Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by borsic »

The Baen Free Library uploaded four new novels:

David Drake, Seas of Venus
Lars Walker, Wolf Time
Michael Z. Williamson, Freehold
Roland Green and John F. Carr, Great Kings? War

All hail Baen Books!

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by riduan »

I remember someone posted a free online fantasy website by amateur writers...can't remember the site. But I visited it once only to discover that one of Baen authors used to write and post his work there...

not sure how true this is...but I guess who know one day the name John Galloway ends up to be an established and published author!
Shalon Wood

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shalon Wood »

shadowhawk wrote:Here you have dump of part of my bookmarks file: links to good reading or indices/catalogs of links to good reading. Next parts will follow... Warning! this part contains links to erotic stories sities. You have been warned...
Well, heck, if we're linking to erotic stuff, I'll too my own horn:

Still in progress (my wife does the editing, and her pain meds have stopped working the last few months. In 11 days she has an appointment with a doc who may actually fix this, and things should speed up).

I like it, but then I guess I'm a touch biased...

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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Graewolfe »

wow i remember reading prudence a long time ago, i thought it/you had stoped writing it from nonupdates.. *shrugs* more to read *drools*

and upon urging of ShadowHawk il post some links to various stories some of wich may or may not be erotic so your warned and i have no idea whatall has been mentioned before so if i post somthign thats already been added ah well

for all you people who like LONG fics
Massive crossover that somtimes is a bit hard to follow but its also damn fine writing
another MASSIVE peice of work that ties in with the above on a couple occasions
and by the same group of people very well done spoof of the popular masterpc universes

most of the rest is various fanfictions/archives
ranma archive various authors here most if not all are exelent

ranma fic bout halfway down "proccess of elimination" VERY nice long ranma/tenchi crossoverfic various crossovers all very good especialy 'golden oportunity' a ranma/gold diggers crossover
If you liked the kuno/talbain cross from shadowhawks post heres a ranma/were/talbain under the crossover section 'beast within' all the other stories are also very nice 'a cold dish' very nice ramna/forgottenrealms/smoon crossover that has been relativly recently updated very nice ranma/hellsing crossover thats been updated relativly recently

New: Original Fiction Kerplop's (nice name eh?;)) 'Charn' story is a computer game based adventure that strongly reminds me of .hack and Tad Williams 'Otherworld' series (allthough otherworld is much beter/complex)

buffy the vamp layer... er slayer BtVPS archive site
recomended authors 'Anime Ronin' 'Enterprise1701_d' Greydon Creed' 'Verbosity' and most importantly "Tim Joy" aka jeconais whos work is linked below in hp ff BtVPS archive site


Tim Joy aka Jeconais Edit: Tims made his livejournal friends only he has also created two yahoogroups one for those over18 and one thats under, the over 18 is the most active one editTims newly created site, well made and organized, I highly recomend it/him - mostly harry/ginny fics erotic hp fiction site registration required thu non spammy
and master eldryns site even thu his stories and thier links have been killed news is still good

'adult' fiction -signup needed but its free and non spamy
recomending 'cmsix' his "john and argent" story is nice and long as well as 'allagon' whos "star dancer" is nice and well long =) 'Robert Ketting's "america" not that long but good and has potential even if it hasnt been updated in forever Xanthos pendragons masterfull masterpc story very nice anime/lemon/fanfic site VERY VERY VERY nice romance/erotic pokemon and smoon author high recomendation even if you want to skip over the x rated parts its still an AWSOME fic/s
edit: nikolai mirovich has recently updated and added a non X rated fic on the above link-i dont recognize what its based on but still a very nice dimension traveling detective story

New: as previously posted by someone. specificaly mentioning Warlord and two of his stories 'Scout' and 'Wild west' first is scifi space pirate type thing second is time travel to wild west time period ... p?auth=gam Gambit's 'Marcus power' is very nice as well, its also undergoing a rewrite as Shadow knight chronicles

i have more but bah i cant seem to find my bkmarks whered they all go 0_o!?
edit: id post more links but i recently looked at my author alert list and found that i already had 230 authors on it and as thats WAY to many to post here *shrugs

edit: added a few
edit: 12/15 added a ranma fic or two
edit: 6/18 added a trio of good scifi crossovers...
edit: 6/18 Later that day- added a few random other links i have open in firefox
edit: 6/18 Still later, also i seem to have a surplus of gmail accouns (just like everyone else who has one) so if anyone reading this wants on or knows of someone that does.. shoot me a pm with your email address and il send hoever many over
edit: 9/15 added stuff to the jeconais entry
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Lochar »

graewolfe wrote: harrypotter
Tim Joy aka Jeconais
You do realize that I'm Lochar as well on Tim's LJ, right?  *GRIN* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shadowhawk »

