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The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:01 am
by boballab
I know I’m going to stir the pot with this one so here goes. Some here on the boards have been looking for ulterior motives in the actions of some of the characters. However everyone has over looked the Race that consistently had the opportunity and the means to make every Government in the sector, except one, dance to their tune. If there is a behind the scenes puppet master in this sector of the Milky Way, A true evil race then look no further then

Drum roll please!

The Kimdori

I know you are all going “what are you F’ing nuts” however after that initial emotional reaction lets take a close look at exactly how the Kimdori Operate, through what means and then we can make a determination on them. I will be using Fel’s own written words to point out some facts about the Kimdori and then lets see if you would trust someone like that.

Fact #1 The Kimdori have the ability, with a single touch to read your entire life’s history. Every thought, every memory, every desire and every fear. That alone gives them enough dirt on any person to make blackmail laughably easy.

Fact #2 The Faey Race and the Imperium it resides under today is not what the Faey race and Imperium would have been if left to their own devices. They have been forced into what they became by an outside source and that source is the Kimdori. Here it is in the Denmothers own words:
The Kimdori work to keep them under control, to prevent them from boiling forth from their borders and waging war on everyone around them. By keeping them focused inward, it keeps the rest of the galaxy safe from them. It may seem cruel, but understand that as we keep them focused on each other, we also try to mitigate their activities, preventing them from warring with each other, holding a shifting peace within their species.
Sounds benign, they are doing it to help the other poor races, but look at it from a different perspective. Could the Kimdori really be thinking of just themselves and doing away with a potential rival? In Earths own history wars have been fought over this very issue, were one nation went to war against another for interfering in their internal matters.
Fact #3 Who is really the Boss, Grand Duke Karinne or Denmother Zaa. When was the last time Jason listened to advice from Zaa and said “I understand your viewpoint but I disagree”. The Answer: Never. When Zaa tells him to do something Jason jumps.
“I’m done, Denmother,” Jason told her.
“Very good. Now, I wish for you to call together all the ambassadors at the Academy,” she told him. “It is something that only the Grand Duke Karinne could manage. They will listen to you.”
“I asked you to assemble the ambassadors. Why is this not complete?” she asked pointedly.
Jason actually laughed. “Umm, because I haven’t had a chance yet?”
“Then hop, cousin,” she told him with a slight smile.
Then there is this little Gem to consider:
“Every day, I am more certain that we could not have found a better man to place on the seat of Karinne,”
Look at the phrase carefully she said PLACE not asked, not restored but placed. Hell that’s almost an open statement of you might be the king but I am the Kingmaker so you better listen to me.

Fact #4 The Kimdori as has been written are the best Intel operatives, however unlike regular intel operatives they are the ones that get to decide who gets the info and who doesn’t. How do we know they pass along all the data contracted to collect? This you have to ask yourself because of their whole operating system:
I really couldn’t tell you. Kimdori are weird. Sometimes they charge a million credits for a job, then turn around and charge someone else one credit to do the same job. With Kimdori, a lot of it depends on if she likes you or not. The only thing I can tell you for certain is that whoever Thraama suggests would demand a face to face meeting. No Kimdori will work for anyone unless they meet in person first. They call it the interview. That’s when they set the price.
Now lets look at that statement. The Kimdori are determining who gets to see the Info by setting prices at different rates for the same info. So if they really wanted someone to see something they charge 1 credit. If they don’t care one way or the other they charge you more. IF they don’t want you to have it they won’t give it to you. Hmm How can you trust them after doing that. It’s all about what they want not about what you want and what you are contracting them for.

