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Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:26 pm
by Hearly
I'm just trying to understand how some Dem's can be totally Stupid in this Day and age..

Some Dem's are against any form of Torture even if there was a Clear and current threat, example we catch someone in the US who was part of a Cell, we found them with Lots of explosives etc, to me, we should use any means to find out where the rest of his cell is and what there target is.

I mean the way there talking if we had another 9/11 situation and we caught one of the Hijackers a few days before the attack with lots of materials on how to fly a plane, we should not use Any means necessary to get the Information from him?

Now I'm not saying giving any group unlimited power to do what is needed, maybe an executive order for each case with the head of Senate/House Intelligence committee co-signing it as a stop-gap from any run away train situation.

I mean they think using Kid gloves on people who are planning on killing themselves anyway will give them some type of incentive to talk to us?

My 2 cents.

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:07 pm
by dellstart
Oh my goodness, you sound like that war mongering, anti minority ,homophobic Bigot racist and all round ner do well , lover of the oil and rich , oppressor of the poor isolationist , George W Bush.The person who personally caused the entire planet to despise the US by his fascist acts of Repression and Expansionism.
He who actually had the gall , to establish Gautama bay , and not give honest hard working patriotic freedom loving , salt of the earth militants(yes no word of terrorists here please) the chance to buck the system and walk in to the sunset with plungers grasped in their right hands.Is not true freedom of expression , to be able to fulfill your desire of heavenward , by blowing up defenseless women and children blasphemers heathen and infidels.Truly that is religious freedom.

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:10 am
by Mad Monk
There are plenty of other forums where you can vent your political spleen. The Sennadar forums have so far been clear of it. For the sake of avoiding pointless circular arguments, could you post on forums which appreciate political debate, not on those which appreciate fantasy/escapism.
Hearly wrote:I mean the way there talking if we had another 9/11 situation and we caught one of the Hijackers a few days before the attack with lots of materials on how to fly a plane, we should not use Any means necessary to get the Information from him?
I'm sure that Uncle Zach would be happy to do this to Kit, since he has all those manuals and software about how to fly a plane

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:32 pm
by Greymist
dellstart wrote:Oh my goodness, you sound like that war mongering, anti minority ,homophobic Bigot racist and all round ner do well , lover of the oil and rich , oppressor of the poor isolationist , George W Bush.The person who personally caused the entire planet to despise the US by his fascist acts of Repression and Expansionism.
He who actually had the gall , to establish Gautama bay , and not give honest hard working patriotic freedom loving , salt of the earth militants(yes no word of terrorists here please) the chance to buck the system and walk in to the sunset with plungers grasped in their right hands.Is not true freedom of expression , to be able to fulfill your desire of heavenward , by blowing up defenseless women and children blasphemers heathen and infidels.Truly that is religious freedom.
QFT ^_^

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:57 am
by Fiferguy
The problem with torture, and most harsh interrogation techniques in general, is that often times the person being interrogated will say anything just to make the suffering stop. In more cases than not, you actually end up with a lot of false information that just wastes resources. And the truly militant wouldn't talk anyway, at least before the torture killed them. And dead men tell no tales.

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:17 pm
by Fawks
Mad Monk wrote:There are plenty of other forums where you can vent your political spleen. The Sennadar forums have so far been clear of it. For the sake of avoiding pointless circular arguments, could you post on forums which appreciate political debate, not on those which appreciate fantasy/escapism.
Too True

(/me just wonders if this forum will be taxed now that the tax everything Democrats are fully in power.) :(

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:45 pm
by bbobb
Hearly wrote:I'm just trying to understand how some Dem's can be totally Stupid in this Day and age..
I guess Dems can be just as stupid as non-dems who think that torture is effective, even with all of the evidence to the contrary.

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:51 pm
by dellstart
Greymist wrote:
dellstart wrote:Oh my goodness, you sound like that war mongering, anti minority ,homophobic Bigot racist and all round ner do well , lover of the oil and rich , oppressor of the poor isolationist , George W Bush.The person who personally caused the entire planet to despise the US by his fascist acts of Repression and Expansionism.
He who actually had the gall , to establish Gautama bay , and not give honest hard working patriotic freedom loving , salt of the earth militants(yes no word of terrorists here please) the chance to buck the system and walk in to the sunset with plungers grasped in their right hands.Is not true freedom of expression , to be able to fulfill your desire of heavenward , by blowing up defenseless women and children blasphemers heathen and infidels.Truly that is religious freedom.
QFT ^_^
Does that stand for Quit Freaking Talking or Quite Freaking True or Quoted For Truth perhaps even Quantum Field Theory.lot of diffrent meanings there you know. :wink:

Re: Torture, are the Dem's just that Stupid?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:09 pm
by Greymist
dellstart wrote:Does that stand for Quit Freaking Talking or Quite Freaking True or Quoted For Truth perhaps even Quantum Field Theory.lot of diffrent meanings there you know. :wink:
All of the above?