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Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 7:41 am
by Shadowhawk
If you want to read some significant (one of the terms of putting the book in the index is that if it's listed as a book in the online catalog of a major library), free of charge (another criterium is that whole book is available on-line for free) and totally legal (the books have to violeta no IP laws; some books are available only to readers outside US legally), take a look at The Online Books Page. Some books are hosted there, for some there are links to other sites (like Project Gutenberg, The Internet Archive, or Blackmask Online).

Here is the link to this site:

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:43 pm
by borsic
I found three free ebooks today, all by the same author:

Ryan, a shy, caffeine-addicted university student, can turn into a fly. Cassandra, a waitress at a greasy spoon, can make things disappear. They were made for each other . . . and to battle the forces of evil! Inspired by Sailor Moon, Flyboy and Ms. Place take on the villains who inhabit their world: cigarette barons, redneck tabloid newspapers, and the patriarchy.

Everyone In Silico
Are you ready to upgrade to a fully modifiable and personalized reality?

In Vancouver, 2036, people are tired of the smog and the rain. They're willing to give up a lot for guaranteed sunshine.

Don't think about what you're losing, think about what you're getting a life with no wasted hours sleeping or commuting. A life free of crime and disease. A life that ends when you want it to, not when some faceless entity decides it's your time.

Those who don't buy in the poor, the old, the paranoid have to watch as their loved ones, their friends, and their jobs leave the city. They have to watch as the latest prestige technology, Self, thoroughly transforms their world.

On the bright side, the rents have dropped. And from several strange and unexpected quarters, resistance is growing...

Offer ends soon. Take advantage of our lowest-ever financing rates to reserve a space now in the reality you can truly call your own.

And Roommate From Hell , a work in progress, posted as a fake blog each day:

All three nice reads

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:19 pm
by borsic
Found another novel, cyberpunk this time, based on System Shock. Very nice!

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 8:23 pm
by borsic
Yet Another Real Novel:

Fantasy this time, not up to Fels standards of course, but good enough in case you are bored...


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:55 am
by DaBear
Found a good site recently. It has two original pieces of fiction and some fanfiction of various genre's; Buffy, Star Wars and a couple of others.
I really like his Fires of Justice series, its a fantasy adventure story without to much in the way of fluff, while there is some romance in it, it's mostly an action/adveture story with magic and Gods.
The only downside is his speed of posting, or lack of if you know what I mean.
His other original series A Time of Heros is a superpower story. It has an original origin (say that five times fast) ;D to comic book style heros and villians. This is more lengthy then Fires of Justiceat around 100 chapters or so.
All my other links are for FanFiction of Harry Potter, Farscape and BtVS ::shrug:: If there are any more really good fantasy original stories out there I'd love to find them.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:10 am
by Shadowhawk
dabear wrote:Found a good site recently. It has two original pieces of fiction and some fanfiction of various genre's; Buffy, Star Wars and a couple of others.
The thing I don't like about story sities which uses Geocities, like mentioned above, Shapcano Shadowrun stories or Kristine Williams' "Legends" (now managed by Yahoo!) is their a bit too low for me bandwidth limit. I have bumped into this limit more than once trying to read whole book/series in one go. Add to it the fact that sometimes sites vanishes from Geocities (for some time or permamanently), like Shapcano Shadowrun stories... thank you, Internet Archive/Wayback Machine...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:23 am
by Shadowhawk
A Wolf in Samurai's Clothing - quite nice, X-rated anime. One of the stories at Lara's FanFic, which site was mentioned earlier in this thread by Scuttle (thank you very much), as reply #68.


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:53 pm
by Shadowhawk
Here you have dump of part of my bookmarks file: links to good reading or indices/catalogs of links to good reading. Next parts will follow...

Unsorted: Shadowrun: Transformation/Furry:

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:59 pm


Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:33 pm
by Shadowhawk
Here you have dump of part of my bookmarks file: links to good reading or indices/catalogs of links to good reading. Next parts will follow... Warning! this part contains links to erotic stories sities. You have been warned...

Erotic Stories Sites Links were not validated

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:24 am
by Hearly
Online Science Fiction Novel - The Keepers of Forever - Free:

This was very good.

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:51 am
by Shadowhawk
Here you have dump of part of my bookmarks file: links to good reading or indices/catalogs of links to good reading. This was to be the last part of my online reading bookmarks, but YaBB has post length limit.... This list is is sort of unorganized...
Links were not verified, sorry...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:41 am
by Shadowhawk
Here you have dump of last part of my bookmarks file: links to good reading or indices/catalogs of links to good reading. This is the last part of my online reading bookmarks (for the time being) and therefore it is sort of unorganized... Even lines dividing the list are in quite random places, and are rather connected with time the bookmark was saved and not with dividing them into categories.

Some (majority ?) of those links appeared already in this thread. Sometimes with more detailed description, sometimes only as a link. Links were not verified, I'm sorry...

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:39 pm
by AnimeLuver
Hi All,

I've been reading Fel's works for the past few months and I really enjoyed it and was wondering if any of you has links to stories that are similar to the firestaff series, as in male lead, sword and sorcery stuff etc.

PS: Ever since I started reading fel's work, I am beginning to understand what an addiction feels like lol

Re: Links to Good Reading (Part 1)

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:50 am
by Shadowhawk
Here you have some links to good fanfic sites/stories.
  • Net-Fic Reviews at KatSpace. Some reviews of good fanfic stories, by Kathryn Andersen. That is where I have found some of links below. Check Best-of Reviews. (This link was mentioned here, and not only in my bookmarks dump)
  • A Wolf in Samurai's Clothing. Ranma fanfic, transformation story. Beware: contains erotic contents! The main site has some other anime fanfic's. (This link was mentioned here, and not only in my bookmarks dump. Main site found here.)
  • Fiction by Elizabeth Ann Lewis. Contains among others Firefly fanfic. Also Buffy/Angel, Babylon 5 and Forever Knight fanfics. Attention: some stories (but not Firefly ones) are hosted outside the page, and might be unavailable or temporary unavailable.
  • TV Lit. 101. Fanfic by D. L. Witherspoon. Among others quite nice Sentinel (also alternative Sentinel universe) stories. Also there you will find Highlander and La Femme Nikita fanfic. But mainly Sentinel. Check "The Gates of Hell Series". See also: Cascade Library for other Sentinel fanfic.
  • Kimberly's Fan Fiction Library. The Shadow (movie version) fanfic. Also novelized version of the film.
  • The Dark Ages: the Dark Reflection Homepage by Nick Midian. Buffy/Xander fanfic. TV series like. (Link found here, in this forum, probably in this thread.)