Fact #5 It’s not just the Faey they work with they work among all the other races too, and all the other races treat the Kimdori the same as the Faey does. Oh that’s right there is one little exception to that the Morridons. Hmm Morridon, you know the planet that is the Galatic equivalent to a swiss bank, they don’t trust Kimdori I wonder why. Hell they even went so far as to release a Bio agent on their planet to kill off any Kimdori on it. The Morridons are also in the security and intelligence Business so what do they know the rest do not? Or do they only see them as rivals? Seems weird if your willing to kill off that many beings for just a rivalry. However back to the other races. The other races treat the Kimdori the same as the Faey so that means the Kimdori have the same chance to manipulate them as well.

Fact #6 The Mysterious Kumi Assassin
Now this one in light of everything else written defies credibility. Here we have a Race that can ferret out when a Noble house is going to rebel (of course every rebel leaves that info laying around) but can’t find who ordered the hit on Kumi? Come on there ain’t that many freaking Trillane nobles that in 5 years the Kimdori couldn’t have rubbed up against all of them. But what if it wasn’t a Trillane Noble that ordered Kumi’s assassination? What if it wasn’t a Faey at all? Here is a theory that fits all the facts not just some of them.

Kumi is friends with a Kimdori, Kumi is a noble, when nobles want to find secret info they go to a Kimdori. So who would do the actual hunting for the slavers in house Trillane for Kumi? Miaari.
“Most likely. She asks that Kimdori to find out, and she finds out. Kimdori will do almost anything for a friend.
You’re about to move up into the big leagues, cutie. In the big leagues, you’re just a newbie. But there might be a way to get what you’re after.
Just do it the way the pros do it, hon. When a noble wants something stolen, she hires a Kimdori. When a noble wants someone followed or information gathered, she hires a Kimdori. If you want the way to access Trillane’s security network from Kumi, you need to hire a Kimdori.
So there is your first problem: How can anyone know that it was Miaari, asked by Kumi, to find that info. Kimdori are Shapeshifters no one would know Miaari is doing this unless the Kimdori wants them to know. So the only one that knew besides Jason and Kumi that Kumi wanted to find the Slaver was Miaari and oh the whole Kimdori race since they share all that juicy gossip. So who has the motive to kill her or should I say make it look like they wanted to kill her? Try the Kimdori on for size. They are the ones to shoot Kumi in the back and wanted it to look like an outside assassination attempt. Why? Oh nothing much really it just helped manipulate Jason into doing what they wanted.

First if a Kimdori is hunting info for you no one else is going to know. So who was doing the hunting for Kumi? Oh right Miaari

Second who was it that “Saved Kumi” from the last Assassin? Oh right Miaari.

Third Who determined that the only “safe” place for Kumi was on Earth? Oh right Miaari.

Fourth Who led Jason by the nose step by step to the ring? Oh right Miaari.
Jeez is there anything like a pattern here?

They used that assassination attempt to get closer to Jason. Prior to that Jason didn’t want Kumi or any of her associates near his house. Hell prior to the first time Jason met Miaari the Faey didn’t have a clue where to find him. It was only after that meeting that the Imperium approached him and gave the Exomech. It was only after that meeting that Chesapeake got attacked, and oh what a coincidence Jason’s not there at the time. Then Kumi gets shot.

When something happens a first time its an accident, second time a coincidence, third time its enemy action.

So if Kumi is friends with Miaari why hasn’t that Assassin been found yet if it wasn’t a Kimdori operation?
Oh and by the way who is the Kimdori rep to House Karinne? Oh right Miaari.

In conclusion I have shown a few points here that taken in this light does not cast a very nice picture of the Kimdori Race. So ask yourself would you trust anyone that showed traits like that?

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:59 am
by dellstart
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

That's the age old question is it not, "Who shall watch the watchers themselves?

You have certainly opened a can or worms here my friend .So here's my take .

Fact 2-Yes its true, wars have been fraught because of one countries interference with another internal affairs.Usually however its done with the aim of providing additional resources , protection or influence , none of which the kimdori need.The Imperium poses no threat to them , in any form means or shape.
So I don't think there's the rival aspect. Therefore they have their own reasons for doing what they do.

