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Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:13 am
That the thing, the fae is very special as only their race is fully telepathic, the next most common is 10% of the race is talented. Some have less than 1% gifted people. Also, the fae are the only one with a telepathic university.
Also, it takes less energy to defend than to attack, so fae fighter can keep multiple and strong attempts to breech their minds at bay. Also, telepathic power is also dependant on distance, trying to do this at distance in fighter is very trying. Non telepathic people dont have this protection so far more susceptable and easier to mentally dominate, which is why this is such a great system for the fae.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:44 pm
by nicolai
Could a Generation use a medical sleep inducer to jump hyperspace? Apparently, it will put anyone to sleep in a minute or less, and it will let them awaken with the same speed.

This would be a way for a Generation to make a long jump, at least in theory.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:55 pm
by Griffinmane
nicolai wrote:I remember Cybi and Jason talking about the large communion array and being able to reach Andromeda. The statement was made that the communication would be real time. Have the Karinnes investigated exactly how communion works?
What this statement made me think of is if the communication across time and space is instantaneous and in realtime, what is to stop the Kimdori going to Andromeda from carrying the remote cameras that Jason, Cybi and others from projecting into, and then any of the Generations projecting thier awareness into those remote cameras or other biogenic systems?

Since the Generations can't travel long distance in hyperspace maybe this is a way for them to overcome that limitation. Stay on Karis and push yourself into a remote biogenic system. Combine this with the remote control operation of the Juggernaut and I could see the Generations conducting war in Andromeda from the Milky Way using remote controlled ships and systems using the communications array. The limited number of Generations means that a Generation only force wouldn't be more than a harrasing unit to something like the Syndicate, but still the possibilities are interesting.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:20 pm
by The Thing
nicolai wrote:Have the Karinnes investigated exactly how communion works?
:lol: For the past few days, for anything and everything everyone says on this forum, my answer has been just 2 words. Quantum Entanglement :D Dunno why its struck in my head. May be probably because of its FTL nature.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:29 pm
by The Thing
nicolai wrote:Could a Generation use a medical sleep inducer to jump hyperspace? Apparently, it will put anyone to sleep in a minute or less, and it will let them awaken with the same speed.This would be a way for a Generation to make a long jump, at least in theory.
But has anyone studied the drawbacks of this ? Like what happens if you do it frequently in a short interval of time ? Will it confuse the brain about why its sleeping and waking up so frequently and affect its Circadian rhythm (with by the way, over long term effect might lead to adverse health conditions) ? Unlike stasis where you are suspending the whole body's living operations, here you are just putting a part of the brain to sleep. So, will you dream when you are under ? If so, will the ghosting affect your dreams ? And so on and so forth...such questions need to be answered or atleast researched into before this is used practically.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:32 pm
by The Thing
Griffinmane wrote:Since the Generations can't travel long distance in hyperspace maybe this is a way for them to overcome that limitation.
They CAN travel long distances in hyperspace. The problem is with short duration jumps. In the long duration ones, they can be put to sleep in a sort of stasis. The problem is with putting them to sleep frequently for multiple short distance jumps in short time interval.
Griffinmane wrote:Stay on Karis and push yourself into a remote biogenic system. Combine this with the remote control operation of the Juggernaut and I could see the Generations conducting war in Andromeda from the Milky Way using remote controlled ships and systems using the communications array.
And risk your enemies getting their hands on technology which has potential to do harm to you ? I would rather not take that route unless under dire circumstances.
Griffinmane wrote:The limited number of Generations means that a Generation only force wouldn't be more than a harassing unit to something like the Syndicate.
Not necessarily. Now that you have jacked riggers, and since biogenic networks can handle higher rate of data transfer, and assuming communion between two biogenic computers is real time, you can just use the same network for the riggers on Karis to attack on Andromeda with a very large force.

But one major drawback will be that no generation can go to Andromeda then. Because, if I recall it right, when two biogenic computers are talking to each other over a long distance using communion, either of those systems has to boost its signal to maintain a link to the other. And since boosting the open transmission to such strong signals will fry the brains of the Generations, it cannot be done by the biogenic system on Karis but has to be done by the one in Andromeda. And without the generations to protect it, its a big risk to put a biogenic computer in such a far galaxy. In my opinion, as of now, this idea of a distant CBIM is neither in the black nor in the white but in grey region of ideas. Its a possibility with a lot of issues yet to be addressed.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:58 pm
by physicalard
The Thing wrote: :lol: For the past few days, for anything and everything everyone says on this forum, my answer has been just 2 words. Quantum Entanglement :D Dunno why its struck in my head. May be probably because of its FTL nature.
The problem with quantum entanglement, is that although it is most likely faster than light, you cannot transmit any information using it. Quantum entanglement works when you have a random chance of observing two states in one of a pair of quantum mechanical particles. Call them heads or tails. The second particle has to have the opposite state of the first. Before either person looks, both particles are both heads and tails simultaneously. One person looks first and randomly sees heads or tails. The other person then looks, even if they are 5000 light years apart, and sees the opposite state. That change is instantaneous. However this just gives a pair of random number generators with exact opposite results. A random string of heads or tails cannot transmit any information. It can be used for cryptography. But that requires sending information through some other means.

I apologize for the very long physics rant, but it is one of my pet peeves.

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:15 pm
by The Thing
physicalard wrote:I apologize for the very long physics rant, but it is one of my pet peeves.
Oh wow..!! Please dont say that. I love people who try to educate others when they know better than the other person. :D
Thanks for that brief explanation. Now you have deflated all my excitement about the possible applications of QE :P I agree with the cryptography idea of QE. But now, read this article . ... ion_143076

So after reading that, now if we can achieve that being at the current technological state, then in our imaginary world of Faey where the technology is exponentially greater, will it not be possible ?

Re: Possibilities?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:31 pm
by Random Extra
[quote="physicalard"][quote="The Thing"]
:lol: For the past few days, for anything and everything everyone says on this forum, my answer has been just 2 words. [b]Quantum Entanglement[/b] :D Dunno why its struck in my head. May be probably because of its FTL nature.[/quote]

The problem with quantum entanglement, is that although it is most likely faster than light, you cannot transmit any information using it. Quantum entanglement works when you have a random chance of observing two states in one of a pair of quantum mechanical particles. Call them heads or tails. The second particle has to have the opposite state of the first. Before either person looks, both particles are both heads and tails simultaneously. One person looks first and randomly sees heads or tails. The other person then looks, even if they are 5000 light years apart, and sees the opposite state. That change is instantaneous. However this just gives a pair of random number generators with exact opposite results. A random string of heads or tails cannot transmit any information. It can be used for cryptography. But that requires sending information through some other means.

I apologize for the very long physics rant, but it is one of my pet peeves.[/quote]

just a thought but, could you not take two entangled pair, and using a computer to continuously observe them, pass on Morse code? something along the lines of a change state in pair A = a dot, and a change in pair B = a dash. if Morse isn't enough you could use 26 pair for English.