The problem with huge archives, repositories, directories, catalogues, libraries (or what you want to call it) - huge in means of having very large number of stories - is that it is usually hard to find something good to read, even if there are large number of good (and to your tastes) stories. So I'd like to have everyone using such site extensively (and having cahce of good authors and/or stories) to post his/her recommendations. Thanks in advance.

I'd like to start with some recommendations for erotica authors and stories. Some authors post to more than one site; they may or may not be repeated in this list.
  • Let's start with Literotica, "where it all began". From there I've found my way to EWP, following the link in Ice_Phoenix info. The organization of the site has changed from the time I took my bookmarks. Attention: some of the pages use port 81 instead of typical 80 - beware all behind a firewall! Sometimes you might have to change hostname in URL from <tt>english</tt> to <tt>www</tt>. The recommended authors and stories are from my bookmarks and what I written down: watch for the story codes, because I've not checked it!

    I recommend jfinn ("Amy's Smile"), JCutter ("Travelled Road"), mrmxy ("April" series), mountainboy ("Suzanne" series), Gojjengo ("Wolf Lake"), rexfelis ("The Girl"), tenyari ("Naked Girl"), CWatson ("More Than Friends": more on ASSTR), thebullet ("Death By Fucking"), LordRaven ("Stock"), rlfj, MorganHawke (especially "*Moon*" stories), Che, rgjohn, Starlight and ronde, Thesandman, smilodonwriter ("Walking with dogs"), D. C. Roi, Miltone, "Cherry-Girl" by Omni, "Colorblind" interracial sex story by Thelegguy (unfortunately Thelegguy and his stories, among them "Colorblind" have vanished from Literotica, and I haven't found them elsewhere) <- all from my bookmarks.

    I recommend also "Rob & Trish" stories by Rob in AZ, Cat5, Wm_Sexspear, TryAnything (if you like incest themes), "Weekend with girls" by Awlni, very nice stories by KillerMuffin ("Front Lawn Butt Sex" among others), the cowboy, Chicago Bob, christo, Bacomicfan (more hard), "Cael's Star" (don't remember the author), Ice_Phoenix (aka. Net Wolf), MaxSebastian, LustyLovers (check their TimeTr story), Telephoneman, HedbangerSA (also on EWP), Bobby T (size and sometimes incest stories), jt123 (also incest), nice mind control stories: "Power of Rings" and "Magic Lessons", nice fetish story "Scent Factory", very nice fetish/sf-f story "Sacred Garden" by avatar302, "Celuna's Hunt", "Mikaela", oggbashan stories (maybe), Mushrom (Mushroom at Eroticstories and SOL). "Jingle My Bells" by Jewelee and sequel are very good Humor & Satire story. "Who's Your Daddy?" by Bacomicfan is good Anal story;  stories by libidinal (sometimes additionally with incest added) are also very nice stories from this category.  "smokeSCREEN" by Riven___Caulfield is nice (if unfinished) SF story in aftermath world in Novels & Novellas section.

    Literotica has also Top Stories and Monthly and Yearly awards, first and third also divided into categories. So when Literotica upgrades its servers to not give timeouts it will be nice repo of good stories. You may try to find recommended authors/stories elsewhere, e.g. on StoriesOnline or ASSTR.
  • Next will be EWP, Electronic Wilderness Publishing, where I got link to Firestaff Series (thank you again, the one who put this link in their Recommended Links section). During the discussion on EWP forum somebody have pointed me to Storiesonline (SOL); thanks a lot! I did not explored it as much as other sites, so the number of recommendations is not that large. That not means that there are not many great stories there!

