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Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:46 pm
by dellstart
Hey , I started the last one , might as do this 0ne as well.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:49 am
I wonder if the Zyagya will allow confederate forces to jump out of their system to strike alliance targets, also with stargate and indictors they have the option to expand into isolated systems, could a defense pact be created out of that. also they could act as a neutral third party for the imperium and collective, and others that may join.

ALl the little guys will be worried about alliance expanding so it might drive them into jasons arms, also he has shown that the collective can die. Also let the alliance find out where the consortium battle site is and that they have abandoned ships, the alliance will come in force and be destroyed. This could lead to the consortium striking the alliance. Also i thought the alliance hasnt had the time to adapt the new weapons tech. The shio and the collonies are likly to join for protection, as the colonies telepaths are targets of interest to the consortium generation project, also the shio would atually fit well with the imperium. The little groups with see the alliance trying to invade as a sign to chose a side confederation, consortium or alliance, the comfeds will be chosen because of karine..The alliance was lesser than the imperium, empire and collective, but what is its actual size? The alliance has great sensors but not hyperspace sensors or the tech, so what do they have.

They will want to invade Zyagya so let them, trick them inthinking that a fleet could get through, but send them to an isolated system, so they are traped. so starve or surrender. the confeds get a fleet to give to potential allies and access to unique tech.

So an empire of 48 systems gas fallen, bigger than the collective, smaller than the imperium, dahnai will be sure to gobble it up once the consortium is done. Wonder if jason will incurage a resistance, promising tho make them equal partners in the imperium. can the weapons be built be tthe resistance. if jason hellps them, would they likly to join.

The bug breeding planet is a fixed target like the station, so vulnerable to bombardment like the stations. SO 18 stations, a planet for breeding and an 48 system empire and one entry point to the galaxcy, guarded by at the most 20000 ships if that to 15000. So around 300 to 220 ships each if distributed evenly. They have the anti matter bombs and the locaations of stations, theey should carry out a strike as soon as can do to wipe out their inferstructure. AIm at the stations closest to their space , their worlds, allies and battlegrounds. ALso hire privateers and pirates to randomly plant mines and what ever all over space to go after consortium or alliance.

With the wolves altering ship combat you either need fighters or point defence. Soon the confederation will have the forces when the consortium is gone to take agreat deal of space. The shockwave seems best but does mean lowering the spartial compensator.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:49 pm
by pfors
When it says that a planet is twice the size of some other, is that twice the diameter, twice the surface area or twice the volume?
I'd assumed volume, since that's seems to be what we normally mean when talking about the size of something without specifying, but then this came along:
"Zyagya Prime, a huge terrestrial planet that was nearly twice the size of Terra, but had gravity only 1.25 Earth gravity due to a lighter density and a hell of a lot of water."
Since a planet with twice the volume of Earth and the same density would have a surface gravity about 1.26 times as strong, there'd only be room for a minute difference in density unless some other measure of size is used.

edit: ok, actually the next sentence cleared it up. Must be twice the radius if it's going to be 22% land and have anywhere near four times the land area of earth (it's still only three times, but anything else makes it smaller still).

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:58 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Question about the nebula: Is the problem the amount of real-space material a ship can pass through before something bad happens? Or the fact that with that much uncharted (unchartable?) mass about, no one can predict the exit point? If the former, there are any number of ways to clear a path through the gas. (Nuke strings. Relatavistic projectiles.) If the latter, why not just build a few thousand cheap jump engines, launch them and brute force map the distortions based upon where they come out?

And if neither of those will work, how the heck are the damn bugs getting in and out?!

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:13 pm
by Lochar
They're getting in and out the slow way, not jumping in. Which is the problem for Jason et all, because going in the slow way when the enemy is sitting there firing at you isn't fun.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:49 am
by Fel
ANTIcarrot wrote:Question about the nebula: Is the problem the amount of real-space material a ship can pass through before something bad happens? Or the fact that with that much uncharted (unchartable?) mass about, no one can predict the exit point? If the former, there are any number of ways to clear a path through the gas. (Nuke strings. Relatavistic projectiles.) If the latter, why not just build a few thousand cheap jump engines, launch them and brute force map the distortions based upon where they come out?

And if neither of those will work, how the heck are the damn bugs getting in and out?!
The problem with the nebula is that it acts much like an interdictor. The nebula as a single mass generates enough of an overall gravity well to prevent jumping into its interior. They can't jump into the nubela and get close enough to attack before the Consortium can retaliate. If they attack, they have to jump to the edge and go in under sublight, which gives the Consortium a chance to organize and try to block them. And given there would probably be a few thousand ships in there defending that base, well, that kind of frontal attack would be almost prohibitively expensive, even if it succeeded.

They could conceivably clear a path through the nebula's gases to get stealthed ships in there, but that wouldn't be all that effective. Consortium sensors would see this strange clearing of nebula gas in a suspicious straight line heading right for their base....

But never fear, our overly sneaky heroes are trying to find a way in. Wether or not they succeed, well, you'll find out.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:37 am
by aberia
trojan horse.... use the consortiums broadcast system to turn their ships against them.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:53 am
SO get rid of extra ships, disrupt there inferstructure in new empire, stop bug production.

new empire will quickly get infiltrated by kimdori which leads to resistance and future ally. can kimdori read energy beings. what condition is the empire.

