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summer 2009

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:23 am
by dellstart
For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, its getting towards the tail end of summer. So the question of the day is where did you end up vacationing(if at all)?

For myself personally , I have been spending the last month in Miami Florida , bumming at my brother in law's house.My view is its hot and humid anyways in NYC , so I might as well be hot and humid in Miami ,plus the palm trees look nicer.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:29 am
by MommyDoom
I shall not vacation until November, whence I shall fly to Greece with my mid-70s mother, board a cruise ship, and visit Egypt, Israel, Turkey, and then back to visit Greece. I shall walk where Moses walked. I shall walk where Jesus walked. I shall gaze in wonder at the pyramids of Giza and the treasures of Tut. I shall wonder at the Acropolis and try to visualize where the Collosus of Rhodes once stood.

and all of this with my mother and her church group. She's already told me I'm not allowed in any of the bars or casinos on the boat.

Gotta take the good with the bad, I suppose.


(I plan to leave the Spoon of Doom at home with Himself in case the kids get out of hand)

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:45 am
by Cougar2k2
Does Iraq count as a vacation? It's not one where you could go relax and enjoy the view all that much but it is to an exotic far off and remote location? Oh and I did get to spend about 2-3 months in New Jersey for mobilization training.... once again not all that fun but I've only been there one other time.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:41 pm
by gnume
there was no chance for me to go on vacation this summer.
i live in Israel

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:22 pm
by Greymist
MommyDoom wrote:...visit Egypt...I shall walk where Moses walked...I shall gaze in wonder at the pyramids of Giza and the treasures of Tut...
Clip, clip, snip. There we go. I went to Eygpt around this time last year (late August, early September) and it was hot, I'm talking high 30's (~95f). I definitely enjoyed it but I did get templed out.

When you say "walk where Moses walked", although I'm not religious I did walk up Mt Sinai, it was definitely an amazing view from the top. I'm actually finally getting around to uploading my photos from my holidaying last year (Italy, Egypt, Amsterdam, Oktoberfest, Interlaken) so I'll edit this post to link to some of the Egypt ones.
MommyDoom wrote:She's already told me I'm not allowed in any of the bars or casinos on the boat.

What?! You're going on a boat where you're actually allowed to drink and she won't allow it?!! Nooo! My boat ride was obviously better, spending three days on a felucca going down the Nile and drinking Stella (not Artois) in the evenings on a beach with a bonfire.

Oh and to actually answer the question. I didn't go on a holiday this summer as I spent rather a lot last summer (see above). I am planning on going to the Alps though this winter to couple weeks of boarding in before I have to go back to NZ in Jan.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:54 am
by Mad Monk
Well, I spent a week at the "War and Peace" show ... emId=85731, with friends who were there with their Reo truck and 432 APC.

I've just come back from a week at Herstmonceux Medieval festival and am looking towards the Battle of Edgecote This was the only battle in English history where Robin Hood actually took part (the rebels marched under the banner of Robin of Reedsdale - an assumed name for Warwick)

It is rumoured that the herald will be a monk - Help!

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:50 am
by kd7mvs
Mad Monk wrote:Well, I spent a week at the "War and Peace" show ... emId=85731, with friends who were there with their Reo truck and 432 APC.

I've just come back from a week at Herstmonceux Medieval festival and am looking towards the Battle of Edgecote This was the only battle in English history where Robin Hood actually took part (the rebels marched under the banner of Robin of Reedsdale - an assumed name for Warwick)

It is rumoured that the herald will be a monk - Help!
Envy. Envy, envy, envy. Bilious green envy.

And here I am in a country that's a bare 200 years old, only settled by Europeans for a hundred or so before that, my section earliest maintained European contact is late 1700's, Lewis & Clark toddling through in 1805, no sense of history out here, you're just swimming in it, can't kick a stone without unearthing roman remains or Anglo-Saxon or whatnot.

Great green gobs of bilious envy.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:01 pm
by Mad Monk
kd7mvs wrote:
Mad Monk wrote:Well, I spent a week at the "War and Peace" show ... emId=85731, with friends who were there with their Reo truck and 432 APC.

I've just come back from a week at Herstmonceux Medieval festival and am looking towards the Battle of Edgecote This was the only battle in English history where Robin Hood actually took part (the rebels marched under the banner of Robin of Reedsdale - an assumed name for Warwick)

It is rumoured that the herald will be a monk - Help!
Envy. Envy, envy, envy. Bilious green envy.

And here I am in a country that's a bare 200 years old, only settled by Europeans for a hundred or so before that, my section earliest maintained European contact is late 1700's, Lewis & Clark toddling through in 1805, no sense of history out here, you're just swimming in it, can't kick a stone without unearthing roman remains or Anglo-Saxon or whatnot.

Great green gobs of bilious envy.
Each country has its own delights - The USA has wide open spaces, and forests and mountains where you live, teeming with wildlife, and untouched by man. Even the wild spaces in England are man-made, places like Dartmoor and the Norfolk broads are actually the result of man's work. Not that I'm complaining, I love history. Just saying, always remember the beauty which is around you. And if you come over the pond, I'll be happy to recommend places to visit.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:06 pm
by readiteatit
Indeed you just need to know where to look. The Grand Canyon is just nuts to behold, especially if you do the SpaceWalk (a glass bottomed stage that just out at the edge of a canyon at the Grand Canyons). Even the lakes and plains in the Midwest is awesome for drunken summer relaxation. I wouldn't turn down a trip to visit Greece and Italy though hehe.

Re: summer 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:59 am
by Mad Monk
Some pics from Edgecote:

Tournament ... t%2016.htm ... ament2.htm

Battle ... 20page.htm

Looking forward to next year, when we do it again, but bigger and better!