Fact 3- yes , I would expect Jason to be very obedient and willing to follow Zaas lead, for not only are the kimdori his version of The Vendari ,she's his version of the Shasha as well.Jason knows where his bread is buttered , make no mistakes.

fact 4 -100% agree with you there.

Kumis assassination attempt? makes you wonder , though i am not 100% sold.

Whilst its true, that the kimdori might not be the cleanest operators, you have failed to mention a important point .The pack mentality that ties the Kimdori to Jason and Jason to them.The Kimdori look after their own and House karrine is certainly that.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:33 am
by ANTIcarrot
Now see Fel, this is what happens when you leave too much of a gap betweeen chapters. The idle speculation kicks into overdrive.
boballab wrote:If there is a behind the scenes puppet master in this sector of the Milky Way, A true evil race then look no further then
Drum roll please!
The Kimdori
Finally worked it out have you? :lol:

The Kimdori effectively replicate the 'arrogant know-it-all superhuman never-lift-a-finger master race' that Rainbow Bright and the other gods play in Sennadar. So they're always going to have a much better grasp of and more say in what is going on than us poor humans and our near relatives, the Faey.

Fact 1: Given - with moderation. Effective security and common sense should keep Kimdori away from people who know too much. If humans weren't a butt-monkey species here, I'd wonder how long until they started noticing things with their fresh perspective than the Faey might miss.

Fact 2: Interesting argument. By fostering a cold war attitude within the imperium they might have made the Faey more aggressive than they might have been. But if this is what they have been doing with the Faey, what have they been doing with the other races? And yes, very cruel, and not just to the Faey.

Fact 3: Following the above reasoning... Zaa. Jason has yet to have a harsh word to say about her. IIRC, slavery was just the most objectionable of the things the Trillane did to Earth. It must have occurred to Jason that the Kimdori (as expert information gathers and watchers) must have had a pretty good view of conditions on Earth, and didn't do much about it, until they realised they could they could resurrect House Karrine.

Fact 4: Also determining who gets their extra-curricular help based on personal motivation, and probably the relative value of information they could gather working for this individual. They'd probably pay to work for someone with knowledge of Morridon security for example.
Hell [the Morridon] even went so far as to release a Bio agent on their planet to kill off any Kimdori on it.
Fact 5: As I said. Common sense security. If you really want to keep them out, make it damn clear the kindest outcome they can expect is a claymore mine followed by incineration. And you want to keep them out because gosh darn it they are very good at their job.

Fact 6: Possibly the Kimdori are just out of shape. It's been a game forto them a long time. They're not used to people suddenly willing to keep a secret at all costs. Though I admit they might be keeping that one under their hat. Then again, the Kimdori as a race have no particular need to value Kumi. We know one Kimdori (who did care) failed to learn who, we don't know how much help she had. And I thikn you making this too complex. They knew someone was sneaking around, they knew Jason was involved, and Kumi had a *lot* of dealings with Jason and Earth. It wouldn't have taken much more evidence to know she was probably a source of the investigation. The attempt on her life might have been a serious attempt to end the snooping, or simple a message to back off.

And the Kimdori didn't really need an excuse to get close to Jason. I'm sure they took advantage of the situation, and others, but not to the extent of causing them.

In conclusion: The Kimdori are shape shifting CANINE scavengers. So yes, pretty evil by default then. I like wolves and dogs but not to the extent of ignoring what they actually are. They're also Favored Of The Author, which makes them at least morally ambiguous.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:49 am
by boballab
dellstart wrote:Kumis assassination attempt? makes you wonder , though i am not 100% sold.

