Demon's Bane, Chapter 7 (Spoilers!)

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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 7 (Spoilers!)

Post by Fiferguy »

michaelsuave wrote:Yep, thats right, Fel's the "flip-skirt" of online authors... :P
I wasn't going to go there, but since you mentioned it...
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 7 (Spoilers!)

Post by Greymist »

Lochar wrote: Not to mention, Eron's trick might actually extend into the realm of godly power. A Mi'Shara using that could probably lock out the power of even an Elder God at least temporarily.
Nah, you'll notice how Ayise still spoke into Spyders mind while she was in the field, I very much doubt a Mi'Shara could stop the power of an Elder God.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 7 (Spoilers!)

Post by Lochar »

Greymist wrote:
Lochar wrote: Not to mention, Eron's trick might actually extend into the realm of godly power. A Mi'Shara using that could probably lock out the power of even an Elder God at least temporarily.
Nah, you'll notice how Ayise still spoke into Spyders mind while she was in the field, I very much doubt a Mi'Shara could stop the power of an Elder God.
Doesn't mean it couldn't change. Eron's never dealt with a divine being on that level before. His ability could shut down divine magic, since it would be a mortal wielding it.

An icon with it's direct power he'd have to adjust. Eron is literally shutting down the laws of magic in a small area around him. An Avatar couldn't survive in that bubble as it is a creation of magic. An Icon would, but it might be stuck with only whatever power it can manifest inside the icon itself.

Besides, the mindspeak was an application of telepathy, not magic. Psions for the win!

Oh, and Fel? There was a way to do it without Eron. After Tarrin summoned the Firestaff to himself, walk it through a medium power summoning. The object? The item that Val's Shadow was wearing that negated ALL magic. As we saw when Stragnos took the Firestaff from Tarrin, he could still pull it's power when inside that field.

Then Tarrin could drop Spyder asleep just like Eron did. And I'm assuming that's where you got the idea for Eron's ability from.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 7 (Spoilers!)

Post by Fiferguy »

Greymist wrote:
Lochar wrote: Not to mention, Eron's trick might actually extend into the realm of godly power. A Mi'Shara using that could probably lock out the power of even an Elder God at least temporarily.
Nah, you'll notice how Ayise still spoke into Spyders mind while she was in the field, I very much doubt a Mi'Shara could stop the power of an Elder God.
And remember, though the amulet isn't a creation of the Gods, the smaller amulet that fits on the back of her Shaeram IS a divine creation made by the Elder Gods for the Guardian. So really, he already DID effect the power of an Elder God, just in a less direct way.