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Sorcery storage?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:21 pm
by Weresmilodon
Just had a small thought.

Is it possible to make an amulet, or talisman, or something among those lines that can absorb and store Sorcery? (like Tarrin and Dolanna does in their bodies)

Could possible be some variation on the void of Tarrins amulet.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:59 pm
by The_Namer
While I'm obviously not Fel, I would imagine such a device could be made, but its storage capacity would likely depend on the strength of the Sorcerer crafting it. One made by Tarrin could probably fuel an ordinary Sorcerer's weavings for a good few weeks, if not more.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:30 am
by Lochar
We're talking about a moving permanent weave here.  I think that only Niami could allow the making of something like that, as it would be akin to a rechangable strand that you could pull power out of.

It would be an enchanted item that held a charged weave as it's enchantment.  Tarrin or someone else would charge it, and whoever was wearing it at the time could draw from it.

The problem with that is if you over draw from the item, you'd start drawing on the enchantment itself, and you could cause the item's enchantment weaves to fall together and Wildstrike.

Doable but insanely dangerous.  There'd have to be a better way.

Oh, that was post 499.  I need a really good reason to make post 500.  *grin*

Anyone wanna come up with a good reason to see what my new title will be?

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:12 am
by Weresmilodon
Good points. I just thought of it at an artificial body (imitation of an sorcerer), capable to store energy the same way, and enhanced against heat.

It would draw sorcery from whatever source nearby, like Tarrins sword, or the weave, and then store it inside.

Not sure how to be able to draw it out without ruining anything, though. Maybe if it was done by some other sort of magic order...
lochar wrote:Edit--
Oh, that was post 499.  I need a really good reason to make post 500.  *grin*

Anyone wanna come up with a good reason to see what my new title will be?
The change most likely is at 501 posts... Or the Admins might change it down to 499 just to mess with you.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:18 am
by Spec8472
lochar wrote: Oh, that was post 499.  I need a really good reason to make post 500.  *grin*

Anyone wanna come up with a good reason to see what my new title will be?
Not particularly... ;)

Oh, and congrats.

weresmilodon wrote:The change most likely is at 501 posts... Or the Admins might change it down to 499 just to mess with you.


The Admins (The title comes with its own complimentary set of capital letters when one likes to feel important.) would never do such a thing.

Now, where did I put that halo...

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:31 pm
by Lochar
I asked for that, didn't I?


And thanks.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:50 pm
by Shadowhawk
lochar wrote:Lochar
FAA (Forum Addicts
Anonymous) Founding
Nice title, Lochar. Congratulations.

Good taste, admins, and nice touch of humour.

Modified: I've just noticed my new title. LOL.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:00 pm
by Shadowhawk
spec8472 wrote:*gasp*

The Admins (The title comes with its own complimentary set of capital letters when one likes to feel important.) would never do such a thing.

Now, where did I put that halo...
Spec8472, I think you meant "Admins (...) would never do such thing" (i.e. Admins changing new title threshold to 499 posts), even if you said "Admins (...) would never do such a thing"... because they did!

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:39 pm
by Spec8472
shadowhawk wrote:Good taste, admins, and nice touch of humour.
Thankyou :)

shadowhawk wrote: Spec8472, I think you meant "Admins (...) would never do such thing"
Whilst English is my first language, and I don't claim to be anything like a scholar in the language.

I do believe that "such a thing" is what I meant and is technically correct, unless you meant "... Would never do such things" (plural).

Either way, to my understanding of the common usage of the language (because it's a bastard of a language) both versions are correct.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:06 am
by Shadowhawk
spec8472 wrote:Whilst English is my first language, and I don't claim to be anything like a scholar in the language.

I do believe that "such a thing" is what I meant and is technically correct, unless you meant "... Would never do such things"
Either way, to my understanding of the common usage of the language (because it's a bastard of a language that
Maybe that is me who is mistaken. English is not my native language, after all.

Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:01 pm
by J-Man5
spec8472 wrote:Now, where did I put that halo...

Do halos fit over horns?


Re: Sorcery storage?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:34 am
by Spec8472
j-man5 wrote: Spec8472,

Do halos fit over horns?

No, but they fit over the Cats Ears quite fine.

(Excuse the shoddy graphic edit -- I'm at work, I've only got access to MS Paint, which suprisingly now supports saving as PNG)