    I have the following authors in My Library (that is one of EWP features, very nice as it is site which uses HTML frames extensively): Andrew Wiggin (thebullet on Literotica), Corvis, CSquared, dai_wakizashi (to be removed I think), Ersatz, Gambit, Gina Marie Wylie, Guyver, Heathen57,  Immodicus Furor, Jinxy, Joe J., Net Wolf, Night Wolf, Razer and Tom Schroeder.

    I'd like to recommend also "Naked in School: Bobby and Kathy" by Night Wolf, "Artifacts 1", "The Big O2", "CAMP: Ron's Journey", "Dragonseekers", "Paladin" and "From Hate's Twisted Vine, Love Blooms" by Net Wolf, "Dragon Clan" and "The Rescue" by Heathen57, "Coffee With Dad" short story by Girl Friday, BlackRose's stories, Ellagon's stories, "Genesis" by Mandorin has nice beginnings, ElSol stories, Warlord stories are quite nice ("Atlantis", "Warlord", "Wild West"), "Summer Road Trip" by Jefferson, "Shadow's Knight Chronicles" (rewrite of "Marcus Power") by Gabit, "The Ride" and "Road to Tombstone" by HeadbangerSA... and probably some more.
No links to authors and stories: I think everybody can find their way. I tried not to post links to too hardcore stories, but I might have missed some.

<hr>More recommendations to come in next post (SOL and ASSTR); this post is quite big even without next recommendations.
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shadowhawk »

shadowhawk wrote:More recommendations to come in next post (SOL and ASSTR); this post is quite big even without next recommendations.
I'd like to continue with recommendations for erotica authors and stories. Some authors post to more than one site; they may or may not be repeated in this list.
  • Next we will move to Storiesonline (also known as SOL). If I remember correctly you have to be registered (free) to read stories. Some (a few) stories are available only to paying members; so called 'Premium Membership'. Sometimes the story moves from restricted section (only beginning available to all readers) to free section. There is 16 stories per 24h download/bandwidth limit (check FAQ for what to avoid) for free members, also searching is somewhat limited. There are some Top Stories lists, but not very many; and of course Recent Updates and Recent stories.

    Let start with some recommended authors for which I have no example stories (or was to lazy to check the titles): be287m ("The Ugly One"), SirFozzie, Ashely Young, Gina Marie Wyllie, Andrew Wiggin, Ellagon, Gary Johns (rgjohn at Literotica), jfinn ("Amy's Smile"), Lord Raven, Tallorder64, Tom Schroeder, Friar Dave, not all but most of Lazlong stories, Partenogenesis, GentleButFirm, Gray Beard, D. Abby (more hardcore), Paul Phenomenon (mostlu in restricted section). Some may like, ans some might not Morgan stories: one of better (least Morganesque) I think is "Six Months Turnaround".

    Next are fully finished stories: "Doing It All Over" and "Aftermath" long stories by Al Steiner, "Tired of Being the Nice Guy" (good, somewhat unusual BDSM story; and I'm not into genre!) and other stories by MWTB, "Redemption" and other stories in series by Shrink42, fembot stories (also on ASSTR/and link at Gary Jordan favorites) by DB_Story, "Dance of a Lifetime" and NiS stories by Frank Downey, "The Bitch and the Jerk" by Bingain, "Bellaire Belles" by Mr. Freeze, "Game Night That Changed My Life" by James Muddelson, "Earning Julie" (might be not to your liking: quite specific) by JS3729, "Jenny" by Arty, "Stalkings" and "Tales of the X-23: AriaX" by ElSol, "Dork" by Consonant Smile, "Glen Wiseman" by Laslo Zaleac, "No Excuse" and "Never Any Excuse" by Uncle Sky, "Okinawa" (interracial) by Muschroom, NiS stories by CWatson, "Wilkerson Institute" by rlfj, "Lucky Tickets" and "Lucky Stiff" (good mind control story) by JiMC, "Love at First Sight" and other stories by Jeremy Spencer, "Snapshot" by M. Millswan. I recommend all NiS: "Naked in School" Universe stories (or almost all).

