News from the world of Fel.

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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by GBLW »

Mizriath wrote:It is already Sunday at my place. I guess Fel meant Monday for me. Waiting patiently.
Ah, yes, but he didn't say it would be posted on Sunday.
As the old philosopher said; "Time is the most confusing of concepts, for it is a construct of the human mind itself. All we can say is that Today is now and Tomorrow is sometime in the future, but when the clock chimes at midnight, what we thought of as Today becomes Yesterday and Tomorrow is still beyond reach."
K Pelle aka GBLW
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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by Mizriath »


or should it be Raphael,

One spanish and one italian. Will they meet. Eh ..... I am getting weird dreams.
The sea flows as long as Earth exist, Love is alive as long as people exist. I will read Fel's stories as long as my heart still beats.
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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by Fel »

Still easier to post in here than start a new thread,so:

I THINK I'm looking at maybe 2 or 3 more chapters of Earth Bond before I move to the next project. I'm not entirely sure yet. Earth Bond has mainly been something "easy" for me to work on while I do a whole lot of background research for the planned new story. I don't have to background much for Earth Bond, so it lets me both get some progress in my research and still get some writing done.

I'm not sure if I'll start Shifters after I reach a stopping point in Earth Bond, because as I've worked on the basic bones of the story, it's sorta gotten a lot more complicated than I expected. I've expanded WAY past the original idea because I was ignoring and forgetting about the other half of Rafael de la Varga; the fact that he's a Jann. Him being a Jann is the reason he's a Shifter; where the Arcadians can shift "up" into the Earth frame, Rafael can shift "up" into the native frame of his Jinn parent as well as "down" into the Arcadian frame. Rafael is the product of parents from two different frames, just like the Shifters from Arcadia.

The Jinn had a REASON for bringing him into the world, and that subplot has required some work to flesh out.

I've had to do some pretty exotic research for this one. I never thought I'd be reading parts of the Quran for a story...but don't worry, this one's not going to be "religious." The Jinn (or Djinn) have a strong presence in Muslim religious history, and it was a very good source of research material. I've also done more research than I necessarily needed to do about Spain, but that was just me getting curious about the parts of it I didn't need to research about. Spain is a fairly awesome place, I've come to learn.

I haven't forgotten the other stories I have sitting in reserve. I fully intend to write Inception and begin the last book of the Walker series sometime "soon." I still have no defined timeline for Kit, because to be honest, I haven't come up with enough plot to fill five or six chapters yet. I could probably do a couple of chapters, but then I'd hit the "derpy derp" wall. But I can't dawdle too long, because Kit and company are still stuck in 2008, and if I wait TOO long, I'll forget what happened in 2008 and rewrite history.

On other fronts, I've made something of a concerted effort to actually be involved on Twitter. I've kinda gotten the hang of it, and I'm starting to have fun over there. I've been endeavoring to at tweet one "mini-update" a day, which is usually me just going "boingy boingy boingy!" The 140 character limit is almost a challenge for someone like me, who can't keep something under two pages. Just so you know, if I recognize you from here, I'll put you on follow over there. But you guys using mysteeeerious names, tweet me who you are over here and I'll follow you over there. So, give Spec a breather and help me stop bugging him on twitter all the time by dangling something shiny in my face. I'm helpless against shiny.



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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by SYED »

Hey fel, did you ever see that merlin story where merlin was used to restore magic, so to make sure humans would not forget them, and so magic would retain power.

Could this story be about instead trying to hide magic from others, it could be about restoring it?
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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by Tuga555 »

And here's your main character: Rafael de la Varga. Born and raised in the small town of A Guarda, Spain, which is right across the river from Portugal,

Well, if he was named Rafael Vargas (portuguese name) and was born in the small city of Guarda (portuguese city with 43k pop) I could help you research since i'm portuguese. :)

Lovely concept, hope to read about your new world soon.
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Re: News from the world of Fel.

Post by Fel »

Tuga555 wrote:
And here's your main character: Rafael de la Varga. Born and raised in the small town of A Guarda, Spain, which is right across the river from Portugal,

Well, if he was named Rafael Vargas (portuguese name) and was born in the small city of Guarda (portuguese city with 43k pop) I could help you research since i'm portuguese. :)

Lovely concept, hope to read about your new world soon.
Though he lives in Galicia, his family is originally from Castille, thus he has a Spanish name rather than a Galician/Portuguese name.

Details. Gotta love those details. ;)
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.