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Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:21 am
Here's the next installment - Chapter 8
Unfortunately it comes with a warning - I'm getting grinding sounds from my computer hard drive - which is usually bad news. I may be off-line and unable to write for a while.
I even tried my best NOT to leave a cliffhanger :wink:


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:24 am
by gesit
you made my day m8


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:27 am
by zedd
thank you

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:05 am
by DigitalMaestro
Paranoia reigns... So glad I live in the USA. We have castle doctrine in FL so I have the right to defend my life, family, and property with deadly force.

God bless the NRA.

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:58 pm
DigitalMaestro wrote: ... We have castle doctrine in FL ...
Yes, I know about the 'castle doctrine' and know it isn't perfect either. For instance I recall reading a newspaper article about a gentleman who was dropping off religious tracts door to door and was met at one door by a little old lady with very poor eyesight. He held out a religious tract toward her and she shot him with a pistol because she thought he was threatening to stab her with a knife.

Both that situation and my plot are extreme examples, but mine is fiction which involves a thirteen year old kid, protective parents and a very convoluted situation. In case it isn't plain yet, I'm trying to show the influences which develop the character of the protagonist and to do that in a relatively short time, I'm using extremes which wouldn't happen in real life.

Don't worry, life in portions of the US of A will also get attention, but Tor has to grow up first. :wink:

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:30 pm
by DigitalMaestro
GBLW wrote: For instance I recall reading a newspaper article about a gentleman who was dropping off religious tracts door to door and was met at one door by a little old lady with very poor eyesight. He held out a religious tract toward her and she shot him with a pistol because she thought he was threatening to stab her with a knife.
We have laws intended to prevent this, but the system seems to have failed to prevent it this time. But really, who approaches someone in their own home when they're holding a gun? I doubt grandma was a quick draw, so it was probably obvious what she was holding.


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:12 pm
by DrGonzo
Thanks again

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:10 pm
by samuelmichaels
GBLW wrote:Here's the next installment - Chapter 8
Unfortunately it comes with a warning - I'm getting grinding sounds from my computer hard drive - which is usually bad news. I may be off-line and unable to write for a while.
I even tried my best NOT to leave a cliffhanger :wink:
Thank you! And good luck with the computer. May it fare better than Tor's Apple.

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:30 am
by Hawkeye
Thanks for a very entertaining story!


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:14 am
by Greywolf
Pretty cool.

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:35 am
by afrigeek
Much appreciated. Thank you.

Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:38 pm
Just to let folks know why I haven't been active - I got hit by a triple whammy.

First I lost my main computer - the power supply shorted out an sent spike through a couple of low voltage feeds - instant crappolla of the whole machine and the main drive - thankfully I back up my work weekly.

Second I had a death in the family - no more need be said about that.

Third I had fall - and at my age that means doctors, hospitals, the whole schmear.

I'm okay, but will be taking a break - I need to do some reading and research anyway, so this is as good a time for that as any.

BTW - if you want a half decent read in the meantime - go to SoL and look for an author named GWResearch - a story called Magestic. It's unfinished, but quite long, so will keep you reading for a night or two, maybe more ...


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:46 am
by crxbnt

(or dotB) Sorry to hear about the triple whammy. Take care of yourself first. That is the most important thing. Readers will always be impatient and we tend to think more about ourselves and our own situations than the authors whose work we devour. I appreciate your sharing the story with us, and will wait until you are able to write again. Hey, we have had a lot of practice over the years in this forum! FEL sometimes makes us wait months!



Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:49 am
Just a quick update
When I mentioned the death in my family, I neglected to mention that the person who died was also my primary editor.

I now have a new editor, but she's a retired English teacher and she convinced me to make a few changes to 'Thor's Child.' (Actually she chewed on my ear so hard and so often that I gave in.)

Okay, let's be honest, the few changes became a complete rewrite, so the story is being totally redone.
The portion which is done is no longer in first person singular format - most of the dangling participles have been removed - punctuation has been improved . . . etc, etc!

I'll be reposting the full 8 chapters soon and on top of that I'll add chapter 9 - all within a week or so - (I hope, but no guarantees.)


Re: Thor's Child - Chapter 8

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:08 am
by Hods_Sorrow
No offense but its one thing that is constant irritant to me when authors decide to completely rewrite thier works before they finish them, I can only hope this will only happen once since i really enjoy this story