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Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:07 pm
by J-Man5
I keep thinking that the Faey have access to spatial and gravometric devices that would allow Jason to basically build a spatial rift/gravity bomb. Poof there your home planet is a black hole or is in another dimension. Ooops. Sorry. Humans are sooooo bad.

The other thought of using that tech is to create a high gravity space inside a pocket universe using the spatial manipulating devices to create high density materials. Like solidified metalic hydrogen. Or metalic carbon. Or other specialized atomic structures that are normally only found in drawf stars or brown high mass planet cores.

Then using these are armor piercing rounds. Kinda like how the spent uranium is turned into armor piercing tank weapons.


Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:55 am
by michaelsuave
J-Man5 wrote:I keep thinking that the Faey have access to spatial and gravometric devices that would allow Jason to basically build a spatial rift/gravity bomb. Poof there your home planet is a black hole or is in another dimension. Ooops. Sorry. Humans are sooooo bad.

I like that Idea. But why stop there. If they have the ability to make spatial rifts or black holes... fire the devices from the rail gun, which would make them penetrate the hull of a ship. Then the device would activate destroying the ship from the inside. That way the humans could have relatively few but very powerful ships. I think a good example of this can be found in the books about the "star dancer", the talosian series which can be found on ewp and I believe on But in that case they use missiles that once they penetrate they use spatial rifts, and in Jason’s case he could use his rail gun. In fact, the talosian series has a lot of interesting technology that could translate over well to the Subjugation universe. Like if Jason took his cloaking technology and put them on missiles, Jason could fire them and get out of the area before the missiles actual hit.
In fact I think thats a great idea! One of Jason's greatest threats is a trillian cruiser bombarding him from space or launching exomechs. If he could take out their supply of exomechs or their cruiser before they could use it to attack him then he could put the enemy house in a world of hurt. If you think about the cost differential between a transport full of grain and a cruiser full of exomechs... what better way to make the ruling house look totally but to have them lose whole battle ships? And heck, while we are at it, Jason could figure out all sorts of mines and weapons that he could fire and forget or just leave floating around earth. The trillian house has to have some sort of signal transmitter that states that their identity. Just set his weapons to only fire on the ships bearing those signals and he shouldn't hit any imperials. I would think a high tech version of the Mark V series of anti-shipping mines would work if Jason changed them to work in space with a missle of some sort and a cloaking shield. He would just have to set them up in an orbit that kept them in the shadow of the earth or the moon so that they never got between the sun and an enemy ship. He has the pigeon for earth atmospher, he can have the homing pigeon for space.

Anyway, fel, think about it. :D
~Michael 8)

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:38 pm
by J-Man5
I also wondered about creating a hidden base in a pocket universe. No one would know that it was there.

Also weapons based on pocket universes could be relatively small. Just sensor sized. Here comes this floating space debris that is small enough to make it through the main shields and poof out pops a full size rail gun with auto replicated ammunition and auto firing and tracking sensors. And it's inside your main shields yet outside your structural integritry shield. Sounds like a lotta hurt. Or the same thing planted on a cargo container that would eject a PPG plasma core right there instead of into deep space. Bang.

I wondered about antimatter reactions in the Faey universe. Do they use it? Is it available? Could it be stored in a pocket universe?


Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:20 am
by Quindo Ma
From what Fel has written so far, PPGs currently in use don't use any pocket universes. They use spacial warping to create an area smaller on the outside than it is on the inside. It's still part of your universe.
Even if it were possible to create such a pocket universe, creating them just for making high-density alloys or similar is unnecessary. They already have the gravimetric technology to create high or low gravity fields and insulate them from leaking through (you wouldn't want any high gravity field from pulling stuff into it from the outside of it).

But extending on that idea would be creating elements above replication abilities (they're limited to anything below silver). Since they need a fusion reaction to generate them, small bubbles similar to those used in PPGs, where the fusion reaction is kept alive and forced through high gravity/pressure could produce materials otherwise not easily accessible.

Now about anything but matter on an elemental level, as has been suggested by using such pocket universes to hide a base or weaponry. This is a very tricky thing. Because of the nature of them, getting anything but energy or atomic elements out of it would not just require a sufficiently large enough window, but the bubble would also have to be in the same state as ours, effectively merging them. No shortcuts with high gravity or density inside the bubbles. Besides, you'd have to hide those bubbles from detection (and yes, the Faye can detect them, that's why they know a PPG is active or such).
And truly, there's no need to hide anything behind something that is already hidden. Jason has already done that for most of the part.

