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How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:10 am
by J-Man5

Hows life treating you?  Just starting to get an itch to read another chapter of Tarrin and Co.

I just finished HP6 and was sorely disappointed!!!!

I know that with the end of your books my only disappointment is waiting for the next one to begin.  
So faithful readers want to know how is chapter 2 of DB coming along?

Or have you been feeling any inspiration to write about Jason and Co.?

Either way I'm axiously awaiting.

BTW take a look at the topic in the Firestaff FAQ on the Black tower.  Thanks.

Again very thankful for the books.


Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:43 am
by thisandthat
j-man5 wrote:How goes the next chapter, Fel?
I wonder how many people jump on the words "Next Chapter" and end up squeezing there mouse in a death grip?   ;D

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:05 am
by sOmeone
j-man5 wrote: I just finished HP6 and was sorely disappointed!!!!
I know what you mean.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:29 am
by J-Man5
thisandthat wrote: I wonder how many people jump on the words "Next Chapter" and end up squeezing there mouse in a death grip?
At least I didn't name the topic "Next Chapter" or Chapter 2 of Demon's Bane or DB 2 or some thing like that.  

I actually tried to make sure that the topic title made clear that it was a question to Fel about the Chapter status.

I know some people are antsy about seeing Next and Chapter in the same topic but they really need to chill out!!!



Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:40 am
by Fel
I hadn't written at all until late last week, after I went to my cousin's wedding, and am now on page 6.

Before that I was spending extra time in EQ cause they put in new alchemy recipes that made it much easier to work on it, and I wanted to get my skill up before they nerfed it.  But farming Siren's Grotto got old real fast, so I'm back to just logging on when I'm bored and have nothing else to do.

My subscription for this month ends August 13.  I'm considering cancelling.  It's just not much fun anymore.  The only reason I even log on anymore is because of my friends there.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:19 am
by Hearly
Fel, you should give WoW a try, it's pretty fun

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:17 am
by Fel
One addictive RPG per lifetime, thank you.

Check please.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:57 am
by Hearly
fel wrote:One addictive RPG per lifetime, thank you.

Check please.
heh, I wish I could say that, started back when UO was first released, Moved to AC, then DAOC, now WOW... heh

almost like a Drug, but I do have to say I've made some really good friends through them, that I've known now for almost 8 years

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:53 pm
by Peter_Koopman
j-man5 wrote:I just finished HP6 and was sorely disappointed!!!!
Why's that? I thought is was a much better one than number 5, which I disliked a lot! I think it's almost as good as Goblet of Fire, which is the best until now.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:58 pm
by J-Man5
Just disappointed.  Was hoping JKR would wrap things all up.  But that is too much to ask for with this being such a cash cow for her.


Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:12 pm
by Peter_Koopman
j-man5 wrote:Just disappointed.  Was hoping JKR would wrap things all up.  But that is too much to ask for with this being such a cash cow for her.
Nope, there will be seven... She once said in an interview... Seven books, for seven years at Hogwarts. No more, no less.

And that was before it became the cash cow it is now. So it's not because she wants to make more money... although I'm sure it's a nice bonus for JKR.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:51 pm
by Blacktiger
I tell you what, Fel's works now exceed the combined creations of this K. Rowling lass and he is a better author anyway, point, no question about that in my opinion.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:03 pm
by thisandthat
j-man5 wrote:I know some people are antsy about seeing Next and Chapter in the same topic but they really need to chill out!!!J-Man5
:o Some times all it takes is just the littlest poke to wind people up. :o

They run around like the little plastic toys clackety clackey clack.  ;D

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:34 am
by Wildcat
I just finished HP6 as well, and I agree it was better than book 5.  There were several things that had been nagging at me that she cleared up, and that ending makes me hope it's not another three years until book 7.  It's also nice to hear there's progress on the next chapter.

Re: How goes the next chapter, Fel?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:48 am
by Lochar
someone wrote:
I know what you mean.
I think we've all read too much fanfiction about HP, and thus our expectations were really high, or we went into it with preconceptions.

Then again, I was disappointed too.  Interesting characters killed off in a single sentence, half the book used to explain Tom's background, when DD could have just summarized it (in one sentence).  The Horcruxes thing was interesting, but not fleshed out well enough.

I almost thought she'd decided to make the series longer by doing a book per Horcrux or two.

Eh.  First fanfic I write is going to have Ginny beat the living daylights out of Harry and get back with him.  *grin*