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anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:04 am
by Knight314
i've been on pretty constantly the last week...week and a half.... checking in when i'm bored... which is a lot. and i've yet to see fel on the board... any one see him lately?

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:04 am
by Fel
I'm sure he's around here somewhere.

I'll keep an eye out for him.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:59 am
by Forbidder
Yay!  I spotted a Fel!

*points upward*

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:15 am
by Peter_Koopman
forbidder wrote:Yay!  I spotted a Fel!
[aol mode] Me too, me too  ;)

Hi Fel,

How's life?

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:49 am
by Greymist
Whoops, sorry, above post from Fel was just me logged into his account.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:01 pm
by Peter_Koopman
greymist wrote:Whoops, sorry, above post from Fel was just me logged into his account.
Shame on you... Thou shalt not sit on the Kings throne!  :D

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:56 pm
by Lochar
sotho wrote:
Shame on you... Thou shalt not sit on the Kings throne!  :D
You haven't been around long enough to realize that there is no Fel, have you?  It's just the bored admins and I playing as him.

They won't let me offically be Fel, so that's why I'm only the unoffical fount of all Sennadar knowledge.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:27 pm
by Forbidder
No Fel?  If there is no fel then who writes the stories?  And who writes about all that stuff about Fel's life that he has to go through?

This is getting creepy man...

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:20 am
by Greymist
DustyX, unique/eccentric and myself write them, why do you think I've said previously that I know spoilers and know certian things about the books.

When any of us say we've been talking to Fel we really just mean we're talking together and brainstorming/researching for the book.

Stuff about Fel's life? we just take pieces of our own lives and put them together.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:23 am
by Knight314
don't you mean when you say you've been talking to fel that you've just been talking to yourself and now your just trying to convince yourself you're not crazy?

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:16 am
by Lochar
knight314 wrote:don't you mean when you say you've been talking to fel that you've just been talking to yourself and now your just trying to convince yourself you're not crazy?
Considering that Grey, uniquec, dusty, and the rest are just figments of my deranged imagination; am I trying to reconsile my multiple personalities by making one of them the official dominant one so that I can sink into unthinking oblivion?

If you understood that sentence, you need to get a job as a shrink.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:52 am
by AdamX
No Fel? Man, dusty and twiner must have been laughing their freakin heads off when I'd talk to Fel in #night, thinking it was Fel. Or maybe all of you are just figments of my imagination, thus making Fel a figment of the imagination of the figments of my imagination. Or perhaps all the posts on this forum are created by an alien supercomputer allowing the extra-terrestrials to study a geek(me) in its natural environment.

BTW, if you did understand Lochar's last post, tell me, cause I need a shrink.

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:03 am
by Knight314
i thought that most people with MPD... weren't aware that they had more than one personality?

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:49 am
by Spec8472
lochar wrote:
Considering that Grey, uniquec, dusty, and the rest are just figments of my deranged imagination; am I trying to reconsile my multiple personalities by making one of them the official dominant one so that I can sink into unthinking oblivion?

And it's "reconcile" (I couldn't just post one word).

Re: anyone seen fel?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:01 pm
by Lochar
knight314 wrote:i thought that most people with MPD... weren't aware that they had more than one personality?

It took me a while.  I left notes for myselves.  LOL