Weaponry, ah yes, the big ol' guns. Warping space though isn't easy. And it needs tons of energy. It's why small ships don't have jumpgates, they can't supply enough power to open the wormholes. Creating weaponry based on doing that in any form requires a sufficiently large energy input. At some point, yes, it could happen, but in the current Subjugation universe Earth, and especially Jason just don't have the tools to do that.

Heh, and now to the Startrek energy, Anti-Matter. It's probably unlikely that none of the civilizations out there use it, but before you can ever use anti-matter for creating energy, you have to create the anti-matter. Whereas with the plasma systems in use, all you need is some hydrogen that's already readily available. And even if you manage to create it, it does bear the question if anti-matter reactors could provide the same energy output a current PPG does. Anti-matter just isn't quite the same as plasma.
Plasma is ionized (or charged) gas that is dense enough to enter a plasma state. Anti-matter on the other hand is the reverse of matter. It has positively charged electrons (positrons) and negatively charged protons.
Whereas plasma can be directly used in the many applications the Faye have for it, anti-matter can't. It first has to be converted to energy by exposing matter and anti-matter to each other, which then generates energy, most notably in the form of light and heat. And that energy then has to be utilized to do whatever you want, and even in star trek it ends up fueling a plasma system ;).

Now for a little fun with the telepathy discussion. A while ago I watched a lecture about recent findings in biology, and how it's not the DNA that controls the function of a cell, but is merely a blueprint for it. What really controls a cell is the 'skin' that covers it, or more specifically, protein 'antennaes', receptors that pierce through it and react to different inputs, for example by opening tunnels through the membrane of the cell that can pass molecules or atoms through, or by telling the cell inside to do something specific. One of the interesting parts is that these protein receptors also react to certain energy frequencies. Yep, there you have it, telepathy on a platter :P
The complex thing of course is the amount of proteins. In Subjugation, the Faye use Alpha Brainwaves as an indicator for the use of telepathy, simply because when the brain is active in such a way, it generates those alpha waves.
Now the trick to detect, disrupt, generate, or read telepathy through a machine is to tune in to the right energy frequencies. And energy isn't just electromagnetic waves :idea:.
Those protein receptors could also allow for the quick regeneration or repair of tissues when exposed to the right energy.

I think something that would benefit Jason more though, would be something that doesn't require battlecruisers to provide enough power, or multiple masters degrees in advanced biology, but rather ingeneous inventions that need very few ressources, and lots of thinking outside the box ;).

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:37 am
by Spec8472
Quindo Ma wrote:Heh, and now to the Startrek energy, Anti-Matter. It's probably unlikely that none of the civilizations out there use it, but before you can ever use anti-matter for creating energy, you have to create the anti-matter. Whereas with the plasma systems in use, all you need is some hydrogen that's already readily available. And even if you manage to create it, it does bear the question if anti-matter reactors could provide the same energy output a current PPG does. Anti-matter just isn't quite the same as plasma.
I'm no way a physicist, but I think you'd find that antimatter weaponry would deliver more of a punch than the multi-phased plasma weaponry on a weight-for-weight basis.

We can already produce anti-matter of various sorts in our current generation particle accelerators. Given a sufficiently advanced technology in this area, it isn't inconcievable that you'd be able to produce it on a much larger scale than we are currently capable of.

I guess the problem would be producing it without detection (not an easy task by any means), storing it for any period, and then utilising it effectively.

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:22 am
by Quindo Ma
Spec8472 wrote:I'm no way a physicist, but I think you'd find that antimatter weaponry would deliver more of a punch than the multi-phased plasma weaponry on a weight-for-weight basis.
Well, I didn't tackle that aspect for the simple reason that Fel still hasn't told us what hyperphased plasma is. Only that it's what is being used for Faye plasma torpedoes.
Depending on it's effectiveness, shield penetration abilities, raw power and such, it would have to be seen if any anti-matter torpedo would be better or worse :).

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:17 pm
by Lokis Advisor
Since plasma is contained in a magnetic field and Anti-matter is contained in a magnetic field, why not make anit-plasma ie plasma that is the reverse charge of what is normal. What sort of an impact whould that have as a weapon?

