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Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:50 pm
by Weresmilodon
Ah, good work. Access to the stories again, at last!  ;D

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 6:48 pm
by Shadowhawk
How to organize my backup for Tarrin Kael Chronicles?
  • firestaff/book1/tower1.html
  • firestaff/tower/chapter1.html
  • firestaff/tower/tower.html
  • 01 Firestaff Series/01 Tower of Sorcery/Chapter 01.html
Or maybe something else?

This may evolve into new backup site but don't count on this to heavily...

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:25 am
by Lochar
Shadow, you want me to zip up my site and post it for you to download so that you can see the way I have it set up?

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:42 am
by Spec8472
shadowhawk wrote:How to organize my backup for Tarrin Kael Chronicles?
  • firestaff/book1/tower1.html
  • firestaff/tower/chapter1.html
  • firestaff/tower/tower.html
  • 01 Firestaff Series/01 Tower of Sorcery/Chapter 01.html
Or maybe something else?
Why not go the true way of the geek. Organise it by all of them at once -- aka: put it in a database, let the user choose how to get to the chapter they want.


Code: Select all

browse / search by:
 - Series
 - Book
 - Chapter
 - Date Published
 - Character
 - Place
 - Event
 - etc 

Quick Finds: 
 - Most Recent Chapter: The Pyrosian Chronicals - Book 2: The Sword of Fire - Chapter 9 (xx/01/2004) Read Online or Download as HTML, DOC, RTF, LIT, More...
 - etc
I've been meaning to get off my ass and do something like this for a while...

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:26 pm
by Shadowhawk
lochar wrote:Shadow, you want me to zip up my site and post it for you to download so that you can see the way I have it set up?
Thanks, but I have just downloaded whole site, or rather HTML version of the files only (using <tt>wget -r -l 2</tt>, limiting the download speed and waiting between files). I have organized the files on my computer, i.e. in the filesystem (sorry, but they are not available on the Internet yet[1]) in the folowing way:

Code: Select all

01 Firestaff Series
  01 Tower of Sorcery
  02 The Questing Game
  03 Honor and Blood
  04 The Shadow Realm
  05 Weavespinner
02 Pyrosian Chronicles
  01 Axe of the Dwarven King
  02 The Sword of Fire
   03 Demon's Bane
Now I'm getting to reformat (clean) HTML files, so that it would validate as valid HTML and would use CSS.
spec8472 wrote:Why not go the true way of the geek. Organise it by all of them at once -- aka: put it in a database, let the user choose how to get to the chapter they want.
Why? The answer is simple: lack of infrastructure (i.e. web site with database, PHP etc.). And being lazy ;)

<hr>[1] The most probable is that temporarily, for the time being (which might be quite permanent) files will be available on my computer[2] when I am online. I'm sorry, but my computer is bit to noisy to have it turned on all the time. And sometimes I want to play games which I have for Windows only.
[2] The problem s that all HTML files have about 20MB. Now to find a free Web service with quota greater than that... and possibly no download/bandwidth limit...
[3] To format the '

Code: Select all

' fragment was hell. Why '[code]' and '[pre]' does not work as they supposed to work? Why don't they obeyspaces?

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:36 pm
by Lochar
The second problem you're most likely not going to be able to get an answer to. Most places only do 10 MB limits.  That's why I have it posted on my home computer, and not on the cox site.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:30 pm
by Shadowhawk
shadowhawk wrote:[2] The problem s that all HTML files have about 20MB. Now to find a free Web service with quota greater than that... and possibly no download/bandwidth limit...
The other problem is that largest file (Chapter 14 of "Tower of Sorcery" in "Firestaff Series") is 388KB large. There are some free web hosting sites with quota larger than 20MB (even up to 100MB or 250MB, some claims unlimited) and high or unlimited bandwidth/download limit, but more often than not they have 200KB file size limit.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:56 am
by Lochar
Cross link it.  Take a site with the 100 or 250 MB limit, and when you get a file that's too big like that, stick it on a geocities account or something like that.  Then link it back to the first one.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:28 am
by Shadowhawk
BTW. I forgot to ask what are Fel views on making backup sites? It is his copyrighted work, after all. Are there any prerequisites (besides stating copyright in the index and each chapter)?

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:31 am
by Lochar
You know, that's the funny thing.  At first I downloaded them for my pleasure, then put them up without asking Fel.  Not that I think he minds, but I just realized that.  Or did I ask him?  I don't remember doing it. LOL

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:13 am
by Shadowhawk
The URL for my backup site is (and will be) availailable on my profile. For the time being it is hosted on my computer, and will be available oly from time to time: when my computer is up (it is bit to noisy to have it turned on all the time), when it runs Linux (sometimes I play games on Windows) and when I don't forget to turn on Apache.

All coments appreciated. The site is probably more bland than Lochar backup site... and probably will be. Fel, have I to change something? Or remove the site?

Please don't overload my bandwith.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:09 am
by Lochar
Hey! That's MY main page you stole. LOL

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:39 am
by Shadowhawk
lochar wrote:Hey! That's MY main page you stole. LOL
Not quite, but it is. Or rather was. The files (chapters) are not still cleaned up.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:48 pm
by Lochar
Do as you will, just have fun.

Re: Finished new backup site

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:11 pm
by Shadowhawk
shadowhawk wrote:The files (chapters) are not still cleaned up.
The first chapter to be cleaned is Tower of Sorcery - Chapter 1. I have modified header (e.g. added copyright meta), cleaned up M$ HTML (all MS-oizms removed), reformatted paragraph to 80 chars per line max, changed " into " in text, added   after end of sentences, etc. etc. How do you like it?

Fel, is stating the copyright in each file enough? Have I to use alert box (I'd rather not)? Any special text to put in index files and/or chapters? Do I have to put link to

Warning: my backup site might be not on-line all the time.