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Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:46 pm
Okay, we have Vil being 'Vilish' and Zach being extremely rash, but it's the 'peripheral' furs that interest me right now.
Terry has had a brush with Zach and crew. Kit and Jessie have been warned ... AND on top of that, Jessie wants to go flying, so naturally, Kit has agreed.

Now a plane is relatively easy to sabotage - any bets on the starting paragraphs of the next chapter?
"Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"

I write em, but dang I hate cliffhanger endings when I'm on the reader end!


Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:27 am
by Cougar2k2
Well an action packed chapter to say the least. Maybe its just the 'normal poor person' in me but I love seeing how degrenrate the Vulpan family can be. I could definatly see the plane being messed with.... maybe thats why Fel made mention of all the emergency training when Kit and Jessie were in Kansas? Seriously think it will come to that though. I just can't wait till Vil's wedding and Kit and Jessie stay in Stonebrook overnight. That has Extreme Caution written all over it :evil: One thing is for sure I am definatly expecting something drastic to happen in a chapter or two, a serious plot twist or whatnot. One thing that really surprised me was when Kit said I am more like my father then you realize. Coming from Kit that is a serious statement and/or warning to Zach. Well I'll definatly keep an eye on this thread and throw in my two (or less) cents whenever I see something that sparks a thought or comment :lol:

Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:43 pm
by IdiotPaste
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

Michael Corleone was never so right. I'm glad to see Kit standing up to his family, and I hope he nails Zach over Stonebrook. But what I really want to know is why Nick refers to Stav and Marcus as "The Nutters"?

Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:26 am
by michaelsuave
Yeah, the sabatoge of the plane sounds pretty obvious at this point, we will see if it actually happens though... you would think that would be something that Nick would be on the lookout for, especially since he flies his own plane. Sooner or later, somebody is going to step over the line and the contract clause about messing with kit is going to come into play, and somebody is going to lose all of their money to Kit. Frankly, I'm looking forward to it. :twisted:

~Michael 8)

Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:33 am
by boballab
The Airplane thing is the obvious thing but because its obvious his Evilness might just be using that as a red herring.

What I find more interesting is the growing split among the Elders. Zack, Maxine and Jake are formed into an Alliance, Sarah is fence sitting, Tom is against Zach's group because Zach is going after his son Terry and for all intents and purposes Brian is siding with Vil and Kit.

Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:55 am
by dellstart
A soap opera indeed!

Plus huge thanks for that Character list . bob! work of Genius!

GBLW wrote: "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"

Too true!

Re: Kit - Chapter 31 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:42 pm
by expedient
Zach doesn't seem to realize that he has already lost all hope of controlling the family. The cousins will only put up with so much before they start using their new independent money to go their own ways. Terry and Sheila may not be the only flowers to bloom if the cousins feel threatened.

If (when) he endangers anyone Kit cares for we should see some great fireworks. A motivated Kit would be a force to reckon with as he unsentimentally crushes all opposition. I've got the popcorn ready! :twisted: