Fun With Faey tech

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

michaelsuave wrote:Fel, do you actually use any of this stuff for at least brain storming, or is this post and all of its ideas chaff in the wind? Just wondering if we are ever going to see some of our brain-children come to life in your works.
Looking forward to you writing more subjugation.
~Michael 8)
Didn't you know? Stories are always pre-written in the authors mind. Anything bearing resemblence to your own ideas is just good guess work on your part, not the author incorporating it. *wink wink*
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Lochar wrote:
michaelsuave wrote:Fel, do you actually use any of this stuff for at least brain storming, or is this post and all of its ideas chaff in the wind? Just wondering if we are ever going to see some of our brain-children come to life in your works.
Looking forward to you writing more subjugation.
~Michael 8)
Didn't you know? Stories are always pre-written in the authors mind. Anything bearing resemblence to your own ideas is just good guess work on your part, not the author incorporating it. *wink wink*
Or the less experienced psionics in the group leaving something behind...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

Fifer, are we going to have to put you back in for retraining again? They're not supposed to know this is loosely based off of real life.

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

No, but I'm getting tired of fixing your mistakes... straighten up...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

That's the problem. Anytime I do try to straighten up things go wrong.

I'll just be crooked and enjoy it. Not like we can't fix them if they learn something too high level.

I'd enjoy having a challenge again.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Well, you could always try a reprogramming again. I remember what happened the last time, but you'll never learn if you don't keep trying. And if nothing else, I can fix your...mistake...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Wingsolution »

You know, other sci-fi stories usually have blades of some kind in them, when is fel going to stick blades into subjugation?
I mean a high-density monomolecular edged sword or axe would be a good weapon of terror, if nothing else... (lensmen series)*I never did get to finish reading this

And sevarl small razored blades launced from rail gun at low power would chew through anyone without a helmet... (honor harington series)

The 'compressed space' armor is a good idea, but the only thing you really need to block from telepathy, is the head, so maybe a helmet that hooks up to the same backpack as the theoretical 'EM sheild'? assuming that that's how telepathy works in Fel's world...

Custom designed cockpits for the fighters, a brand new design that requires retraining the pilots to improve efficency...

And Finally:
A spellchecker, so people can understand me...
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by J-Man5 »

Does telepathy work through a PPG? Since it is a different space (ie. compressed/pocket universe) and telepathy is affected by distance it seems to me that it would not allow telepathy to penetrate. Thus you could create armor with a hollow space inside it like a ppg housing. Without the miniature sun inside. Perfectly telepathy proof.

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Spec8472 »

Wingsolution wrote:And sevarl small razored blades launced from rail gun at low power would chew through anyone without a helmet... (honor harington series)
Why do it at low power?

If you're going to kill them - use the biggest hammer you can reasonably use.

The Rail Gun is light, and can be used against armored persons and vehicles. Sure, it's a little "overkill" to take out a person - but unless you need a high rate of fire (which is where fletchettes would come in handy) - it's perfectly OK.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

Fiferguy wrote:Well, you could always try a reprogramming again. I remember what happened the last time, but you'll never learn if you don't keep trying. And if nothing else, I can fix your...mistake...
Hey, just because you thought it was a mistake doesn't mean I didn't think it was a work of art.

I mean, come on. I had him convinced each hair on his head was a seperate arm. How often do you see that kind of insanity?

Now to get back on topic...
J-Man5 wrote:Does telepathy work through a PPG? Since it is a different space (ie. compressed/pocket universe) and telepathy is affected by distance it seems to me that it would not allow telepathy to penetrate. Thus you could create armor with a hollow space inside it like a ppg housing. Without the miniature sun inside. Perfectly telepathy proof.

Problem is, you need to power that dimensional space which means an extra PPG somewhere on the armor. Still possible, but requiring another powersource anyways.[/quote]
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Javna »

I recently thought about xXx-II (not porrn) in the begining of the movie, when the bad guys attack and they use a little hover drone to scout a head. Sending info to you direkt to your disply or scouting gatering info and return whit that info.
Whit Feay tech couldn't that drone be much better for the armor and alot smarter then with our level of technolegy???

