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Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:35 pm
by imthejman85
I dunno if Jason and company would WANT to try putting a fleet together to attack Andromeda. You're talking not 1, but 2 galactic-spanning civilizations with fleets larger than most entire empires in our galaxy. You don't attack an opponent like that head on unless you want to lose. What they're already doing is the best thing.

Crank out interdictors, build rail guns on the scale of the Graf cannon. Look more into the CMS cloak Jason invented. Develop more powerful planetary shields. Try to get more allies in the sector to join them, which by now I wouldn't think to be too hard. Kick the Consortiums' ass asap so they can build up their defenses for the Syndicate.

I figure given a few years advanced notice, Jason and company can pull a few things outta their ass in that time. Between the Faey, Kimdori, and everyone else building up their fleets, the Syndicate are gonna have their hands full.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:03 pm
by Mizriath
imthejman85 wrote:Crank out interdictors, build rail guns on the scale of the Graf cannon. Look more into the CMS cloak Jason invented. Develop more powerful planetary shields. Try to get more allies in the sector to join them, which by now I wouldn't think to be too hard. Kick the Consortiums' ass asap so they can build up their defenses for the Syndicate.

I figure given a few years advanced notice, Jason and company can pull a few things outta their ass in that time. Between the Faey, Kimdori, and everyone else building up their fleets, the Syndicate are gonna have their hands full.
I believe that is what Jason wanted but he is realistic and knows it is but impossible. Even Dahnai sends spies into Karis with the intention of trying to learn more about Karinnes tech... so does the others. Karinnes is head and shoulders above and the way they churned out new tech is something Dahnai is very jealous about.

So the confederation will crumble and it is a matter of when. When everyone feels safe, with their own food replicators.

I think Jason will finally cracked the Consortium insectoid controls and free them. The branch will then secede from the consortium and joins the Karinnes. They will even seize the consortium ships..... The light beings are the beings that are actually running the consortium and they will commit suicide as it will impunge on their honor, if there is such a thing for them. Jason will use this new army and ships to fight against the Syndicate, which is a totally different kettle of fish. Nothing said yet, so I cannot comment. Dahnai gets so jealous of the might of the Karinnes.... so who knows.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:51 pm
by Javna
I believe as you say the other in the alliance will see his power grow, and they will fear it. But Dahnai know Jason and trust him, even if she try to steal his secrets. She knows that he will give it up and go home when the mess is over. The question is what the others will do, i would guess that they will be stupid enough to try and take his world if they get a chance, and Jason will give the a taste of what my little pony can do.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:29 am
The thing is that they need him. He is the one leader that all parties involved and trust. His motives are clear, and others would simply act according to their agendas. There needs to be a single leader to carry out the defences of them all, they know he is a marginal general, he knows enough to have his officers to carry out his plans.
We know the confed will have issues, but how much of it will be due to actual issues, or the enemy messing with them. I predict the skaa will have lots of trouble playing nice with others and internally.
I still believe that the Zions are going to join the imperium, they are a minor state, that is not that agressive or military. Givern the right conditions, I can see them eager to join for the protection and give thanks for offering them santuary. Jason would want this, as the prince and four systems would give him more backing in the imperium, and slightly weaken the power of the Faey noble houses.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:12 am
by Quinn31
is this book in the works? or is it on hold for earth bond? and fel love the book so much I'm behind I think two chapters in earth bond LOL, and mike's gonna kill me for being behind in his chapters LOL (not really but hey lol)

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:16 am
by dellstart
I think its indeed in the pipeline ,and is next in the rotation.of so , i think I have read somewhere from Fel.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:07 pm
by Quinn31
Nice. I can't wait.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:42 pm
by reborn
hope it comes soon

the subjugation series is amongst my favourite SCIFI stories

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:22 pm
by Fel
dellstart wrote:I think its indeed in the pipeline ,and is next in the rotation.of so , i think I have read somewhere from Fel.
Yes, Seccession is ALMOST next.

I'll finish earth bond, finally write the last chapter of Shadow Walker (which will be very depressing, at least to me), and then I'll either write 1 chapter of Fox and the Hawk and then start Secession, or start Secession.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:41 pm
by gnume
what about kit ?

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:48 am
by Dreamer
regarding Kit... Even if you don't write a new chapter, I would be interested in seeing an outline of what you were thinking for the original plot-line of the story. If you have it available, I would love to see a brief plot summary of where you were first planning to take the story.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:09 pm
by tereszcz
Fel wrote:
Yes, Seccession is ALMOST next.

I'll finish earth bond, finally write the last chapter of Shadow Walker (which will be very depressing, at least to me), and then I'll either write 1 chapter of Fox and the Hawk and then start Secession, or start Secession.
Of all the universes that you wrote of, I think that Subjugation is the best. I really enjoy these stories. I am amazed at your imagination and story writing skills. I can imagine lot of things, but when it comes to writing I just don't have the talent.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:03 am
by stretch
Ihave really enjoyed reading this series, along with all the other ones that Fel has done.

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:52 am
I have an idea about the children waking up their telepathy, like being around faey and telepaths awoke human telepaths, such a concentration and number of generational sending.
COuld the biogentic computers get fitted in fighter, and in the nova, possibly even exomechs? Could the nano tech allow for internal tech options, even if the systems have to be dispersed? Say similar to the brain implants of the bugs.
If there are ways to make telepaths, why not up grade the human race? It makes them faey equals, and help make them more secure.
I have a great idea for the Karrine academy, find a way to terraform planets in the Goldilocks zone, or even igniting gas giants to create new goldilocks zones? For mars to live, you need to get the core to spin to produce an em field, or set up an artificial one, then dump lots of water on it. They might even need to make the core moltern again, I dont know. If the allies are all traped together, creating habitable locations would be important.
What was the FTL tech they wanted from home, since the one they are using is from this galaxcy? can they use this mass affecting tech against their enemies.
Seeing as they are using the armor and weapons of the consortium will they go after their computer tech next? I wonder if it could bridge the gap between the the karrine and imperial tech. The differing plasma tech, could lead to new avenues as well.
Stargate tech is a big priority correct, so make something that looks like a gate to lure them in, but in actuality it is a weapon.
are there other locations like that nebula that deny hyperspace? eventually, as a security issue they will take more, so be the first to do so?

Re: "Secession-"- your thoughts please

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:47 pm
by CRYUnicornClear
With chapter 3 out we now know Jason intends for the Karmines to suceede from the Imperium. Now the question is: How will he do it? Any ideas?