigo.

I figured I got food poisoning from some McDonald's I had that morning, given how swiftly it hit me.

Well, yesterday I felt well enough to get up and move around, though I was still a tiny bit light-headed and would get dizzy if I moved my head too fast. By bedtime, I felt even better. I figured that by this morning, I'd be just fine and well enough to go to work.

I woke up about half an hour ago, and I'm dizzy again. I'm getting steadily better and should be alright in time for work, but I've never been sick like this before, and to be honest, it's scaring me a little. I've never had an illness I couldn't shake off within 2 days, and I've NEVER had one that came BACK after I got better. As far as immune systems go, I can say that I'm blessed with a very strong one. I can count the number of times I've been sick enough to miss work on one hand in my entire life.

So, you nurses and doctors out there, what the heck have I got? Getting a diagnosis here is way cheaper than going to a hospital.
I'm the opposite of you, if I get sick I go to a clinic and ask the doctors there why -- and I do it soon. I figure trying to self medicate or listening to advise from others is not the best way to tackle a health problem, but then I live in Canada and have universal health care, which pays for my doctor bills.

I'll give you two examples from my family history with similar symptoms to yours though.

About twenty years ago my son used to love to swim in a neighbour's pool. One next night he got sick, staggered to the bathroom and barfed. He complained that his head was spinning, he couldn't see straight and he felt like throwing up. We took him to the clinic and were told he had an inner ear infection probably picked up by getting water in the ear from a pool that wasn't cleaned and maintained properly. My son was given a few pills and by the next day he was able to attend a little league game where he was able to join his teammates on the field and even played for part of the last inning.

On the other hand one of my cousins had similar symptoms and went to the doctor to see what was wrong. In his case, the doctor tried pills and other medications with no effect. Eventually the doctors did an MRI and found he had a tumour which was pressing on his inner ear. What made it worse, the tumour turned out to be inoperable.

So my advise is -- if the symptoms continue, GO SEE A DOCTOR!

In any case and no matter what you do, I hope you feel better soon.

K Pelle

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:47 pm
by Wolfee
imthejman85 wrote:Last time I had food poisoning it was kinda obvious. I had stuff coming out both ends simutaniously.... it was not a pleasant experience. An inner ear infection could cause the dizziness and vertigo, but I don't remember if it could prevent you from at least focusing your eyes on something. I doubt it would cause you to break into cold sweats though, albeit it could also cause the nausea if you get dizzy enough, which it sounds like you were. As much as it pains me to say it, diagnosis via Sennadar Forums might not be the way to go. I suggest just biting the bullet and seeing a doctor about it. Let us know how everything's going Fel! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Agreed - last time I had food poisoning it was wondering which end to aim at the toilet!! What you have sounds like the side affects of a bad migraine - however I'd go see the doc on that one cause it really shouldn't be coming back the next day. Also sounds like low blood sugar - used to get this a lot as a kid, nothing like missing breakfast and being so hungry/lightheaded you feel like your gonna hurl!! However if you've eaten and gotten plenty of starches and sugars and are not dehydrate and it comes back the next day - off to the doctor with you! You actually might also have the flu, so off to the doctor with you.

Hope your feeling better soon - being sick is no fun! Even with nurses in sexy nurse outfits. :mrgreen:

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:40 pm
by Fel
After waking up dizzy again this morning, I went to the hospital.

Inner ear infection. And there's nothing they can do about it, so they prescribed me some antihistimines to help with the vertigo and sent me home.

So, someone gets a gold star.

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:47 pm
by garion
not gloating or nothing its just i had a tone of the things when i was younger and new the symptoms hope you get better man and stay as horizontal as posible it helps

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:37 pm
by Wolfee
What no antibiotics? Seriously? Go see the family doc and get a prescription and knock the thing outa the park.

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:22 pm
by Fel
Wolfee wrote:What no antibiotics? Seriously? Go see the family doc and get a prescription and knock the thing outa the park.
Antibiotics only work against bacteriological and some fungal infections. They have no real effect on viral infections.

Remembering my sister's basic nursing ftw.

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:02 pm
by dellstart
Fel wrote:After waking up dizzy again this morning, I went to the hospital.

Inner ear infection. And there's nothing they can do about it, so they prescribed me some antihistimines to help with the vertigo and sent me home.

So, someone gets a gold star.
sounds bloody ugly. belated get well and all that

Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:41 pm
by wildph
dellstart wrote: sounds bloody ugly. belated get well and all that
Yep, I'll second that. Nasty stuff, get well soon Fel, hope it all sorts itself out and you've no long-term effects.


Re: Anyone been sick like this before?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:02 am
by lagomilo
My wife had the vertigo issue. The docs told her is was a little crystallization in the inner ear canal. Once solution was to increase fluid intake and take an anti nausea medicine. Not much else that they could do.

Happy belated b-day
