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Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:57 pm
by Hearly
Why isn't she as feral if not more so than Tarrin and Mist?

She was chained to a wall and "played" with for awhile, wouldn't that make her more Feral than Tarrin or Mist?

Re: Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:33 am
by Knight314
just throwing out a thought here. but could it be because Tarrin locked that part away from her for a while and allowed her to come to grasps with what she became. plus the fact that Tarrin cared for her could have helped heal some of that away. like fel says all werecats are feral to a point.

Re: Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:39 am
by Xel
I think the reason that Jula is a bit less feral than Tarrin is that Tarrin had to depend on it to survive. He was actively trying to be feral because the instincts allowed him to live during the Questing Game.

Jula on the other hand after she was saved from the Kizadun didn't have to go through nearly as much stress as Tarrin, she also worked very hard to be human again since she probably though that the goddess would forgive her more easily.

Re: Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:19 am
by Lochar
Jula has her list as well, of friend and foe.  It's just there's a bigger blurry line before you hit the foe level.  Jula went from feral beyond the point of Mist, since her instincts had taken over, to somewhere between Tarrin currently and Kimmie currently.  Remember, removing the instincts removed the madness, and with help learning about how to find a balance, she was able to retain some of her humanity.

Think of it this way.  When Tarrin pushed her instincts back, it kinda 'reset' Jula's mind with a preset foe list.  Since Tarrin was the one that helped her, he was the first onto her friend list.  Her ferality is a result of remembered events from Kravon, but since she's been healed of what happened at his hands, she's not going to be as feral as she was.  Kinda like Mist there.  Heal the cause, watch the ferality go down a bit.

Re: Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:04 am
by Shadowhawk
Besides, we don't know that much about Jula. For example, how hard is to her to make a new friends? That's one of the indicators of the "ferality level". She ain't as feral as Mist (was) or Tarrin before desert and Na'Dara (?) (where's handy list of character names and other namew when you need them; in plain text ot HTML format). Tarrin has helped her to overcome her ferality.

BTW. I wonder how much dangerous is to call female Werecat Werepussy? ;)  :P

Re: Something I just thought of dealing with Jula.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:59 pm
by J-Man5
shadowhawk wrote:BTW. I wonder how much dangerous is to call female Werecat Werepussy? ;)  :P

I think that should be left to Tarrin.  Other wise you may come back with missing limbs and other important body parts.  