Whilst its true, that the kimdori might not be the cleanest operators, you have failed to mention a important point .The pack mentality that ties the Kimdori to Jason and Jason to them.The Kimdori look after their own and House karrine is certainly that.
Ahh put you see that actually is the point in a way. Think on this the Pack mentality aspect was mention not directy by Zaa, or Cybi or even by Jason's personal observations. It was mentioned by Symone who is a Faey and the Faey have been manipulated by the Kimdori for millenium. Where did Symone get her info from? From a Kimdori. Remember the Kimdori manipulate the Faey by what they tell them. So what ever a Kimdori does in realtion to a Faey is suspect from that point. Maybe the Kimdori want them to believe they are friends to help manipulate them? Look if Miaari was Kumi's friend and it was a Kimdori Op., what kind of friend does that make Miaari?

Now lets look closer to the ties between Karinne and Kimdori. The original Karinnes while not possessing a military were considered the most dangerous of a very dangerous race. Why? because of their Tech. So if you are going to manipulate an entire species wouldn't you damm well make sure you had some control over the most dangerous off them all?
Even then we knew that the Karinnes were much more dangerous than they pretended to be. We knew that whichever side they took was going to win the war because that side would have the Karinne telepaths and the Karinne technology, so they had to either be brought over or destroyed. If they weren’t going to side with the Seditionists, they were too dangerous to be allowed to survive
Then there is where you say they are not a threat to the Kimdori. The Faey by their own nature are an expanionst species. They expand until they run up against something. Once that occurs you either give up to them or fight them. With full Karinne Tech and no Kimdori manipulation what kind of adversary would the Faey be then? Thats right they would conqueor every other race in the sector.

Oh and here is another thing for you. Who was in command of the Defiant when it saved jason from that Trillane attack? Oh right Miaari
He gasped. It was Miaari! She was using the Defiant’s mainframe to communicate with him by communion!
[Miaari? What the hell is going on?]
[I’m aboard the Defiant. When our scanners detected the attack, Jinaami warned Denmother, and she sent us. I was on board, overseeing while my people ran a shakedown cruise to make sure it’s operational, when she ordered the Defiant to immediately jump out and assist. Are you okay?]
Notice anything weird about all that? Jeez what a coincidence that a plot to kill Jason just happened to occur, in Draconis Space, at the same time Miaari has the Defiant out on a shakedown cruise. My she sure always seems to be in the right place at the right time. I mean what are all those Odds. With her luckl she should be buying Lottery tickets.

My what another Coincidence that it was right after that the Mey incident occured which sent Jason scuttling to the Denmother for advice and she tells him to become Dahnai's big stick and show off the Defiant as his ship. If you want to make the big stick believable people got to know what that stick can do, how fortunate that Trillane just happened to give them an opportunity to show it off.

Oh look another coincidence the entire crew died and the computer was completely destroyed, how unfortunate there is nothing to trace back to anyone.

Once is an Accident, Twice is a Coincidence, third time is enemy action.

Anti take a little peak at what Kumi told Jason about the slavery investigation.
“Miaari will help. Remember the purple winged thing that was with me that one time I visited?”
“The Kimdori?”
She grinned. “Oh yeah, I forgot you got a Faey there. Yeah, she’s a Kimdori. She’s also my best friend, and Kimdori have ways of finding things out. I’ll ask her to look into it, and she’ll find out what I want to know. It’ll never be traced back to me. When I find out who’s gambling with our entire noble house, I think I might start taking some steps,” she said in an ominous manner.
Kumi specifically stated that Miaari was going to do the looking not herself so it couldn't be traced to her and only step in when Miaari tells her who is behind the slavery. If there was evidence about the slavery to be found that could have been given to the Empress but she didn't have it. So that brings up two possiblities. One Miaari is incompetent and it was traced back to Kumi or two it was a Kimdori Op.

