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Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:35 am
by expedient
At a certain point the Consortium in the Milky Way will realize that their communications have been compromised. At this time the Karinnes could exploit the contact delay to sow disinformation to Andromeda to get them to change encryption codes saying that communications are compromised, as will the local Consortium. The Consortium in Andromeda won’t know which set of signals is true. Any orders they send to prosecute the war could be either to their ships or their enemies causing untold confusion. :twisted:

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:21 am
by Weresmilodon
expedient wrote:
Weresmilodon wrote:
expedient wrote:I wonder if anyone (Dahnai?) will make the connection between those rare Faey that can spot Kimdori and the facts that a) they’ve all joined House Karinne, and b) the Kimdori are strongly aligned with House Karinne?
Remember that this is one of the best kept secrets of the Kimdori race. No one, other then the Generation, who are also the ones capable of it, knows that some people can spot Kimdori.
Myleena was aware of her ability before she found out what it meant: I’m postulating that over the 1300 years some of the Generations who had forgotten their heritage ‘hired-out’ to spot Kimdori for counter-espionage purposes, much the same way listeners are used.
I'd suggest you pick up Subjugation and read the first few encounters Jason had with Kimdori again. It's pretty strongly hinted, if not outright said, that there is no person alive that knows the secret, and would tell it.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:31 pm
it was mentioned that the consortium got here using some kind of hyperspace catapult, similar to the effect of jumping in indictored space. what if from this they design a weaponised system, so the jump in to a system as close as possible to the enemy space bases, indictor and gate it, then set up the catapult, so they can bombard the system constantly. i mean to transport bases that size must be a difficult and delicate opperation so even to move it would be dangeroug, so it would not be possible to do so if constantly being bombarded by the catapult, long term attrition. also to carry out guerilla attacks on the enemy they need to have sneaky and crafty crew and guess what a whole lot of smuglers, used to sneaking have just been put out of work, they either have the choice to have excitment in fighting a war or the drudgery of shipping legitmently. also what will the fleets be doing all this time and thing that gravity changes will kill bugs will mess the consortium so much it will be easy to do and can the imperium bugs get mechs like the consortium?. also the program is in the past, sure it was wrong but they must have done so many experiments, one of which might be useful in the war. imagin a fleet of cloaked ships carring all these goodies, sneaking on to the bases to unleash choas, or maby just a transmittter, the moridin said that they have no external acces, so make one and let cybi in to the game.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:16 am
by dellstart
Why didn't the Modern day Karrines just implant the modern language, in the Exiles , just the same way they Implanted Jason all those years ago?

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:10 pm
the bases are still being constructed meaning weakspots and access points, and jason does have the stealth ability to take advantage. even if it can not be fully destroyed they have to repair and defend it. also if they lnow which planets are going to be in vaded why not mass produce mines and defefences that at least cause enough damage that would allow the litttle guy to have a chance

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:57 am
also, would jason allow dahnai to say you want protection from the skaa, alliance and consortium, join the imperium and i will keep your space jump ship free, armed by kariinne weapons.
i mean imperium member ship seems cool, look at the deal the collective is geting, upgrades from the academy, inferstructure, it has to be attractive to some worlds. it takes about 10 hours to get a system gated and protected, if you know when and where the ships are coming why not delay they by using indictor mines, just a single pulse to knock a ship out of hyperspace when detected, being violently pulled out of travel has to effect gravity
are the light beings go on all ships or just command ships, also can the bugs work with out them

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:06 pm
there has been all this emphasis on more found karrines, but it will lead to many problems
they might have continued the program of telepathic power increase and not want to stop
they might object to non faey in and ruling the house
they might deem themselves the rightful heir
they might dislike how active and know karrine is with so many secrets exposed
objecting to helping house merrane, the one that shattered them

they had real time communication so why did they not meet up to consilodate, to get a new world, far enough that the imperium would not fing them. but why not go to the kimdori,

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:04 pm
by expedient
SYED wrote:there has been all this emphasis on more found karrines, but it will lead to many problems
they might have continued the program of telepathic power increase and not want to stop
they might object to non faey in and ruling the house
they might deem themselves the rightful heir
they might dislike how active and know karrine is with so many secrets exposed
objecting to helping house merrane, the one that shattered them

they had real time communication so why did they not meet up to consilodate, to get a new world, far enough that the imperium would not fing them. but why not go to the kimdori,
All very good points.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:25 am
by boballab
SYED wrote:there has been all this emphasis on more found karrines, but it will lead to many problems
they might have continued the program of telepathic power increase and not want to stop
they might object to non faey in and ruling the house
they might deem themselves the rightful heir
they might dislike how active and know karrine is with so many secrets exposed
objecting to helping house merrane, the one that shattered them

