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Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:46 am
by Stealth_Dragon
1. God would be sentient.
2. God would understand that any written rule system would be interpreted.
3. Being made in God's image, to follow God's laws, I am equipped to understand and properly interpret the words of God according to my own self, since after all, my self is God's pattern.
4. God would understand and know exactly how I would react to different input beforehand.
5. Not receiving direct communications from God means he feels I don't need any help and I'm on the right track.
6. God understands that given my makeup and life, I will be atheist, because all my senses and my mind indicate that it is so.
7. If he were put in my exact situation, with my limitations, God himself would be an Atheist.
8. Therefore, God has no qualms with, and even approves of my Atheism.
9. Therefore I have God's blessing to do and live as I please, so long as it makes perfect sense to me.

Kinda creepy, but basically, even if there is a God, he would expect me not to believe in Him.

I don't think there is enough evidence to say there is a God. There is lots of evidence to say people would invent a god. Therefore there is no god.

I thought it was great... finally someone who defeats all religion with mere logic!

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:07 am
by Shadowhawk
stealth_dragon wrote:I thought it was great... finally someone who defeats all religion with mere logic!
With bad logic. Bunch of assumptions thrown together, linked by poor and false reasoning... faulty logic...

BTW. what it has to do with Fel works, or us readers? Even remotely?

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 3:36 am
by Greymist
Shadowhawk: General Discussion? :)

BTW Stealth_Dragon christians would say you were made in god's image but you have been corrupted by satan to make you not believe in god blah blah etc etc, there are other asumptions and logical errors too but ah well.

My opinion:

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 6:55 am
by AdamX
Notice the similarities between the histories of "The One" and Christianity's "God". What if that is true, and God is dead, only because one divine Were-cat had a bad day...

Perhaps we should change the name of our planet back to Pyrosia...

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:02 am
by Greymist
Fel already said "The One" wasn't a play on christianity's god. Though if that was the case maybe there really is Dolanna somewhere hitting a keyboard in fustration.

/me chuckles

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:51 pm
by Journeywoman
stealth_dragon wrote:I thought it was great... finally someone who defeats all religion with mere logic!
I thought Douglas Adams already did in Hitch-hikers Guide to The Galaxy, with reference to the Babel Fish ;)!

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:15 pm
by Finn

Following similar logic:

1. God is Love.
2. Love is Blind.
3. God is Ray Charles.

I would be impressed if the logic were more solid, but your list is a shockingly bad application of attempted logic =P I mean, the definition of an atheist is one that does not believe in God. God cannot disbelieve in himself, so your logic fails.  Really, though, the logic fails in step 3, for if that is true, then -you- are God, and you can understand all of God's works. It's been stated that God is ineffable, and thus cannot be fully understood, so the logic breaks down. Also, 'free-will' seems a large factor in God's ways, so God would not tell you if you're on the right track or not, he'd leave it to you to decide.

Oh and step 9 just reads as a sociopath to me =P
stealth_dragon wrote: I don't think there is enough evidence to say there is a God. There is lots of evidence to say people would invent a god. Therefore there is no god.
That is really the worst logic in the whole post =P
You state a personal opinion, then back it up with a broad assumption on an opinion, and declare it gospel? That's like saying "I don't like apples. There are a lot of people that pretend to not like apples. Therefore, everyone hates apples" A really bad application of inductive reasoning...

Note: I am not actually a believer in God as a Christian or somesuch, the above description is merely provided as an application of information and logic.

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:13 pm
by Greymist
Your reference to point three made me think about this:

If someone took a photo of me, put it on a slide, projected it with a crappy projector onto a crappy wall it would still be an image of me.

Just a thought.

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:15 pm
by Shadowhawk
I have found nice and very interesting thought on ''God created man in his own image, in the image of God' (Gen 1,27) in "Mister God, This Is Anna" book by Fynn. I don't remember the reasoning well, so I recommend all to find this book and read it for themselves, but the main idea is that we are like God because of our goodness, and different because of our weakness. Something Greymist described quite good in his latest post.

Some excerpts/quotes from the book can be found at:

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:09 pm
by The_Namer
I've gotta agree with Finn here. The idea needs better grounding, so either A)surrender or B)come up with counter-arguments. On a related note: If seeing is believing, is Ray Charles an atheist?

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:09 pm
by MommyDoom
shadowhawk wrote:... Something Greymist described quite good in his latest post.

Funny.  I just realized that I still think of Grey as a woman.  Gads I need to be reprogrammed...


Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:04 am
by codewarrior
I would like to quote Woody Allen:

    "Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday."

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:06 am
by Shadowhawk
mommydoom wrote:
Funny.  I just realized that I still think of Grey as a woman.  Gads I need to be reprogrammed...
Well, I'm not that sure about Greymist sex. The name isn't obvously female, like Journeywoman, and there is no info on Greymist sex in profile, like in Widcat's case, so due to the fact that I am male I of course assumed that Greymist is also male. Greymist, could you shed some light on this subject, tell us your sex?

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:59 am
by Greymist
That would be telling, beyond the fact that many people already know :)

Re: Is there a God?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:32 am
by Journeywoman
shadowhawk wrote: Well, I'm not that sure about Greymist sex. The name isn't obvously female, like Journeywoman, and there is no info on Greymist sex in profile, like in Widcat's case, so due to the fact that I am male I of course assumed that Greymist is also male. Greymist, could you shed some light on this subject, tell us your sex?
But thinking someone is the same sex as you doesn't always occur, I've mistaken a female going by Apcolypse as male. I also know someone who used to go by the name of 'Amazon' and people kept thinking she was a guy for some reason.