Now you can't keep a Kimdori out they can Impersonate anyone, just like Miaari did of Myleena and walked right through Imperial securtiy at the Faey hospital were Jason was. A kimdori could impersonate Maeri Trillane and who is going to say No to the Grand Duchess on her own planet? When the Kimdori share (read taking everything out of your head) they can block there side of it and even remove things if need be. That happened to Jason on Draconis when he ran across that Kimdori there.
Jason felt a little disoriented for a second, and then realized that everything he’d seen in their commune was removed…and what was more, he didn’t think to look at anything, so surprised he’d been by the feel of it.
There is just to many coincidences and in each one there is Miaari just hovering around.

Then there is this little Kimdori saying: What Kimdori know stay with Kimdori.
I think it really should be: What Kimdori know stay with Kimdori unless its to our advantage to tell someone else.

Fel see what happens when I get some free time on my hands and get bored. Couple more days and I might work out a logical argument that Jesus Christ should be tried for aiding and abetting mass murder. :)

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:52 am
by Hearly
I'd agree with everything you said, but in the same breath, if they wanted to Conquer the sector they could have done it a long time ago, From the way Zaa talked about the Consortium fleet, she didn't say they have a larger fleet than the Faey, she said they had a larger fleet than the Kimidori.. so I'd assume the Kimidor have a larger fleet than the Faey, and they can go in Real Time.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:41 am
by boballab
Hearly wrote:I'd agree with everything you said, but in the same breath, if they wanted to Conquer the sector they could have done it a long time ago, From the way Zaa talked about the Consortium fleet, she didn't say they have a larger fleet than the Faey, she said they had a larger fleet than the Kimidori.. so I'd assume the Kimidor have a larger fleet than the Faey, and they can go in Real Time.
Ahh but who invented real time Hyperspace capabilty? The Karinnes not the Kimdori so without Kimdori interference the Imperium would be in possesion of that Tech.

Now the Fleet Issue
Yes the Consortium has a larger fleet then the Kimdori...possibly if Miaari is telling the truth. Remeber it was Miaari telling this to Jason not Zaa. Remember they are manipulators and they control the Faey by what they tell them. However if those numbers are correct the Kimdori Fleet is vastly inferior to total number of Faey Warships. Faey Warships are not just the Imperial Fleet but every Household fleet along with it. Remember the 3 Highborn house fleets of Trillane, Dorrane and Shovalle would need to be comprable in size to the Imperial fleet if they were going to be able to over throw the Empress.
“Their fleet is larger than ours. But, it is smaller than the average fleet of the major powers in this sector, the combined forces of the Imperium of both house and Imperial navies, the Skaa, the Alliance

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:31 am
by hoppy
boballab wrote:
Now the Fleet Issue
Yes the Consortium has a larger fleet then the Kimdori...possibly if Miaari is telling the truth. Remeber it was Miaari telling this to Jason not Zaa. Remember they are manipulators and they control the Faey by what they tell them. However if those numbers are correct the Kimdori Fleet is vastly inferior to total number of Faey Warships. Faey Warships are not just the Imperial Fleet but every Household fleet along with it. Remember the 3 Highborn house fleets of Trillane, Dorrane and Shovalle would need to be comprable in size to the Imperial fleet if they were going to be able to over throw the Empress.
“Their fleet is larger than ours. But, it is smaller than the average fleet of the major powers in this sector, the combined forces of the Imperium of both house and Imperial navies, the Skaa, the Alliance
House fleets do not have to be equal to the Imperial Fleet. They have less responsibilities and can defeat in detail.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:49 am
by dellstart
ANTIcarrot wrote: In conclusion: The Kimdori are shape shifting CANINE scavengers. So yes, pretty evil by default then. I like wolves and dogs but not to the extent of ignoring what they actually are. They're also Favored Of The Author, which makes them at least morally ambiguous.
true point that.

