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Firefox Update

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:27 pm
by canisd
For those who use firefox, version 1PR is out spread the word their tring for 1,000,000 Downloads in 10 Day

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:11 am
by Spec8472

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:09 am

OK I have looked at the site, and have the general idea.

But why should I do this, give me a little information about the product and its benefit to me please.

I want this from an experienced users perspective, not just so their number climbs to a million or more.

A little meat in simple english about firefox and what it is etc...



Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:13 am
by Graewolfe
firefox is pritty much the ultimate in browsers especialy if you still using IE.
built in popup blocking, tabed windows, mouse gestures, alterable/skinable ui. you name it its got it

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 pm
by Wildcat
The best part about Firefox, to me, is that most of the added functionality is wrapped up in extensions.  You download a core browser, and if you want Adblock, Flashblock, or whatever, you can put those on. There's very little worry that the browser is going to start doing something strange (for me, my gripe with my home computer is that my mother LOVES those little mouse-trails and keeps installing them, which I can't delete).  Tabbed browsing is a wonderful change from the multiple-window syndrome I have with IE, and nearly anything else you can think of is included or can be added. My Firefox is different from other people's Firefoxes, and I like that I know exactly what's installed for mine, without wasting space on features I never use.

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:44 am
by rick
I have it and I love it. I got it because  Explore keep crashing my computer.

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:32 pm
by Sir_J
I don't know if anyone relizes it, but Netscape was based on Mozilla.  Now, Netscape is now based on Gecko (think spelled right).  Do a little looking around and you'll find that Gecko/Netscape is very very loosely based on Mozilla.  Strangely enough, Netscape keeps expanding in size with every version, but no real improvements are made, and is less stable (they taking tips from Microsoft?).  Just a little bit of useless info.
I use Opera for my browser, and Thunderbird (Mozilla stand alone email client).  Firefox is my alternate browser.  Netscape is a dirty name to be now. :)

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:19 pm
by Forbidder
why opera?

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:36 pm
by Shadowhawk
sir_j wrote:I don't know if anyone realizes it, but Netscape was based on Mozilla.  Now, Netscape is now based on Gecko (think spelled right).
Not exacly right. Netscape was name of company and name of web browser (up to Netscape Navigator 4.70), although "we write Netscape and spell Mozilla" (if I remeber correctly). Some time ago, doe to losing browser war to IE, Netscape open sourced their browser. Open Source version uses name Mozilla. The newest version of Mozilla is now 1.7.3. Netscape adds to Mozilla some functionalities (e.g. Flash plugin), packages it, adds support and sell product as Netscape (the newest version is 7.2). And I think it is not the only product based on Mozilla browser (as opposed to program which uses Gecko engine, see below). Firefox is light-weight, browser only, version of Mozilla. But it uses XUL interface, like Mozilla.

The engine which renders HTML in Mozilla uses name Gecko. Some other programs uses Gecko engine, but other GUI (user interface), like K-Meleon (Windows), Galeon and Epiphany (GTK+ and/or GNOME), Camino (MacOS X). Many of the Mozilla add-ons functions only in XUL Mozilla/Firefox. Other engines are IE, Opera, KHTML (Konqueror in KDE, Safari in MacOS X).

Re: Firefox Update

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 10:37 pm
by Sir_J
forbidder wrote:why opera?
At the time I started using Opera, I hated IE, and Netscape was bloatware.  It's pretty fast, and can actually see if it's transfering.  Sometimes (no where as bad as it use to), it has problems with webpages (I suspect webpages made with Frontpage/for IE).
Firefox runs with those pages Opera has trouble with.

As for Gecko, I just remember seeing it mentioned when Netscape 7.xx would start.  I think my dad found that Gecko had some relation to Netscape, and not so much Mozilla.  I don't think either of us realized it was an engine.  Doesn't really matter, I gave up on Netscape, when bug fixes result in a d/l another 5-10 meg bigger.  Last verion I got was 35-40meg.  Opera and Mozilla are about 15meg, and are more stable.