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Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:38 am
by cain412
I have an idea for a seasonal story for Fel to write about. what happened to the olympics in the subjugation universe? did they continue? were all the athletes sent of to be farm workers or what? I think it would be a neat side story with the olypmics coming up in a few weeks.

Re: olympics?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:35 am
by ThisAndThat1
>... be a neat side story with the olypmics coming up in a few weeks.

I forgot about the games. Lucky me, I'm on this side of the pond so I can watch it on the SKY bird.
Lots more events, no talking heads plugging up the screen and it shows all of the country's not just the big 3 or four in the lead.
Not to USA bash (just the networks) but having seen it on the SKY channels in the past - the US coverage just sucks dust.

Re: olympics?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:07 pm
by dellstart
Thats a great idea.

A lot of subtexts to be played out , kinda of like the case of Jesse Owens in the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin.Some cause for pride in a otherwise gloomy situation.

Re: olympics?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:31 pm
by Journeywoman
cain412 wrote:I have an idea for a seasonal story for Fel to write about. what happened to the olympics in the subjugation universe? did they continue? were all the athletes sent of to be farm workers or what? I think it would be a neat side story with the Olympics coming up in a few weeks.
Hrm, yes. Might as well, just to round out the western imperialistic view in the subjugation universe.

*Puts on University cap* (I did some study on this as part of my degree)
Ever think why China got the Olympics? Well it was because a group of rich white guys decided China had played by the western rules enough to deserve it, by embracing capitalism. Is this necessarily a good thing?

I'm not necessarily saying the/an alternative, ie Mao style Communism, is a good thing but is 'capitalism' and 'democracy' really the best way? Should we be really be promoting it/forcing it on country so they can get good PR?

Ironically, I'm not actually against the Olympics. I like their ideal. But I wonder if promoting one ethnocentric world celebration as the highest pinnacle is really the best way.
*Takes off uni cap*

Re: olympics?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:36 am
by alkiera
As I'm sure you've heard before; capitalism/democracy is the worst form of economy/government... except for all the others.

Honestly, something like a benevolent dictatorship is really ideal and most efficient; the trick is finding a benevolent dictator, and the problems of how you deal with dissent without being indistinguishable from Castro, Hussein, or Kim Jong Ill.