Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

expedient wrote:The Faey are not Nazis. It has become tiresome that anything “evil” is bandied about with Hitler or Nazis or Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.
When Mysterious wrote that he made it very clear he was referencing my longer argument, which deals with your objections. It was dishonest of you to ignore that and focus on his sound byte; albeit a trite one.
Fel wrote:Why, you might ask, did he not institute a complete democracy? Well, in his eyes, he saw that the fuedal style used by the Faey would work on a very small scale--as in, with just one planet where everyone entered into it willingly.
That will work for his current population, but their children will not have entered into this deal, and when they come of age a percentage will probably not be happy with contracts signed in their absence. He's got a foretaste of that with the Exiles. It's not a priority now, but it should be on his todo list. He also has plans to turn his one planet kingdom into a two planet empire; which invalidates some of his basic assumptions. It might be a good idea to adapt the system before it has to cope with such pressures, rather than afterwards.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Mysterious »

For Bob:

Humans are not animals. WE evolved from animals but we are not animals. Why? Intellect.

Humans are creatures of Intellect and that is why I used the Divine Right of Kings concept. Humans and Faey have to rationalise why we do what we do. Both Humans and Faey have the intellectual capacity to know and to do better. They have the ability to strive for more.

I agree wholeheartedly that he should set up elected Mayors in towns to look after their communities. From what I have seen and has been implied, Jason has set up a planet wide bureaucracy that is answerable directly to him. Also his handling of the Exile didn’t exactly enlighten my viewpoint.

Thanks for clearing this up Fel! I agree wholeheartedly with the system of government that he has currently set up.

Maybe I’m using the wrong terms… I’m trying to say that he should get someone else to do the day-to-day paperwork (delegation) while he deals with the big picture. It doesn’t matter about the legal technicalities because whomever Jason chooses (“prime minister”, house steward, governor etc. call them whatever you like) to handle the bureaucratic handling of day-to-day matters will only be answerable to him and will only have the legal basis of his support. That is to say that Jason can hire and fire at will. That person will not have any diplomatic standing in the galaxy or the Imperium. This person will be like for example: General Manager of Karis Inc. answerable to account to CEO Jason Fox.

Good leadership isn’t about being able to solve or handle all the problems yourself; it’s about getting other people to solve them for you.

As I have said before: DELEGATION.

All those problems that Jason had to deal with would have to require his direct input (especially in the case of Dahnai… ahem :P ) but it’s nothing that a couple of brainstorming sessions and a business plan couldn’t handle. The most basic requirement of solving these problems was putting people in charge of handling these problems that he could trust and that could explain how they were solving them in easy to understand language. There are 8 billion humans that think he’s the saviour of mankind. All he would’ve needed to do was raid a couple of Universities and Colleges for the qualified people and screen them.

Your forefathers were geniuses. They didn’t have the luxury of: instantaneous communication, a massive knowledge bank (a.k.a. the internet), the in-depth knowledge and understanding of one civil war, two world wars, the cold war and a successful insurgency informing their decisions of what will and won’t work.

Remember USA was based upon an idea of an idea and Australia shamelessly copied most of it. We can challenge our baser urges and overcome them.

For expedient:

Yes they are.
From ANTIcarrot:

Here's my fundamental problem with that idea: The Faey behaved like Nazis.

And they didn't care. They still don't care. Aside from a few small details they have shown absolutely no remorse with what they did or how they acted. Now Jason might be enough of a pragmatist to ignore this for the larger long term purpose of reforming the local galactic community - but the people on Earth will remember and they will HATE the Faey Imperium.

And it's not a case of blaming House Trillane. The Empress gave them the contract. She approved the invasion. The Imperial marines under her command did sweet fanny adams to stop pretty much anything that Trillane did. In fact the marines we see are far more interested in harassing local humans than actually supervising Trillane. Everything we saw indicates the Faey systematically and deliberately destroyed the global Human economy, along with every single social institution that might have challenged, questioned or even reported such abuses - and then failed to replace them.

And it wasn't just on Earth. Doctors are well respected throughout the Imperium are they? A super version of the Red Cross mixed with Médecins Sans Frontières? What the hell were they doing while all this was going on? Oh yes - they were taking over hospitals and sending any human with basic medical knowledge off to farms. Faey News Services? Enslavement and abuse of 8 billion people is apparently not news worthy. The common citizens? Apparently they're too busy enjoying the fruits of their conquest to wonder where it came from. The non-Faey? Not one has so far questioned the Faey doctrine of smash everything and use the natives (however highly skilled) as low cost labor. Dahnai after she learns about this? Listen to what she says. Is she appalled or morally outraged by this? Does she demand justice? No. She's gleeful! She can finally take revenge on an old rival! Because of course that's the most important thing...

The people of Earth have had five years or so to piece things back together. Jason gave them regional autonomy based upon old national boundaries. That means the BBC would be up again within a few months. And they would piece the story together even if no one else would. And they would. Once the populations worst dreads about the occupation were confirmed, no one would have the slightest good thing to say about the Faey.

Or we can be personal. Take Jyslin. Let's pretend for the moment that humans had been telepathic, and/or were capable of fighting back in some meaningful way. How many humans would she have killed before it occurred to her that this was wrong, that it had gone too far? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Would that thought ever have occurred to her? Does she in fact regret anything she did during the occupation?
Remember the Nazis were not the problem of the German people they were the symptom. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc. got in charge not because of their ruthlessness or deficiencies of character it was because their societies let them get in a position of power.

The Empress and the Faey noble class is a symptom of the underlying society. They are only in power because the commoners let be in power.

