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Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:02 pm
by Lochar
Shadowhawk wrote:I do hope that we rae more intelligent than do that.

I've read (see the Wikipedia entry on Fanfiction) that there was some serious clash where some author used (or supposedly used) some fanfic or fanfic ide in the world/universe related stories anthology. Which led to some authors banning even more strongly any fanfiction (e.g. from imposing some limits like not using major characters, or using only OC in fanfics) and authors like fanfics but which feel that they cannot read any fanfic in his/her universe.
I would like to think we are as well. But all it takes sometimes is one idiot to mess everything up.

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:28 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:I very seriously doubt Fel would change any of his story to suit this view or that view.
I'm cool with that.
If something you suggested did turn up in the story, it's there because it'd already been planned.
That would be cool, too. However, it appears you are somewhat confused. First, you say you doubt Fel would change any of his story then you say if such an idea did turn up it would be because it was already planned. Unless you are a mind reader or Fel's authorized agent, you really shouldn't be making claims for Fel.

Don't scream that "Hey, that was my idea! I want credit for it!"
I guess you missed the humor intended in my post so I'll make my legal intentions clear for now and for ever.

Fel, I hereby irrevocably transfer any and all rights to any and all of my ideas regarding any and all of your characters and storylines to you and/or your heirs and/or your sucessors.

Please. I've actually seen writers driven off because people were too good at guessing the twists and then screamed about it, thinking the author had taken their idea.
I've actually seen folks driven off forums because some nit-picking know-it-all people don't know when to lighten up. ;-)

Jim/Were Fan

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:50 pm
by Were_Fan
Shadowhawk wrote:I do hope that we rae more intelligent than do that.
Intelligence does not imply common sense. An intelligent person might point out that you mis-spelled "are" as "rae" but that intelligent person would have little common sense. ;-)

I've read (see the Wikipedia entry on Fanfiction) that there was some serious clash where some author used (or supposedly used) some fanfic or fanfic ide in the world/universe related stories anthology. Which led to some authors banning even more strongly any fanfiction (e.g. from imposing some limits like not using major characters, or using only OC in fanfics) and authors like fanfics but which feel that they cannot read any fanfic in his/her universe.
Fanfic "rules" vary from author/copyright holder and web site to website. For instance, fanfic is not allowed on the Baen forums. However, fanfic has been solicited in the case of an Honor Harrington(?) anthology or two. Of course, fanfic published in that manner ceases to be fanfic.

Jim/Were Fan

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:08 pm
by Lochar
Were_Fan wrote:

Please. I've actually seen writers driven off because people were too good at guessing the twists and then screamed about it, thinking the author had taken their idea.
I've actually seen folks driven off forums because some nit-picking know-it-all people don't know when to lighten up. ;-)

Jim/Were Fan
I realize most of that, and I wasn't singling you out for it. It just came up from your post, so I used it as a basis for what I was saying. I doubt any of us would do something like that.

And do please deflate me if I tend to get too high up there. LOL