How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Fawks »

Mark_Reed wrote:I was linked to Fel's works, but I don't remember by who. It might have been from EWP, because I remember being into Camp for a short period.

My first look at Fel's stuff was from Fawks's yahoo group. After that I found the website with the disclaimer. Sword of Fire was approaching its final chapters, and I remember going back to Fawks's group even after finding other sites because I couldn't find Sword of Fire chapters with the same formatting.

At the time I was unemployed, so I literally did nothing but read-sleep-eat-read for 4 or 5 days. Finished the entire series in under a week.
It probably was on EWP's IRC relay chat that I first heard about Fel. CAMP captured my attention too. ;) I've never had a Yahoo Group. I have joined a few but never really stayed because, to me, they were too confusing. Kinda like Gina Marie W's website. I wish that Gina could continue the Kinsmen of the Dragons story. She had a stroke a few years ago, and as far as I know, has not updated it since.

Like you I was unemployed for almost a year back then. And I didn't have the 99 weeks of unemployment either! I have been paying for the website since around 2005 or 2006, after I acquired my current employment. It has had its bumps, since I'm the one who is doing the html.

Still looking for an easy WYSIWYG html/web editor like Frontpage used to be.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Mark_Reed »

Whoops! Well the group is dead in terms of post activity, but I see I'm still a member. It's the yahoo group FelBooks. The yahoo name of the owner is Uncle_Rand, but I could have sworn that the same person has a forum account starting with F. I got confused. :)
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by zjoske »

I found this site after a discussion on EWP (btw I really mis that site), not sure when exactly. i remember the first book of subjugation was not finished yet.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Rabblerouser »

Subjugation was nominated for some Award and made its way on to a list somebody had complied and posted of unknown sci-fi. Don’t know what the award was though.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Seastallion »

I guess it has been around 8 years ago now. I was doing a search on either yahoo or Google ( I don't recall which) for more online literature. I was still fairly new to online stories, so I had figured there was more sources for them, than I'd already found. I had no idea just how right I would turn out to be. I was hooked on Fel's work almost immediately after finding it.

Thank you Fel for years of literary enjoyment! I rank you with the very best of even the published works I've read, including 'Dune' and 'The Lord of the Rings'. I do not say that merely to flatter, I say it because I believe it. I've enjoyed them so much, that I find myself rereading them often. Paltry thanks perhaps, but sincerely felt.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Seastallion »

Fawks wrote:
Mark_Reed wrote:I was linked to Fel's works, but I don't remember by who. It might have been from EWP, because I remember being into Camp for a short period.

My first look at Fel's stuff was from Fawks's yahoo group. After that I found the website with the disclaimer. Sword of Fire was approaching its final chapters, and I remember going back to Fawks's group even after finding other sites because I couldn't find Sword of Fire chapters with the same formatting.

At the time I was unemployed, so I literally did nothing but read-sleep-eat-read for 4 or 5 days. Finished the entire series in under a week.
It probably was on EWP's IRC relay chat that I first heard about Fel. CAMP captured my attention too. ;) I've never had a Yahoo Group. I have joined a few but never really stayed because, to me, they were too confusing. Kinda like Gina Marie W's website. I wish that Gina could continue the Kinsmen of the Dragons story. She had a stroke a few years ago, and as far as I know, has not updated it since.

Like you I was unemployed for almost a year back then. And I didn't have the 99 weeks of unemployment either! I have been paying for the website since around 2005 or 2006, after I acquired my current employment. It has had its bumps, since I'm the one who is doing the html.
Sincere thanks, as has always been a helpful tool. I often send new readers there to help simplify their finding Fel's work. It is a service that does not go unrecognized.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Griffinmane »

I heard about Fel's work in 2008. I had moved from Texas to Wisconsin for a new job and my family hadn't moved yet. I was on my own and had a laptop and the internet. Subjugation only had 2-4 chapters so I started with the Firestaf series.

Like many I've read hundreds of books and Fel's works are some of my favorites. I very rarely re-read a series, but I have read subjugation 3 times and am working on the Firestaff for the second time.
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Re: How did you learn about Fel/Sennadar?

Post by Sasijade »

Dont remember exactly but I found fel's work around when subjugation book 2 was staring. But I first finished Firestaff as I came looking for a fantasy novel.
I think I found it through random search for fantasy novels (lucky me I found it!!!). Maybe trough Bean library?!