    Last stories with series in progress: "Playing the Game" by Reverend Cotton Mathers, "Cammie Sue" by RealLifeDragon (hated with passion by some, and not that good), "Twice Lucky" by Joe J, "Lucky Tickets"/"Lucky Stiff" by JiMC, "Transformations:..." series (sequel to "Pygmalion Project") by Shrink42. Then stories in progress itself: "Ashes to Ashes" by The Scott, "Robin" by John Smith, "Spitfire and Messerschimidt" by Gina Marie Wylie, "Charlotte's Movie" by Pleasure Boy 1, "The Julianna Saga" by Black Gibson (abandoned I think), "Choices" by Tajod (watch the story codes for this one), "The Cerry Orphan" by Garrelhaz. And of course stories in progress by authors I mentioned earlier, like "Rewind" by Frank Downey.

    Finally some stories I haven't read in full: "The Girls' School" by Connard Wellington, "Tandra" by John Wales, "The Lottery" by Darkvision, "Jim, the Teenage MC" by Rass Senip, "Once More With Feelings" (TimeTr/rebirth story with a twist) by The Night Hawk, "Pete: A Young Man Story" by Magi.
  • Finally (in erotica recommendations) ASSTR: Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository. Largerly unorganized. Has collections, top downloads, news... and it is almost all structure. So, you follow the links to find what you want, e.g. favorites list of ASSTR (and other) authors, and erotic stories awards hosted on ASSTR: Golden (yearly) and Silver (monthly) Clitorides. See e.g. Gary Jordan site for a collection of links, and links to favorites/awards. I don't remember how I found this site: maybe it was remark in Frank Downey info at SOL, maybe it was note on EWP Forum, maybe something said on IRC.

    I recommend reading "Dance of a Lifetime", NiS stories and "Rewind" by Frank Downey, "Reunion", "General" and "Coffee with Dad" by Girl Friday, "Jumpstart" psi stories, "Taken", tg stories and other ones by Jack C. Lipton, "Summer Camp" by Nick Scipio, "Force" and "Neighbour next Door" series by Dorsai, "Monsters" by Alexis in Alaska, "Growing up with Beth" and other stories by Artie, "Crossroads", "For Sharon" and other stories by Wiseguy (very nice and up to facts hypnosis stories), "Romancing Jack" by Souvie, "First Impressions" and Chocolate Morsels 'Universe' by Gary Jordan (check also his Favorite Authors, Favorite Stories (now with links) and Links pages), "Playing The Game" by The Reverend Cotton Mather, "Geek Goddess" by Trybble, "Till Death Do Us Part" by Desdemona, "Reunion" and "Fonda and Cat" by JohnA, "The Girl With the Bicycle" by Wandering Lanes, "The Watching Trilogy" (two books up till now) by Allan Mathews, "Cat's Tale" and "Mercedes" by Catmandu99, "Brenda" by Tom Bombadil, "Laura..." stories by Shon Richards (in his/her FTP section), "Eyeliner" by Henrik Larsen, "Paternity" and "Becca" by Virago Blue, "My Condition" (nice humor) by Nightshade (other stories are mostly BDSM stories with romance), "IOU" by Vickie Morgan, "Finding Betsy" by E.Z.Riter, "Rapina" by Rapina (!), "The Sexiest Part of Woman", both versions by Lawrence David, "A Life Uncommon" by Simon Trinity (?), "Heaven Sent" by Slowhand (the storiy I've read first in challenge section at

    ASSTR also hosts "Naked in School" collection.
Enough for now?
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Sun Jan 09, 2005 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by dstar »

graewolfe wrote:wow i remember reading prudence a long time ago, i thought it/you had stoped writing it from nonupdates.. *shrugs* more to read *drools*
No, we haven't stopped. We've actually got a lot more 'written' than is up, but it's in moo log format, so Vel (my wife) has to convert it to fiction format.

Unfortunately, she's got a chronic pain disease (fibromyalgia) and the pain meds she was on lost their effectiveness about a year ago, and almost completely stopped working about 6-8 months ago. As of this past monday, however, she has _real_ pain meds, and should have _energy_ again.

