Intro, Congrats and a Question

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Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by The_Namer »

I'd just like to say hi to everyone here at the forum, and give my congradulations on a truly masterful series. I've only just begun Weavespinner, but everything so far has been extremely well-written. I do, however, have a question. To what extent was the Firestaff quintet influenced by other works? I've noticed many parallels to other fairly well-known fantasy series, and wanted to know if they were inspiration, or just coincidence.
A few examples of these are :

Tarrin being extremely like both Rand (Wheel of Time)and Richard (Sword of Truth). All rustic boys, unused to danger/magic, thrust into a destiny in which they had hidden/almost lethal to themselves/enormously powerful abilities.

Dolanna being very similar to both Moiraine(WoT), especially with the whole Knight/Warder mirror and-to a lesser extent-Sister Verna(SoT). The Sorcerers in general are similar to the Aes Sedai and the sorceresses of the Palace; all slowly aging and having innate powers.

The Goddess and Tarrin have a relationship quite similar to that of Mystra (Forgotten Realms) and her Chosen, particularly Elminster.

Just mentioning those little items. They, among a few others, sparked my interest as I was reading, so I was curious. On a more flattering not, I absolutely love your magic system. It's so well thought-out, with each class/order having carefully balanced abilities and both strengths and limitations. The different sources of power and rules regarding every one give a very defined sense of what it is to be a sorcerer, wizard, ect.
Last edited by The_Namer on Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Fel »

Well, thanky kindly.  :)

The mirrors to Wheel of Time basicly creeped me out, mainly because I started these books when I was in high school, BEFORE Robert Jordan began his series.  The friend who convinced me to start writing the stories again after reading what I had told me about it, and it made me read Wheel of Time...needless to say, I was a bit startled, but also not too worried.  I guess there are some things that, for authors, just seem like good ideas.  The idea of a "rustic hero" isn't new, but the mirror between Dolanna and Faalken showing up compared to Moraine and whatever her warder's name was did surprise me, almost to the point where I considered editing the entire first few chapters of the book...but then decided against it.  I wrote mine FIRST, I don't write for money, and what happens in the first three chapters sets the stage literally for the entire quintet of novels.  ;)

I've never read the Sword of Truth, nor have I read much of Forgotten Realms novels past the Drizzt series, so I have no opinion there.  :)

As far as magic goes, thanks for the complement. Sennadar, and this magic system, are actually based on my Role Playing game world, and I worked on it for many years to make it as complete as possible.  It was very easy to adapt that system of magic into the books, and I think it's turned out rather well.  ;)

All those careful checks and balances and the intricate interplay of magic between the orders has its roots in the need to balance spellcasting classes against one another in the role playing game system.  I kept all that in there, not only to provide limitations to characters (ensuring I always had a way at hand to put a leash on Tarrin, via Triana), but because it's a fundamental cornerstone of the entire way magic works on Sennadar.  That it also happened to be an excellent source of writing material was just an added bonus.  ;)

I'm happy you like my books.  Just so you know, I'm currently writing the second book in the sequel trilogy to Firestaff, the Pyrosian Chronicles.  You can find links to them here on the message board, mainly because I haven't had the time to update the webpage.  ;)
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by TFF »

fel wrote:... nor have I read much of Forgotten Realms novels past the Drizzt series, so I have no opinion there. :)
I have to admit to being somewhat surprised. Niami reminds me somewhat of the original Mystra, Torilian goddess of magic. And of course Toril has it's own weave, which Mystra utilizes to provide and control arcane magic in the Realms. I was sure you'd read more than Drizzt. :)

Major fan of Ed Greenwood (author and creator of the Forgotten Realms), and Elaine Cunningham (excellent FR author). Both, in my opinion, blow Salvatore away. Greenwood has a rather unique storytelling style that some people dislike. But Cunningham should be a safe bet for anyone who enjoys fantasy.
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Taltos »

fel wrote:Well, thanky kindly.  :)

Sennadar, and this magic system, are actually based on my Role Playing game world, and I worked on it for many years to make it as complete as possible.
That can easily be seen. I began to play D&D a year ago or something, and I think you can imagine my surprise when I - leafing through the Monster's Manual - stumbled upon a Glabrezu..... a second look confirmed that many Sennadar fiends seem to have their root somehow there..
Don't misunderstand, no offence meant, it just hit me that you didn't entirely make up all the enemies entirely for yourself... another illusion destroyed :P
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Fel »

Those demons are themselves based in the lore and mythology of several cultures and religions, Taltos.  AD&D didn't invent them either.  ;)
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Taltos »

ok, didn't know that, but then everything comes from somewhere..and if the ideas are already there, why not use them?  ;)
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Wildcat »

I don't know about you guys, but some of my favorite stories are retold fairy tales or myths. It can be great to see what other people have done with the stories, or the creatures, especially when the end is familiar and a complete surprise at the same time.
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Shalon Wood »

tff wrote:
Major fan of Ed Greenwood (author and creator of the Forgotten Realms), and Elaine Cunningham (excellent FR author). Both, in my opinion, blow Salvatore away. Greenwood has a rather unique storytelling style that some people dislike. But Cunningham should be a safe bet for anyone who enjoys fantasy.

I was a major Ed greenwood fan right up to the last bit of "Hand of Fire". And then I _literally_ threw the book across the room.

He needs to be slapped for that one. Hard. Twice.

Shalon Wood

Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by TFF »

shalon wrote:

I was a major Ed greenwood fan right up to the last bit of "Hand of Fire". And then I _literally_ threw the book across the room.

He needs to be slapped for that one. Hard. Twice.

Shalon Wood
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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by dewhite »

great story!....been reading your novels since yesterday almost non-stop

Now in Book 3

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Re: Intro, Congrats and a Question

Post by Lochar »

dewhite wrote:great story!....been reading your novels since yesterday almost non-stop

Now in Book 3

Welcome to your newest addiction.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
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