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Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:22 pm
by heustess
I have a friend with two large online books. He has them on his website plus he is on Storiesonline and Smashwords. He wants to get more exposure for his work. The following sites are listed in posts in these forums. Does anyone know of other good sites where online work can be posted or linked to? Also, does anyone have any comments on the sites below about how they treat authors? Any other ideas about how he can get exposure for his work?

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:36 pm
by gnume
what story name ?

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:44 pm
by heustess
Magestic and K2 by Geoff Wolack Magestic is a time-travel story and K2 is a political thriller.

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:11 pm
by fortress
I read K2 when it was posted to SOL, very good story. I haven't gotten the chance to read Majestic yet though.

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:26 pm
by heustess
K2 has a book 7 available from Geoff for $1/1£. I love Johno.

Magestic is a lot of fun to read. Chapter 16 will be out soon.

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:47 pm
by Ferux
I have read both and I highly encourage anyone with plenty of time to read both. The only warning I will give is you have to treat it like one of Fel's master pieces. By that I mean move your fridge to the bathroom cause the stories draw you in and you will not want to stop reading till you have finished all that has been posted. :D

As for other sites to post on I can only think of fan fic sites like THP, Ficsite and but I would not think he would want a load of fan boys slamming him because his stories have nothing to do with fan fiction. Although I think it would be well received on as that particular site was designed to put up any story. Granted it is all currently fanfic but the orig fic has to start somewhere.

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:56 am
Having read the stories you refer to, I wouldn't really recommend 'Beyond the Far Horizon' -- unless the author [GWResearch(?)] has an extremely thick skin. I'm afraid the views expressed in his two stories, especially those in 'Magestic' which concern American politics, might ruffle a few feathers.

Now I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with 'Beyond the Far Horizon' - it is a very good site in its own way, but people there can be quite critical of anyone whose editing is 'unorthodox' or whose political belief does not match theirs. If you read the forum on that site, you'll soon see what I mean.

Re: Places to post an online story

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:47 pm
by dawich
GBLW wrote:Now I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with 'Beyond the Far Horizon' - it is a very good site in its own way, but people there can be quite critical of anyone whose editing is 'unorthodox' or whose political belief does not match theirs. If you read the forum on that site, you'll soon see what I mean.
Pretty much why I just read the On-topic, and steer away from the Off-topic fora...