Look for new Prudence soon (And, hopefully, our NiS novel, all 200K+ of it)

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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by borsic »

I don't think anyone has posted
yet, and anyway, I am bored. Nice Shadowrun-Fiction, 4 complete novels and a whole bunch of short-stories, if you liked shapcano, you will like this.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shadowhawk »

It seems that there will be a while till Fel posts new chapter. So for those who cannot find something to read here you have some links to quite good (I think) fanfiction. Some links may have appeared in this thread before: they are listed again for completeness. Some links are not repeated: see my earlier post #89 in this thread under the same title: "Re: Links to good fanfic...".
  • Virtual Seasons of The Sentinel (human with all five senses enhanced; the human in this series was Cascade's cop Jim Ellison), found at Cascade Library:
  • The Highlander (immortal who can die only by beheading) fanfic can be found at The Seventh Dimension
    Highlander Fan Fiction Archive
    ; but I warn you: this is very large and not very well organized collection. From there I've read
    • Crys's fanfic - among others Chessman Chronicles, Highlander/The Forever Knight crossover (vampire cop, good guy). This is the link I come by to Seventh Dimensions. There is also nice Highlander in Forgotten Realms universe on his page(s).
    • On DCE's Creative Corner there is another Highlander/Forever Knight crossover, with main characters being female Immortal, Antonia (which in first story in series came to Toronto to avenge her sister) and vampire LaCroix. For those who are familiar with Highlander universe, but not with Forever Knight one (like me), I'd recommend reading Chessman Chronicles first. Link found in Shack's FanFic Clearinghouse.
    • There is quite nice Highlander/Bubblegum Crisis crossover ("boomers" (bio mechanical androids), GENOM Corporation and 4 hero girls group in "hardsuits" named Knight Sabers) by Mike Breen starting with "Death and Life" (txt).
  • Shadowrun fanfic (cyberpunk world + magic: mages, riggers, deckers, samurai (vat job or cybered), phys adepts; humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls... and sometimes dragon, quetzal, vampire, ghoul or cyberzombie to the mix):
    • Shapcano's Shadowrun Stories: has his own stories featuring among others Owen Glendower and Lost Boys, or Sticks, or Burnout and Gear. He also hosts stories by other authors, among them "Chrome Dragons" by Nitro. I don't know why byt there are sometimes problems with accessing this site (or its subpages). It is hosted on Geocities: maybe that is because of its bandwith limits... I've downloaded those stories myself using Wayback Machine (aka Internet Archive).
    • Winterhawk's Virtual Magespace by Shadorat. Ratfiction stories are featuring Winterhawk (Brit mage), Ocelot, Joe and Wraith, also Kestrel, and Gabriel.
    • deckerM's Shadowrun fiction. Two main series are 1.) Duck and Co. (Duck is decker), Backer Bros., and crossovers. 2.) Jess in Seattle (motormedic).
    • Nightsky's Shadowrun Fiction: "A Shadow of Society" and "A Jinxed Life" unfinished series (the latter much less finished) and some short stand-alone stories.
    • Here There Be Shadows - webpage about Shadowrun world and RPG game, some additions to RPG gaming rules, and finally some stories.
I hope that will allow you to last to the next chapter... ;)  ;) ;)

Modified: 11.11.2004 - Link corrected.
Modified: 04.01.2005 - Link to Highlander/ForeverKnight crossover found!
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shadowhawk »

Well, if I'm to catch up with Lochar wrt. number of posts, I have to split my messages. Actually the link below is points to the story quite different from the other ones (among others it is not fanfic).

The Adventures of Solo Jones, Supernatural Investigator is (at least from the chapter 6 of first book) modern fantasy story, quite unconventional one. And not a dark, gothic one as usual modern/urban fantasy stories are (like e.g. Big City). Three completed books so far, each 20 chapters long. Very good I think.
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by zedd » ... -Story.htm

a leopard's tail is an unfinished story with 22 chapters. I find it very good.  (no sex no violence, it's safe)

Contemporary story of a man who starts changing in a leopard (were-leopard ??)
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Shadowhawk »

zedd wrote: ... -Story.htm
A Leopard's Tail is an unfinished story with 22 chapters. I find it very good.  (no sex no violence, it's safe)
Contemporary story of a man who starts changing in a leopard (were-leopard?)
If you liked this story, then you might find Clan of the Cats webcomics to your liking. Only there it is black panther, not leopard.

I have also posted links to furry stories (sites) in my posts #20, #24 (page 2), #81 (page 6) and in my bookmarks dump #82 (page 6) in this thread.
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by zedd »

Thank you.

 I didn't miss your earlier posts :-)
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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Post by Berkinker »

ive been lurking here for a long time now and i just wanted to throw these two out there

at stories online

cmsix's nanovirus universe is a good read

el sol's a master's ring (not for everyone)