Spare ships will get guarded so steal or destroy or both by hijacking and attacking their guards. using pirates and cloaked ships hook onto the spare ships and take control, they know the systems. booby trap, destroy, hijack or steal. energy being let the bugs do all the work, they are not on all the ships so mess with comms. use the rings or plant the balls. how much of their fleet will they store for a time. they will split crew to keep ships going, so say a minimum of 5000 ships stored.

get a fleet of tracktor ships, draw away most of the guarding ships and swooping snatching as much as can and fly away. can a gate be cloaked, get it set up near by but dont activate when guards are gone and occupied, activate and send wave after wave to steal. junk will be spare parts.

leak to the alliance that the trefaNIes have a military/pirate base in the nebula no one knows and has alot of money there and basing alot of operations there due to the indictor. sensor wwill say lots of activity. how big is nebula and the distance to planet. nebula mess with sensor so using stealth ships, lay down as mutch trouble material as can.

make deal with skaa, attack the alliance and keep some systems while we get others and we give sligh asistanse. of an attaack route from the center. offer pirate and privateers access so long as they dont know how.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:18 am
by lapland
So, can they "ride the wave" like they do with their own interdictor. They do have advanced knowledge of how to cercumvint the interdictor so maybe....
The next question is "How many interdictors would it take to circle the nebula?" Maybe they should mine it as well. They can't get out, they won't be a problem, no matter how many of them there are. Jason already has ways to destablilize matter. He is a major threat at a distance. There is going to e some fun and games being plaid and the rest of the galaxy is going to be REAL friendly with Jason when they realize just how mean he can really be.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:14 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Fel wrote:They could conceivably clear a path through the nebula's gases to get stealthed ships in there, but that wouldn't be all that effective.
But a cleared path with the right geometry would effectively create a line of flat space (EG: no gravity) between the inside and the outside. Then just jump through the tunnel. Just like clearing a minefield. Even after clearing a minefield they'd never know when/if an attack was actually going to take place. Yes. Yes. I know. The whole 'its really magic' thing...

Well, if all else fails, there's always old military wisdom: If the enemy is is within a well fortified and provisioned fortress, with no easy way in, and no easy way to force him out, then make sure he stays there. :twisted: Just surround the nebula (or part of it) with more interdictors. Turn a six moonth trip into a three year trip and hit them on the way out, as they'd hit you on the way in.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:59 pm
by Fel
ANTIcarrot wrote:
Fel wrote:They could conceivably clear a path through the nebula's gases to get stealthed ships in there, but that wouldn't be all that effective.
But a cleared path with the right geometry would effectively create a line of flat space (EG: no gravity) between the inside and the outside. Then just jump through the tunnel. Just like clearing a minefield. Even after clearing a minefield they'd never know when/if an attack was actually going to take place. Yes. Yes. I know. The whole 'its really magic' thing...

Well, if all else fails, there's always old military wisdom: If the enemy is is within a well fortified and provisioned fortress, with no easy way in, and no easy way to force him out, then make sure he stays there. :twisted: Just surround the nebula (or part of it) with more interdictors. Turn a six moonth trip into a three year trip and hit them on the way out, as they'd hit you on the way in.
That's pretty damn clever. Wish I'd thought of it when I planned that out. ;)

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:33 am
by Lochar
Or even play the "Sit at the border and let loose with railguns" game.

So it takes six months at lightspeed to hit something. Fill the 'air' with enough bullets, they can't move that well in the nebula. Fish, barrel, gun.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:44 am
the indictor actually speeds a ship up just before it knocks them out of hyperspace, what if a strong enough hyperspace catapult was used to force their way in to the nebula. be dangerous for the living i suppose and they would not have a way to jump out, but the disposable weapons could be launched into the nebula. also due to no living beings on boad can be fitted for dangerous ly fast engines with no safeties.

you know the graf cannons, can they be fitted on a satelite, because if you can you can make long distance weaponry, a field not used as much due to ships jumping away.

did the karinnes ever try to get around the indictor issue by creating an alternate ftl engine, even if they had not compleeted one, they had to have theories and plans that never got finished.

Karrine promissed to share the tech with those that attended the summett not all worlds right, also has he even givern out the data yet. Once it is known that karrine will indict planets, the little guys will ask for help. The main fleet of the consortium is busy so easier to act now. Also after the war, their own ships will be so bad ass that they will be able to conquer the other worlds. the imperium advantage is it can seed gates all oover to accelerate movement.

Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:16 am
by DigitalMaestro
As I understand it, interdictors destabilize hyperspace. I wonder if a collection of interdictors in a pattern could destabilize hyperspace to the point where spatial rifts leak into real space wreaking untold destruction... a ring around the nebula perhaps?


Re: Tribulation(spoilers ) chap 2

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:24 pm
by dellstart
DigitalMaestro wrote:As I understand it, interdictors destabilize hyperspace. I wonder if a collection of interdictors in a pattern could destabilize hyperspace to the point where spatial rifts leak into real space wreaking untold destruction... a ring around the nebula perhaps?

that's not a bad possibility either.
anticarrot- thats not bad at all !