New Book

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Re: New Book

Post by MISER »

So OK then,

You guys need to read more Fantasy than Science Fiction I can tell.

Based on that observation and to shamelessly plug another new discovery try a Book entitled  "Eragon" By Christopher Paolini. This is a new author and his first ever novel. He was only 19 years old when this was written and published. He lives in the Paradise Valley in Montana. Which leads to the eastern entrance of Yellowstone National Park. He is now writing the second book in this fantasy trilogy called "Eldest", the trilogy has been named "The Inheritance Trilogy".

In the last week I have seen this book advertised, reviewed, and displayed probably fifteen times. And I encountered a number of articles about the young author as well. So I decided to try it. And WOW is it GOOD Reading!

I was intrigued as I am originally from that area of Montana. And the area is my dream place to live. This kid has talent and is going to go somewhere. So there is a new reccomendation for you all, for another something to read.

A boy, a dragon egg, a hatchling dragon, strange old men, friendly smithies, family devestation, revenge against evil, love interests'' and swords, magics, journeys, and adventures. All in an original world setting. What more do you need?

If my word is not satisfactory here. Than maybe  Anne McCafferey's is her revies of the book in part...Wonderful Mr Paolini, I want more!

Have happy weekend

Have a good day or night or something.
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Re: New Book

Post by Weresmilodon »

Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to look for the book. Somewhere.
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Re: New Book

Post by Wildcat »

I started reading that book in a Walmart while waiting for my family to hurry up and go . . . and ended up buying it, because I couldn't bear to stop. *grins* It's very good, and I can't wait for the next one to come out.
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Re: New Book

Post by MommyDoom »

I should NEVER go to Borders. I come out of there so depressed. I went there with the expressed purpose of getting this new Eragorn book you guys are talking about and the new Robert Jordan book.

However, as I've married and delivered of a child in the past 3 years, admittedly my reading has taken a lower priority. But the result of that shuffling of priorities has been a devestating effect on my ability to stay current with my favorite authors.

Thus, to paint a picture, I stood in the Sci Fi section at Borders and almost cried. At one point I discovered Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series and eventually got burned out after about 10 books... but I don't remember where and now she's written at least 5 or 6 more. I'll have to go to the library and discover where I got burned out before I can even BEGIN to get caught up on her. Terry Brooks has a new book out... and I'm so far behind in his stuff that I couldn't even DEAL with that and walked away. It looks like Terry Goodkind has written some good stuff in the past few years but alas, when do I have time for THAT?

I am so depressed. And that's just my Sci Fi stuff. I had to skip at least one Margaret Thatcher book to get to the one I'm reading in the bathtub now. (I can only read about 20 pages of Mags and then I have to digest extensively so hers is good bathtub reading). Then there's that Kissinger book out that I want to read.

I think I'm just gonna go sink back into my uncolorful, uneducated, unworldly existence and... I dunno... go change a diaper or something to validate my existence.


Last edited by MommyDoom on Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Book

Post by Weresmilodon »

You know, a few years back, i had a habit of always having a book with me. I wore secial clothing just so i could have one with me easily. When one reads a lot, that can be a good thing. It might be something to concider. If not the clothing, then at least an easy access to a book. If you can handle reading several books at the same time, you could have several books spread in the areas you tend to rest in... There is always a solution. It's just not always easy.
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Re: New Book

Post by MommyDoom »

Well, I finished the Eragon book in two nights and enjoyed it thoroughly.  I then picked up the new Robert Jordan book and FORCED myself to read it slowly as to enjoy every single word.  Fabulous.  I really hope he's "gone back to the well" and has picked up some inspiration from this endeavor.  I loved it.

(Now if I can just get caught up on Lackey's Valdemar series and Terry Brooks' books, I'll feel much better about myself.
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Re: New Book

Post by MISER »


You made me smile!

There is just something wonderful about turning someone else onto good reading materials. Be it a small paragraph book report on a website or sharing the word about the world of Sennadar with someone else, and finding out they've joined our ranks of affianados.

The best advertising is word of mouth, or personal experience shared. Iam glad you enjoyed those works. And wish you luck with your desire to surf through Valdamar and Shannara.

I first found Lackeys Valdamar only a couple of years ago. I saw and purchased the Hardback copy of "It Takes A Thief" at Barnes and  Noble and the rest was history. I had heard lots of good about Lackey and Based upon the ONE book of her's I had read was judging all of the works of course.


It Takes A Thief changed all of that in a single sitting. It is a volume in the middle of the series. It is also very much readable as a stand alone volume. It intorduces a fabulous main character, and the world of the Companions, Collegium, and Capital City, with fascinating ease. My point and reccomendation here is thusly this......

Start where I did and follow the path I did. All of her works now tend to have a chronological listing in them of the volumes in the historical order of the world she has created. I have no idea in what true order she wrote them and this series is such that you can read the volumes out of written order without problem as long as you read each mini series within the whole vast series with some order and intelligence.

Starting with "Thief"is good as it introduces you to the "modern" aspect of time and events in her world. Then read the volumes surrounding the modern worlds evolution and history. start with the Queens owns group. Those volumes involving the Reign of Queen Selenay and her daughters coming of age and the replacement of the Queens Own Herald and Companiion, following the death of the former to hold that title. Then looking at one of those time lines work your way back in history slowly reading the mini series in order (IE the OWL Mini Series Owl Sight, Owl Flight, and Owl Night, in the order they were written) Then come back to the True Modern releases of Exiles Honor and Exiles Valour etc.... to catch up on the stories about persons who are now old friends to you and learn the secrets of their past's before you met them.

Now admittedly I did this by accident but it was a great way to do it and I have enjoyed it significantly for the most part. The only mini series I have not been able to get into and finish for some reason is the Gryphons.... I also feel compelled to share the only thing about the series which disturbs me, and quite deeply at that.

There is a trend in Modern Sci Fi and Fantasy to include and shove elements of Homosexuality upon the readers of the genre. Lackey is amongst the worst of those. I dont buy it, it offends me, and is absolutely contrary to my personal belief system. Based upon little hints in the writings of some upon these boards and threads I think a few of you will tend to share some of those beliefs so beware the constant reminder that Homosexual characters, lifestyle choices, and attitudes await you if you read these volumes. They are pretty much unavoidable but not the main focus of what otherwise is one of the best worlds of imagination and adventurous fun availiable to us. Be mature in what you read and if a parent lovingly directive of what world's you allow your child to explore.

And yes I know I am a single guy, but as Dutch Uncles go I am pretty hard to beat.

At any rate MD you made me smile, two reccomendations, positively received and read with pleasure. My life is vindicated for the day and not a dirty diaper in sight.... 8) I am glad for you and looking for something new and exciting to read myself again.

Have a good day or night or something.
Purrs and Growlls to you all !!!!!