they had real time communication so why did they not meet up to consilodate, to get a new world, far enough that the imperium would not fing them. but why not go to the kimdori,
On points 1, and the summation: They were in small numbers and most of them were not generations. To continue the Program they would need Generations to start with since by that time only the Kimdori, the CBIMS and the Generations knew how the Generations were created. Their low numbers would preclude selective breeding to increase Telepathic power and something I believe is that the reason they didn't get together was that they were following a preset plan. The way we know 2 groups both went and set down on habitable planets and hid their scout ships and the message left by Korii Karinne with Cybi points to that. The plan was for Cybi to clean the planet back up, The Kimdori maintain the fiction of Karis being totally inhabitable and once Cybi completed the clean up she would call the ships. The ships then head back to where they set down the Karinnes and pick them up and bring them back. Until that point they had to stay hidden with out putting out high tech emissions that the Faey might find. Once they got back to Karis the Kimdori then do what they did for Jason and round them up.

The other points are the real sticky ones.
We know how the old Karinne nobles acted from recorded history. We know from the example of the exiles that things can go bad. Now imagine if there had been a Generation among them, raised with the old karinne arrogance. Yeah they might even have a better claim on the throne then Jason, depending on their ancestor. Zera was only a Baroness and 173rd in line so someone higher up could have survived. Then there is another aspect you didn't mention Jason is a man and in Faey society they don't lead. Then there is the half breed nature and it has a real possibilty that another Generation out there, from an ancestor higher placed then Zera could get real miffed all of a sudden not being top dog anymore and taking orders from a half breed male to boot. The icing on the cake would be his relationship to Dahnai.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:11 pm
the imperium will grow, either capturing enemy systems, denying outhers them or just those that go to the imperium for protection, i mean the imperium uses their tech to upgrade planets, they are protected from attack by the indictor, sure you get new boses but on the other hand the consortium only reputation is attacking the neutral karrine, stabbing the urami in the back, and try to cause imperial civil war, they also pronounce a jihad against any that oppose with a fleet that is larger and more advanced than any other, not exactly friendly public image, also kimdori are with the imperium working against the consortium. so it is either hope to left alone, or choose to side. the imperium might not be liked but woul seem to be the lesser evil, also the karinne basic let planets elf rule and big upgrades mabey they coulde get a similar deal

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:17 pm
by dellstart
SYED wrote:the imperium will grow, either capturing enemy systems, denying outhers them or just those that go to the imperium for protection, i mean the imperium uses their tech to upgrade planets, they are protected from attack by the indictor, sure you get new boses but on the other hand the consortium only reputation is attacking the neutral karrine, stabbing the urami in the back, and try to cause imperial civil war, they also pronounce a jihad against any that oppose with a fleet that is larger and more advanced than any other, not exactly friendly public image, also kimdori are with the imperium working against the consortium. so it is either hope to left alone, or choose to side. the imperium might not be liked but woul seem to be the lesser evil, also the karinne basic let planets elf rule and big upgrades mabey they coulde get a similar deal

For many of the smaller Empires your exactly right.They are truly caught between a rock and hard place.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:20 am
by boballab
Here is another option for Jason. Since he is providing an Interdictor to Morridon, the Sector banking capital, Jason can get the Morridons to put an economic squeeze on the Alliance and the Skaa.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:33 am
by Weresmilodon
That hasn’t been decided yet. He's just reserving one for them in case they reconsider.

And, doing so would seriously affect their image and thereby business. Banks and security companies live by their reputation, and how satisfied their customers are. They have no chance to survive without them, while new banks always can be opened. That kind of action would be suicide for their economy.

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:11 am
by dellstart
Just look at Switzerland's neutrality in the last two world wars, to see how true that is.Part of their appeal was their solid financial center and banking system.
So banks live and die on their PR!

Re: Chap 8 Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:44 am
by boballab
You overlooked one little point though, the Consortium doesn't give a fig about their neutrality. Also unlike Switzerland which had a very strong defensive postion, Moridon is wide open to attack, that is why Siyhaa wanted that interdictor resevered. So in the end Moridon will have a choice: Join the Consortium side or Join Jason's, everyone that tries to stay neutral will be in a bad position by the time the war is over. If the Consortium wins they will get over run by them. If Jason's side wins do you really think Dahnai will look favorably on them and don't forget the Urumi attitude. So if they stay neutral and Jason's side wins Dahnai and the Urumi Queen could outlaw use of Moridons bank's which would not be good for business, besides with the Interdictor/stargate setup the Faey/Urumi alliance has a trade monopoly churning up credits.