To have 1+ small ,very smart drons hoverying about u giving info about your surondings. Making it easy ditect your enemy or objekt.. :twisted:
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Fiferguy »

Lochar wrote:Hey, just because you thought it was a mistake doesn't mean I didn't think it was a work of art.

I mean, come on. I had him convinced each hair on his head was a seperate arm. How often do you see that kind of insanity?
I still don't think you meant to do that...
Problem is, you need to power that dimensional space which means an extra PPG somewhere on the armor. Still possible, but requiring another powersource anyways.
Plus the failsafes. I have to wonder what would happen if the field containing the pocketed space failed. With a PPG, the core is ejected, but there's still a large amount of space that would suddenly be freed. Think a balloon popping. Of course, if you used a vacuum, it wouldn't be that big a problem. There would probably be a pop or a sucking noise as air or whatever else got sucked into the suddenly vacated space.

I think the problem with putting something like that into armor is that PPGs in craft and such are heavily shielded against many different kind of weapons. The only reason they would do this is if they were relatively fragile compared to other components. If you put it into a suit of combat armor that is GOING to get shot at, and most likely hit, either you have to make your empty space really armored and therefor really heavy, or you risk the destruction of the hollow-spaced components. I think that the componentry (extra PPG, the actual armor itself, control systems, backups, etc.) would weigh too much for a single person to wear.

However, if you could modify the hull of a ship, it might be feasible. Where weight wasn't as much of an issue. Yes, it's still an issue, but even a few hundred extra pounds wouldn't matter that much unless you're already at or near maximum weight. And for most military/cargo craft, even air skimmers, they're already operating so far above the basic requirements for atmospheric and space operations that it would be a moot point. But you still have the same problems.

I think the best idea is modulating magnetic field around. Such a unit wouldn't be that hard to put into a ship at all, and wouldn't be that much harder to implement into a suit of armor. The only limit would be how miniaturized it could be.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

magnetic fields...? Wait, lets go for simple... I have this idea about using a tinfoil hat... :shock: AHHHHHH! (*michael gets attacked and tackled off the stage*)

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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by Lochar »

No, the limitation on a magnetic field wouldn't be how well you could minaturize it, but what the lower threshold for a field would have to be before it became useless for it's requirements.

If the field is required to be even relatively large, you'll end up pulling all the loose metal towards you, making projectile weapons much more feasible.
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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Post by michaelsuave »

Lochar wrote:If the field is required to be even relatively large, you'll end up pulling all the loose metal towards you, making projectile weapons much more feasible.
Well there has to be some way to pitch the frequency of the magnetic field such that it works as a containment field to plasma but that it doesn't attract every piece of iron ore within a mile. I mean, the ppg systems have a strong magnetic field, but the faey have obviously found a way to keep the shielding of the magnetic field from attracting and creating projectiles of every metal object around it. We already know that Jason has an idea of how to shield an exomech from the heavy duty plasma rounds. He couldn't be thinking that it would work if it attracked a projectile towards it.

But your magnetic field pulling loose metal towards it does give me an idea. Do you think that jason could reverse magnatize the rounds from his rail gun so that they are attracked towards the pull of the magnetic core on the ppg? So the faey use armored suits that have a ppg power system with a magnetic field surrounding the plasma power core. Just like a north pull magnet has a stronger pull to a south pull magnet when compaired to the control of a non-magnatized piece of metal, a projectile that held the opposite charge of the magnetic field surrounding the power plants could possibly home right in on those power systems. It might be a way that jason could create the equivelent of a heat seaking missle. We already know that Jason is going to have to create some sort of a weapon/projectile that works while shielded from the faey's survailence equipment but that has the power to take down armored faey hardware: exomechs, dropships, sticks, etc. So maybe this might help. Or at least if he uses the reverse magnetic field principle in his ability to home in on the target. I keep getting this visual from the movie, the fifth element, where zorg shows off the memory round system on his new machine gun. He fires one bullet, and then no matter where the other bullets go they always go towards the original target.
~Michael 8)