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Re: This is not my month.

Post by Mark_Reed »

They've picked up that 'every other edition of Windows' thing in the Tech schools as well. I've gone to ITT Tech (briefly) and ECPI (a tech school specific to the South). In both schools, I was taught that Microsoft has changed to a business model where they use every other edition of Windows as a testing platform. XP was production, Vista was Beta for 7, 7 was production, 8 is beta for 9...

I'm looking at the possibility of buying a new computer soon, but in terms of OS I may hold off until 9 arrives.

What was that about Windows 8 having 'downgrade rights' to Windows 7? I know some people who would be interested in that. Frankly, I think Windows 8 is the biggest incentive to go to Linux that anyone has ever come up with.
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Re: This is not my month.

Post by ettoren »

Your windows 8 key will validate a windows 7 install. you can download the software for free from MS.