Honestly , I am starting to see Reds in the bed over here. :lol:

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:41 am
by ANTIcarrot
boballab wrote:Notice anything weird about all that? Jeez what a coincidence that a plot to kill Jason just happened to occur, in Draconis Space, at the same time Miaari has the Defiant out on a shakedown cruise. My she sure always seems to be in the right place at the right time. I mean what are all those Odds. With her luckl she should be buying Lottery tickets.
My what another Coincidence <snip> Oh look another coincidence <snip>
Once is an Accident, Twice is a Coincidence, third time is enemy action.
Or we can go for the simpler explanation: One of the established set pieces in this setting is the Kimdori pulling Jason's arse out of the fire. And Fel does so like to recycle his set pieces. He's not quite as bad as Valve/Half Life are with their sea saw puzzles. Yet... :roll: I think Occam's razor wins on this occasion.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:12 pm
by expedient
You've nicely encompassed the potentially sinister nature of the Kimdori there boballab.

They were also involved with the Karinne attempt to make themselves into the ultimate psionic power. Their cousins.

I do find myself thinking whenever the Consortium energy beings are mentioned that perhaps they'll turn out to be the other side of the same coin with the Kimdori. A race that manipulates others within their galaxy (Andromeda as opposed to the Milky Way) to their own mysterious ends.

I'm also not sure if the Kumi assassination attempt is as significant as you believe. Not every problem is easily solved. On the other hand Jason should be aware that the Kimdori don't tell him everything from his initial dealings with them on Earth. Will they tell him about the true nature of Dahnai's pregnancy, for instance?

Zaa does seem more Jason's Empress than Dahnai is. Do the other Kimdori Pack Leaders have virtual autonomy until the Denmother decides to intervene too?

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by Fel
Many of those facts are quite valid, because the Kimdori aren't "nice."

Note the quotes.

They are an ancient species who were jumping hyperspace when the Faey were still using stone spears, so they have a much different point of view than the younger races. You might jump to the idea that they're like this universe's version of the Vorlons, and in a general way, you're somewhat correct. They play their own game and are more than willing to use the younger races to achieve their own goals.

But where they differ is that the Kimdori don't crave an empire or control, they crave peace. They don't like war, and they work hard to keep things calm by keeping the younger and more violent species under some semblance of control, to prevent violence. The Faey are one of their primary targets, because if the Kimdori hadn't been keeping them contained, they would have probably ravaged the entire sector and probably had become extinct by now when they fell on each other after conquering the other races around them.

That's everything they work for is about, maintaining peace or mitigating the wars that do occur, trying to end them quickly and with a minimum of destruction.

So, in a way, think of them as the Galactic Police. They lurk in the background, silently manipulating everyone around them to try not to foster brotherhood and kindness, but rather to minimize warfare and destruction.

And like many "noble pursuits," what they actually do isn't quite as noble as their intent. They'll happily walk over others in pursuit of their own interests, and they've kept the Faey stirred up like a hornet's nest for over two thousand years. Not more than a few private wars between noble houses was instigated by the Kimdori, deemed as necessary to let the little ones fight as a preventive measure to prevent a larger general war. It's one of the paradoxes of Kimdori nature that they'll start wars in order to prevent wars, and it's a window into the ruthless nature of the species as a whole.

As to Jason and the Kimdori, you're basically right. They own him, and everyone knows it except maybe Jason himself. Dahnai knows it for sure, thus her comment "it has the smell of Zaa all over it" in a chapter a bit ago. But their intent with Jason isn't to control him as much to protect him. They see Jason as one of their own, as a cousin, and the Kimdori are extremely protective of their own. Zaa prefers to let him go his own way most of the time, but she lurks behind him always, ready to step in if she thinks he's about to do something that will jeopardize the house. She got into this position because remember, Jason had NO experience being a Grand Duke when he got put into the job, and he turned to Zaa for help. That help had a hook in it, and now he sees her as a mentor, someone to listen to and to trust. That's why he rarely if ever goes against her wishes. He WOULD if he felt she asked him to do something outrageous though, like declare war on the Imperium or try to rule the sector as the "benevolent dictator." She will move Jason in the direction she wants him to go, but she is always mindful that there are lines she cannot cross...and they are lines she wouldn't cross herself. The Kimdori don't want a "benevolent dictatorship," they want the various species to grow and develop each in their own way, but just not fight with each other.

