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Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:06 am
by imthejman85
I'm honestly curious. How many people have read EVERYTHING Fel's posted both on this and the old Sennadar site, and how many times you've read and reread each story?

Personally, in the two or so years I've read Fel's work I've read the Tarrin Kael series three times from start to finish and each book individually another couple times just solo.

I've read the Subjugation series four times completely and the first book another time or two. The latter two another few times as well.

I've read Kit once.

I've read Spirit Walker/Shadow Walker once.

Dragon Star, Project Alpha, Draconian Measures, and The Fox and the Hawk all once each.

All in all, I'd say I've read and reread Fel's stuff enough to fill in a couple hundred published books honestly..... is that weird to anyone out there?

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:44 am
by zedd
Not uncommon around here.

I really like Kit, so I've read it 3 or 4 times already. Sennadar stories I've lost count, although I tend to not read the last book of the firestaff because it's the one I like less.

Shadow walker I've read twice already at least. For the rest of the stories I think it's about the same as you.

So to answer your question, you are not as strange as you might think :lol:

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:28 pm
by gesit
Same here m8'ty,
have been rereading Fel's work a lot, not sure anymore how many times
would say 5 times at least.


Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:19 pm
by Lochar
Firestaff Series: I quickly lost count. Somewhere in the realm of a couple dozen times? I usually skip over the Grand Syllis part.
Sword of Fire, just as many as above.

Kit: Five, six times? Something in that area.

Spirit/Shadow: Twice, and more for the most recent chapters.

Subjugation: At least four times. Probably more.

The others: Two or three times.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:30 pm
by Mad Monk
Well, I've certainly re-read all the series a few times.

I tend to re-read the series when it re-starts after a break, and read the chapters a couple of times when they come out.

Once, speed reading to catch up on the story, Then a more leisurely read to enjoy the details.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:49 pm
by afrigeek
The firestaff series at least 7 times. Like Lochar, I tend to skip the grand Syllis stuff. Pyrosian chronicles, about the same number of times. Subjugation I've read the entire series including the latest books about 5 times. I have never re-read Kit, and neither have I yet re-read any of the shadow walker series stories so far. Somehow they haven't hooked me the same way Tarrin Kael and Jason Fox did.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:12 pm
by Cougar2k2
Firestaff Series: 5 or 6 times all the way through... I've read several books more than that though.

Kit: around 6 from beginning to chapter 41.

Spirit/Shadow: Spirit twice and Shadow once as the chapters have come out.

Subjugation: 6 or 7 at the very least and around that for Insurrection and Unification

The others: Once, I don't want to get into a story if it isn't going to be continued.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:19 pm
by dellstart
Mmmmmm Good question

Firestaff Series : In its entirety --honestly I have done it twice .(cause i know its like a two month read at the minimum ), though I have reread bits and pieces , even whole chapters at a time, here and there.

Subjugation: Heaps and heaps and heaps of times. Insurrection and Unification have really got a lot of mileage from them as well.

Kit: hard to tell. cause , i would reread each chapter about two to three times. when it came out (probably my second favorite series)

Spirit/Shadow . mmm liked the earlier chapters better than the later , so they got much more of a reread . later chapters not as much.

The Fox and the Hawk : For an old D&D buff , , this got more than one read!

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:32 am
I must be the odd one out on this, but all of these stories are too recent for me to reread them. I happen to be stuck with a terribly poor 'forgetery' for plots and characters, so I seldom reread a story unless I haven't seen it for ten or fifteen years - and I only started reading Fel's stuff a few years ago.

(Now I'm not trying to say that my memory of all the details is perfect, but I'd have the basics down pat, so I just wouldn't enjoy them if I reread them now - I'd know who, what, where, when, why and how before I was more than two pages into the story.) :roll:

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:38 am
by Omegano
GBLW wrote:I must be the odd one out on this, but all of these stories are too recent for me to reread them. I happen to be stuck with a terribly poor 'forgetery' for plots and characters, so I seldom reread a story unless I haven't seen it for ten or fifteen years - and I only started reading Fel's stuff a few years ago.

(Now I'm not trying to say that my memory of all the details is perfect, but I'd have the basics down pat, so I just wouldn't enjoy them if I reread them now - I'd know who, what, where, when, why and how before I was more than two pages into the story.) :roll:
That is exactly how I am. And the reason why I have only read the Sennadar series 3.5 times ( the latest .5 is for making sure formatting of some hard copies I'm getting made for myself was right). And Subjugation twice. Everything else probably around 1.5. The .5 happens because I go to look something up, and then 4 hours later I realize that I found what I was looking for 3 hours ago, and continue reading.

Despite my amazing memory when it comes to stories and games, I have a horrible short term memory... Go figure.


Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:41 am
by Lochar
I remember them too well as well, but I still enjoy reading them again.

Wish the website would actually get updated though. It's just a tad annoying to have to go redownload the last 20ish chapters of Kit one by one.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:18 pm
by imthejman85
Huh, didn't think this would be replied to that much, lol. I have the Firestaff/Sword and Subjugation series' both damn near memorized but even then I still want to READ it. I've got favorite chapters in each of the books I've been known to read and reread so I was just curious. Actually, I've been deployed the last 4+ months and put them both in my e-mail so I could download them to a computer at work to read during down time... whenever I get a spare hour or two I pull one of 'em up and start reading again, rofl. My co-workers think I'm nuts reading a set of books that are like 6k to 7k+ pages combined... I guess they just don't understand a good read. Oh well, peace guys/gals. Everyone stay safe out there.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:12 pm
by fortress
Lochar wrote:I remember them too well as well, but I still enjoy reading them again.

Wish the website would actually get updated though. It's just a tad annoying to have to go redownload the last 20ish chapters of Kit one by one.

Do you have a format preference? I just got done formatting and compiling Kit, Spirit Walker, and the Tarrin stories into .mobi files for my Kindle. If you'd like I can reformat them into something else and upload them for ya.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:34 pm
by Lochar
The pdfs would be fine.

Oddly enough, at work Websense picks up as gaming and blocks it, but allows as something not gaming.

Stupid websense.

Re: Looking for a show of hands....

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:18 am
by fortress
I'm having issues getting them to translate well to pdf, and the files are pretty good size (all I have right now is cutePDF writer).

I see that has them up to date in pdf so that's probably going to be your best bet to get them.