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Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:23 am
by Mizriath
Thank you Fel... for the Chapter 4. Interesting developments.

Thank you for the weekend "pleasure". :)

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:41 pm
by Metatrone
I'm wondering would the interdictors stop all ships, or perhaps there will be a Karinne backdoor. Otherwise they would be way more dangerous than they are worth. They may stop an attack, but if an inderdictor is taken in control by the enemy it would mean they will prevent any rapid response help. This may be ok for Karis, as the Karinnes intend to keep it armed and inaccessible with no enemies inside. But say...on Draconis, or Terra, there could be enemies already there. If the Consortium takes control of the Draconis interdictor they could destroy the planet and the whole empire, the balance of power in the galaxy and so on.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:50 pm
by pfors
The short part about relativity is a bit off. I don't mind pseudo-science in fantasy, but special relativity isn't anything new or strange.
To travel one light year, one needs at least a tiny bit longer than one year (a massive object can get arbitrarily close to the speed of light but never quite reach it). Of course, this would require that one start the journey very close to light speed and don't bother with slowing down when reaching the destination (smashing into a planet at close to light speed would be a quick way to end a war). If one starts from rest relative the destination and accelerate for half the distance and then decelerate for the second half, the time of the journey would depend mostly on what kind of acceleration you can manage. Here's a neat little java calculator for this problem:
So even with an acceleration of just one g, a one light year journey would only take 2.2 years or 1.9 in the frame of the traveler. (The more spectacular effects of time dilation will become apparent if you put in a really long distance and compare the duration in the different reference frames.) If one has the ability to manipulate gravity at will, great accelerations are not a problem. At 100*g the journey takes only 1.02 years in the rest frame and 0.09 years in the travelers frame.

As a side note (and one that I don't mind ignoring for the sake of the story), the star gates do lead to some trouble with relativity. Since the space-time interval between a ship entering at one gate and exiting at the other is space-like (there's a frame in which they occur simultaneously) there are frames where the ship enters before it exits, but also ones where it exits before it enters. So causality breaks down. Not that I'm saying that that's impossible, but without causality stories tend to make little sense ;)

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:16 pm
by ANTIcarrot
pfors wrote:The short part about relativity is a bit off. I don't mind pseudo-science in fantasy, but special relativity isn't anything new or strange.
The rocket equation isn't that strange either. I don't know if gravimetric engines come with a top speed, but PPGs can be turned into reaction engines fairly simply, and those certainly don't. With some modest <cough> engineering, speeds of 0.9C are easily available for kinetic energy rounds. At those kinds of speeds, you don't aim for planets, you aim for stars. Slam a 1000 tons into the surface at such velocity and some quite exciting things are likely to happen. Especially if you were able to aim the splash in some way.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:37 pm
by ANTIcarrot
By the by, did anyone else enjoy reading about the Exile brat getting what he well and truly deserved? I must admit it cheered me up immensely! ^.^ I think I could get to like the Kizzik.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:08 pm
Those youngsters sound very un-Karinne. They are very different, and even more bitter. Why would an attack be so hard to believe?, the consortium were the ones that took their technology in the first place, they are part of their history. On a different note, what ever happened to the pair of stargates Kumi had found? The Aegis was supposed to tow them back, but they were left behind with the attack on Karis, but four chapters into unification and they are still unmetioned. Forgotten by everybody. :cry:

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:14 am
by Mizriath
I wonder whether Fel is going to tell the Urumi to keep "THE SECRET" a secret. I did not see that as a part of the deal and the reason why the CONsortium wanted to attack Karinnes.

Because I believe it will cause a big conniption to the Imprerium when the SECRET is no longer a secret. Dahnai being Dahnai and with her resources will know for sure one day the secrets and the secrets of th KArinnes.... the communion which Rann will have a disposition for leaking secrets which he is supposed to keep. I thought it was Kyri who will leak the secrets but maybe not and shya will also be open to secrets and she is beholden to her mother tooooo.

Maybe Dahnai will step down and let Jason be the Emperor in the Imperium who will step down and let Rann really do Rann turns 34 and the Urumi planets decide to stay with the Karinnes.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:33 pm
by Fel
You'll see a small version of this in the next chapter.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:53 pm
by Hearly
Fel wrote:You'll see a small version of this in the next chapter.

Tease, you don't tell us what small version of this your talking about....

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:04 pm
by Fel
Odds are, you'll find out either tonight or tomorrow night. I'm like 25 pages into the chapter and should be finished in a bit.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:19 pm
by dellstart
Mizriath wrote:I wonder whether Fel is going to tell the Urumi to keep "THE SECRET" a secret. I did not see that as a part of the deal and the reason why the CONsortium wanted to attack Karinnes.

Because I believe it will cause a big conniption to the Imprerium when the SECRET is no longer a secret. Dahnai being Dahnai and with her resources will know for sure one day the secrets and the secrets of th KArinnes.... the communion which Rann will have a disposition for leaking secrets which he is supposed to keep. I thought it was Kyri who will leak the secrets but maybe not and shya will also be open to secrets and she is beholden to her mother tooooo.

Maybe Dahnai will step down and let Jason be the Emperor in the Imperium who will step down and let Rann really do Rann turns 34 and the Urumi planets decide to stay with the Karinnes.
Good onya for figuring out the next stage of the story :D .

who says shya would betray her husbands trust? True shes a royal princess and all that, but she's a wife first. Plus, you would have to be stupid to think Jason and miarri haven't figured that could a possible source for a leak in the future? I am sure that part of the preparing to marry the Heir of House Karrine, would be instruction in keeping the houses secrets.
Ranns young , plus part of growing up is learning from your mistakes.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:29 pm
by Hearly
Fel wrote:Odds are, you'll find out either tonight or tomorrow night. I'm like 25 pages into the chapter and should be finished in a bit.
Tonight would be great, tomorrow I'm going to be busy with work :P

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:06 pm
by Fel
I might be able to swing tonight, but it'll be late.

But, you'll get a cliffhanger. ;)

Oh, wait, that's even more reason to do it.

Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:33 pm
by Hearly
Fel wrote:I might be able to swing tonight, but it'll be late.

But, you'll get a cliffhanger. ;)

Oh, wait, that's even more reason to do it.

Eeeeeeeeeevil fel, you are...


Re: Unification - Chapter 4 - Spoilers

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:46 pm
by Metatrone
Yep, why should he change now..

...and the stakeout continues...