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World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:35 pm
by falcon8561
Hows it going everyone!!!!

Ive been thinking of something i could do for James and everyone of Sennadar so I would like to dedicate a World of Warcraft Server to you all.

This topic is for two things, one to ask James for permission to use the name Sennadar "if you disagree ill remove it promptly."

And second it would be fun to see you all raiding and questing together.

I will keep the server up unless no one is interested in it.

All you got to do is type (Address Removed by Spec8472)

ill have the server up in about 1 hour.

P.S - i hope this works out and i get to see all of you online.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:01 pm
by Spec8472
Arn't these against the Blizzard ToS?

Edit: Looks like it: ... 9132&sid=1
1. Only Blizzard or its licensees have the right to host the Game. You may not host or provide matchmaking services for the Game, or intercept, emulate or redirect the proprietary communication protocols used by Blizzard in connection with the Program, regardless of the method used to do so. Such prohibited methods may include, but are not limited to, protocol emulation, reverse engineering, modifying the Program, adding unauthorized components to the Program, or using a packet sniffer while the Program is running.
Edit: ...and more:

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:28 pm
by kal
yes that is against the TOS of WoW. i highly doubt they would do anything to a single person doing it though. it is unbelievable how many private servers there are that are hosted by people that open them up to the public. i also know that many of the top guilds in WoW use private servers to explore any patches before they are released and input into the live realms.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:40 pm
by Spec8472
All very true, except they're not being run on, or linked from this server.
Same reason we don't permit linking to pirate eBook sites or ripped tv torrents.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:48 pm
by falcon8561
awe no fun.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:23 pm
by kal
well at least we know you arent being unfair =) grouping all those into one catogory

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:53 pm
by Mad Monk
falcon8561 wrote:awe no fun.
It's not a case of "Fun". Fel writes these books for no financial reward, (he gets loads of praise though - go Fel go! :lol: )

Spec provides the hosting for these forums so that we can read Fel's work for no reward - in fact it costs him a packet to do so, as well as his time. (Thanks Spec)

So anything that might lead to potentially expensive litigation is a no-no. I have seen several forums colapse because of a single legal complaint. Even an unfounded legal complaint takes time and money to counter, It is often easier to fold the forum than spent thousands (which it can easily cost) to counter a legal issue.

The people who run forums are providing a service, if you want that service to continue, do not abuse it.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:52 pm
by Spec8472
Mad Monk wrote:
falcon8561 wrote:awe no fun.
Spec provides the hosting for these forums so that we can read Fel's work for no reward - in fact it costs him a packet to do so, as well as his time. (Thanks Spec)
Thanks - It's USD$120/month or so for the hosting now-days. I'm sure it could be done somewhat cheaper if someone were willing to cram it onto a might more tightly configured linux box.
If someone else is willing to take that on, and deal with all the ongoing spam b.s, plus do some sort of basic maintenance - let me know and I'll transfer it over :)

- Will.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:37 pm
by Fel
This is why we can't appreciate Spec enough.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:11 pm
by Spec8472
Fel wrote:This is why we can't appreciate Spec enough.
Well, there wouldn't be any need for the forums if your storytelling weren't as awesome as it is. So this is really all your fault ;)

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:32 pm
by Zor
I might be able to help with the server.

I cant really see any reason this website would require such a expensive server.
I realize that probably a small faction of the visitors actually stop by and say something.

Unless that was a absolute ton of traffic...

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:52 am
by zedd
Do you have a paypal or other way we can send some help to pay these 120$ Spec? There's lot of readers here, if some of us give 10$ from time to time it would help and sometimes pay the server costs. I'm afraid we won't reach enough to pay for your time , but at least we could help with the server costs.

Cheers to both Fel and Spec. It is very much appreciated.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:59 am
by Spec8472
zedd wrote:Do you have a paypal or other way we can send some help to pay these 120$ Spec? There's lot of readers here, if some of us give 10$ from time to time it would help and sometimes pay the server costs. I'm afraid we won't reach enough to pay for your time , but at least we could help with the server costs.

Cheers to both Fel and Spec. It is very much appreciated.
Thanks. Anything you'd like to contribute please send to Fel. He pays for domain rego costs, plus, y'know, writes the stories.
I've got myself a little gadget/stuff budget, which covers the server costs.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:55 pm
by Byte Storm
This may be slightly off topic, but maybe not since it involves WoW (not private server).

Fess up! who uses Jegojah as a Character name? :D I found quite a few in there

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:50 am
by Quindo Ma
A lot of my characters use names Fel has come up with, simply because they actually still sound like names, and tend to not be taken already.
However, Jegojah is not one of them :).