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3 questions from Subjugation

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:47 pm
by NSC
I just finished reading the story Subjugation and I have 3 lingering questions.

1. How did the Faey find/discover Earth before claiming it?

2: Who shot Kumi?

3: Who attacked the ship that Jason was on?

Maybe these are answered in the next stories, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Re: 3 questions from Subjugation

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:14 pm
by Sigrath85
Ok questions 2 and 3 i can answer 1 im not sure about

2 Kumi was shot by assassins hired by the higher ranking members of her own house because she was trying to find out about the slavery.

3 Jason was attacked by basically the same people as Kumi

Re: 3 questions from Subjugation

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:32 pm
by dellstart
Sigrath85 wrote:Ok questions 2 and 3 i can answer 1 im not sure about

2 Kumi was shot by assassins hired by the higher ranking members of her own house because she was trying to find out about the slavery.

3 Jason was attacked by basically the same people as Kumi
fel has actually answered question number one , if i am not mistaken. As I recall , they kind of lucked out , since earth is often the beaten track and not a major galaxy hub to say the very least.