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:09 pm
by michaelsuave
Lokis Advisor wrote:Since plasma is contained in a magnetic field and Anti-matter is contained in a magnetic field, why not make anit-plasma ie plasma that is the reverse charge of what is normal. What sort of an impact whould that have as a weapon?
Anti-plasma? Plasma is just a super heated atom based material, so how do you mean by anti-plasma? Opposite of heat, as in a super cooled where it sucks the heat energy out of something it hits? I have to admit, if you could get it to suck all of the energy out of a shield that would be cool I guess. Or do you mean anti-matter, since plasma is made out of matter.? I guess I'm just not familiar with any such theortical substance such as anti-plasma... :?: :?: :?:

How about using Jason's vibration waive techneque for other weapons? we already know that we can melt hardened substances... how about a way to make weapons phase through armor, creates a vibration field that is broadcast before it (say, set for the type of armor that exomechs use) and then once it penetrates it explodes. or say large rail gun shells(I'm talking about for a shell the size of an old 88' artillery or possibly as small as a round from a bradley's main gun) that broadcast a frequency to liquify the armor and then, since the shells are going supersonic, sucks the liquified armour after them with the vacume created when it penetrates through the armored vehicle. Kind of like what our current spent uranium shells do when they penetrate a tank at supersonic and create a vacume at the exit penetration point. What do you think?
~Michael 8)

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:19 pm
by Lochar
Well, for in atomsphere battles you could quickly make shielding not matter if you could broadcast a wavelength that pretty much melted ship armor. Even if it doesn't destroy it completely, you kill manuverability because of stressing the metal.

Too bad it wouldn't work in the vacuum of space.

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:36 am
by Dragon63
Too bad it wouldn't work in the vacuum of space.
Only if you are speaking of an audio frequency. If we are talking RF (electro-magnetic spectrum), then it would work in space.

For that matter, even if it is an audio frequency, just modulate an RF carrier wave with it... I would think if the amplitude of the modulating frequency were strong enough, the fact it is being carried by another frequency wouldn't detract from its effect (much).

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:02 am
by michaelsuave
Dragon63 wrote:
Too bad it wouldn't work in the vacuum of space.
Only if you are speaking of an audio frequency. If we are talking RF (electro-magnetic spectrum), then it would work in space.

For that matter, even if it is an audio frequency, just modulate an RF carrier wave with it... I would think if the amplitude of the modulating frequency were strong enough, the fact it is being carried by another frequency wouldn't detract from its effect (much).
I think he meant "too bad it wouldn't work" as in the shape of a vehicle doesn't matter for manueverability in a vacume, only in a frictional atmosphere environment.

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:23 am
by Lokis Advisor
Quote Michaelsuave

Anti-plasma? Plasma is just a super heated atom based material, so how do you mean by anti-plasma? Opposite of heat, as in a super cooled where it sucks the heat energy out of something it hits? I have to admit, if you could get it to suck all of the energy out of a shield that would be cool I guess. Or do you mean anti-matter, since plasma is made out of matter.? I guess I'm just not familiar with any such theortical substance such as anti-plasma... :?: :?: :?:

Michael, I was just conjecturing that if Plasma is made from matter you should in theory be able to make plasma out of Anti-Matter, I was wondering f it would be any more effective as a weapon than straight plasma alone. I would assume you would get matter/anit matter interactions in the explosion as well as plasma effects.
It was just my musings and I had not heard of it even being theroiticaly discussed :D

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:36 am
by Raijin
In Net Wolf's CAMP , Ron figured out a way to stop psionics from seeing into an object (ex: a box) Couldn't that concept be used with the faey. Like making helmets or lining the ceiling of his base with it. It's a bundle of copper I believe and or other metals in a certain pattern. I went to the story but couldn't find it. I'll look again .

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:34 am
by Lochar
CAMP is at And the basis for telepathy is very different between the two stories. I don't think there's any materials that would absorb or reflect mental energies like in CAMP.

Re: Fun With Faey tech

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:15 pm
by michaelsuave
Fel, do you actually use any of this stuff for at least brain storming, or is this post and all of its ideas chaff in the wind? Just wondering if we are ever going to see some of our brain-children come to life in your works.
Looking forward to you writing more subjugation.
~Michael 8)