Why? Because that was how the Kimdori developed. They had no enemies and developed in harmony in their irradiated system, and they want all others to have the same chance as they did. That's why they work to prevent wars, but don't conquer everything. Their interference would prevent the other races from developing if they ruled everyone. That's why the Kimdori interact with other races, but always do so from the background, never active always passive, never doing anything except at the behest of another, since they deem that it would have been done anyway.

It's not easy to explain, it's rather complicated, so I'll just leave it at that.

The Karinnes are now the Kimdori's main window into the Imperium, and the primary means by which they try to maintain peace. Remember, that's what Zaa told Jason to do, support Dahnai to maintain the balance of power in the Imperium and maintain peace.

The only exception to their rules is the Consortium, and that's because they're threatening the Karinnes directly, no more no less. Were they attacking some other house or empire, the Kimdori would work to mitigate their interference, but not fight directly. But the attempts to capture Cybi and Karis were direct attacks, and the Kimdori will fight to save their cousins this time, when they waited too long, wrung their hands in indecision, and then failed to save them in the Third Civil War.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:26 pm
by expedient
I think it's easy to believe in the jumping shadows as Jason does seem a little naive at times. Dahnai and Zaa are constantly exploiting his trusting nature.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:43 pm
by boballab
Fel you just pointed out the Crux of the thing. The Kimdori want everything to stay the way "they" like it. Yes they are not fighters per se they are manipulators so what would have happened if the Faey weren't controled? They would have attacked the Kimdori just like everyone else. The Control of the Faey is a self defense mechanism, so they won't have to fight and maybe lose. At the minimum the way the galaxy works that they like for millenium would change.

At one point Jason did realize he is being used by the Kimdori you wrote it yourself:
What was it Miaari told him? Plans whirl and revolve around him? Hell, was that more than right. The Kimdori were using him to advance their goals, the Empress was using him, the Trillanes were using him. He felt like a two-bit whore, gangbanged by everyone on the block.
See the whole point behind this thread was that the Kimdori were starting to be looked at like they could do no wrong and their motives are pure as the driven snow, when actually they are the most dangerous race in the sector not the Faey. Oh yeah the Faey will fight everyone and anyone and are dangerous, but the Kimdori if they wanted to could run the entire sector from behind the scenes. This makes them way more dangerous, because everyone doesn't think they are that dangerous (except for maybe Dahnai). At the start of Subjugation Jason was his own man. Yeah he would float along for awhile, but when he had to make a decision, he made it. Then after that he followed through on that decision. Jason now seems to be very tentative and unless Zaa holds his hand can't make a decision and starting to rely to much on her and not himself. Just my personal view.

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:28 pm
by ANTIcarrot
They don't like war, and they work hard to keep things calm by keeping the younger and more violent species under some semblance of control, to prevent violence.
So...If Trillane had done everything just the same, but hadn't planed to wage war, and there were no Generations on Earth, the Kimdori would have been happy with that state of affairs?

Is there a point when they will decide that a just war is better than an unjust peace? Or do they simply not think that way?

Re: The Galatic Boogeyman?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:45 pm
by Mistra
boballab wrote:Fel you just pointed out the Crux of the thing. The Kimdori want everything to stay the way "they" like it. Yes they are not fighters per se they are manipulators so what would have happened if the Faey weren't controled? They would have attacked the Kimdori just like everyone else.
They probably wouldn't have, considering they faey systems can't cope with the radiation near kimdori prime, not to mention the fact that you couldn't win against a species that can shapeshift, as long as there's organic matter around a kimdori can regenerate injuries, or just shrink it's size. that, and the fact that kimdori prime is a 3 hour jump from karris, which makes me think it's pretty remote in the sector.