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chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:03 pm
by Fel
ok, done with 14, but given the ugly fact that the IRC chat channel only had Weresmilodon in it, I'm stuck as to how to get it out.  So, I'm putting up a temporary link to the chapter.

(Edit by Spec8472) Here's the new links:
MS Word Format
HTML Format
(End of Edit)

We really need to figure out what to do about IRC...we need a stable network where everyone can go.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Enjoy everyone.  :)

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:27 pm
Hello Fel

Thanks for the offering getting ready to read it now.

How about a teamspeak situation. Then we could all hear each others voices and chat a little bit. Or is it unreasonable for this situation?


Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:45 pm
by Graewolfe
er are we on the right server? smilodon spec and i are in there right now, iv been in the room for like 4 days now solid jmans usualy there as well as shadowhawk dx and ecc/uni

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:19 pm
by Weresmilodon
graewolfe wrote:er are we on the right server? smilodon spec and i are in there right now, iv been in the room for like 4 days now solid jmans usualy there as well as shadowhawk dx and ecc/uni
[19:29] * Quits: Graewolfe ( ( *.split)
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[21:47] * Quits: Fel ( (Client Quit)
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[21:49] <Fel> you here Were?
[21:55] <Fel> guess not.  Later ;)
[21:55] <Fel> gonna have to figure out how to get that to everyone else, lol
[21:57] * Quits: Fel (
[22:27] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Smilodon
[22:28] * Joins: Graewolfe (

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:33 pm
by Lochar
Up on mine.

Edit to post my review-----

Damn it Fel, can't you not destroy me like that!!  What a way to end the chapter. LOL  Great though, even if I would have loved more.

One question though, if Tarrin runs out of breath weapon in blue form, can he switch to gold and gain a new full breath weapon as he is a different dragon?

And what's the shadow dragon's breath weapon?  Acid breath, decay?

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:00 pm
by Shadowhawk
When chapter 14 will be available on main "backup" site, CanisD? And when HTML version of chapter 13 will be make to be rendered to somewhat more sane, and the note about last chapter will be corrected/updated?

HTML version of Chapter 14 of "Sword of Fire" is available also on my computer (which is not always on, or Apache HTTP server may have crashed) at URL:
 Image ... ord14.html

If you can't see the small shaeram image on the left of URL that probably means that my site is down, and you are out of luck... either that or your web browser doesn't display PNG images.

<hr>Thanks Fel for new chapter...

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:50 pm
by Hearly
Very nice Fel, can't wait for 15 now...

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:48 am
by Flame_Champion
Man, I got the chills reading that. REAL strong chapter...

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:08 am
by Graewolfe
lol the hour or two that my modem goes out fel drops by. sorry i missed you now on to the readidge

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:12 am
by J-Man5

I know that Shadowhawk and I are both on #ewp alot.  How about switching servers to that network?  


Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:36 am
by avitchel
Very cool, surprised in the clouds bigtime! Seems like an awful lot of lost wizards available to Shez-bitch. Were these from the nether planes? The One had been pretty good about removing alternative power wielders during his reign.
This was a long chapter that just disappeared, I was reading it, and now its over.:(  Fel you do a tremendous job putting together war scenes. Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy the well deserved accolades you'll get from this chapter.

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:15 am
by Forbidder
spectacular chapter fel, very captivating, only wish it wasn't all cliffhangery... now you have me on the edge of my seat.

So is Tarrin healed automatically whenever he changes forms?  It seems like the damage just went away.  or were the damage really inconsequential like little thorns?

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:33 am
by Peter_Koopman
fel wrote:ok, done with 14
Ohhhh... Joy joy.. Happy happy... Bounce bounce... Whooohooo!!!!  :D

Thank you Fel!

--- One and a half hours later ---
Man, that was a thrill ride!!!  :o  Can't wait to see chapter 15.

Thanks again Fel!

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:44 am
by Spec8472
fel wrote:we need a stable network where everyone can go.  Anyone have any suggestions?
First of all - Thanks for the chapter, very nice! :)

Regarding the IRC Network, I'm a long-time user of EFnet (6-7years now I think). Whilst it doesn't have the Channel/Nick Registration functions of many of the other networks, it is now a very stable and mature network.

I'm keeping #sennadar on EFnet warmed up, btw...

Re: chapter 14 is done

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:39 pm
by Shadowhawk
Very good chapter, Fel.

Waiting impatiently for the next one (ah those cliffhangers)...