You make good historical points about how humanity is no race of saints. But we have changed over time and we can change for the better. But the Faey society seems to have stagnated.
expedient wrote:We, just like the Faey in the general population, simply shrug our shoulders ignore it and say, “Can’t do nothing ’bout it.”
This is wrong. We do not simply shrug it off and say “can’t do anything about it”. Just look around you. Just because things don’t change overnight doesn’t mean that they are not changing. Look at the proliferation of advocacy and human rights groups.

Look at the creation of supranational entities like the EU and AU. Western multi-national corporations are going to have a tougher time in Africa because of the AU and the competition from China.

Who would have known that Global Warming would be such a monumental threat to human civilisation instead of just a crackpot theory by some eco-freaks?

Yes Jason has been doing a good job. He is an exceptional young man who has stepped up to the plate. He could be doing things better, but who knows? He could be doing things hell of a lot worse.

The difference between Australia and the Nazis/Communists (or the Faey) is that we apologised to those we have grievously wronged and asked for forgiveness. Kevin Rudd said sorry on our behalf to the Stolen Generations and he/we meant it. I do not believe that the Faey as a society is capable of doing this. Individually: yes. As a society: no.

Why I think this? They seem to believe that they are a “super race” and all the atrocities that they commit on themselves or on others is to the greater good and glory of the race.
Fel wrote:Well, that about sums up Jason's style of governing. He developed a Dukal government on Karis, but in actuality, it's the local governments that call most of the shots, and those are elected, where the Dukal government is there to back up the local governments and provide house-wide services.

In reality, his system is more of a federalist system, something he understands from his own background, but there's only one level of elected government. The higher government is a merit-based bureaucracy, where Jason delegates authority to trusted advisors who run departments that provide services. Each department is more or less autonomous, answering to Jason, but they do have some amount of cross-jurisdiction and interaction...usually in a constructive manner. The departments of Jason's bureaucracy don't fight with each other, mainly because they know Jason will kick their asses if they do.

But as the planet grows, so does the government. Jason is already getting overwhelmed with the amount of work he has to do, and soon, he'll realize that he needs help at the executive level. By then, he'll probably install a "prime minister" and let him or her assume some of his duties, help take the load off of him. It would have to be someone he trusted with his very life, for he'd never give anyone that kind of power and let them loose if he wasn't convinced they'd be faithful to the duties of the post.

Why, you might ask, did he not institute a complete democracy? Well, in his eyes, he saw that the fuedal style used by the Faey would work on a very small scale--as in, with just one planet where everyone entered into it willingly. It was easy to handle things when he made all the decisions and didn't have to fight people with different viewpoints that might have the power to oppose him if he created a more "American" system. He knew that so long as he kept making good decisions that helped the house grow and flourish, everyone would be quite content with his choice of government, because Jason is a very benevolent dictator. He cares far more about the needs and well being of his people that just about any ruler in the Imperium. They aren't numbers to him, they are PEOPLE, and he works very hard to do right by them. Simple practicality made him develop the system he has now.
Thank you Fel for clearing this up!

The only reason I had a problem of where Jason was heading was because I didn’t believe he had set up any local governments. The text implied that all he created was a planet wide bureaucracy without any accountability to the local populace. Now all I have to worry is about him banging chicks without protection. :P



Because I regard Karis like the Australian Capital Territory or the District of Columbia. There are significant military issues that require strong leadership from the central government a.k.a. Duke Jason Augustus Fox, which needs a clear chain-of-command.

In the future I see that the local towns will report to the continental centres of power and those continental powers will report to Jason. Also a creation of a second Academy for the purposes of the Generations, trusted persons and the populace of Karis should be on the drawing board.

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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

nah mate, karis is more like the back of Bourke!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Mysterious wrote:Humans are not animals. WE evolved from animals but we are not animals. Why? Intellect.
What a pile of crap. Humans are just as much an animal as any other species on our planet.

Over thousands of years Homo Sapiens has invented huge numbers of social mechanisms (community, government, etc) - but they are all about increasing the ability to reproduce. The vast majority of the social mechanisms and activities are around increasing access to resources, and thus the ability to reproduce. Everything from a farmer to building engineers and lawyers.

Strip those inventions away - and what have you got? A relatively intelligent single animal that'll fight anything in it's way to find a mate, hunt down food, and feed the next generation. Not so different after all.
dellstart wrote:nah mate, karis is more like the back of Bourke!
Pfft, Bourke isn't that remote anymore. You can even get 3G wireless out there. (Seriously)
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »


I didn’t disagree with some of your points.

The Imperium has border tensions and a food shortage and so secure a planet ideal for food production. Not unlike the “Coalition of the Willing” securing oil suppies in Iraq in 2003. As did the British Empire in 1920 and 1956.

The Trillanes controlled all information coming out of Earth. Pictures of calm alien cities and crops waving in the wind abound.

Either the Trillanes or the Imperial Medical Service sent home people with little understanding of medicine or modern medical equipment. Perhaps the IMS thought that they’d have the opportunity to retrain in the future.

The common Faey are proud of their military might and great empire. Just as Europeans were proud of their empires. The Americans were proud of securing the West, Texas, California, etc.

The news organisations might piece together the story of Trillane occupation but if I was the editor I’d be careful to balance that with the improvements in the situation under Karinne, especially the advantages of new technology and educational opportunities. Inflammatory reporting which led to civil unrest could prove to the Imperium that Trillane were right to treat humans with such draconian measures.

Jason struck a blow in the name of Humanity against the Trellanes and it seems the life has improved overall for most of the population under Karinne and Suralle to a level above that before subjugation.

You’re right in that Fel has not made the situation completely clear, I’d have loved to hear some stories from when Jyslin was leading Legion attacking Trillane outposts. The story though is told from Jason’s perspective and priorities. We can only assume that Earth is doing OK and can only guess at some decisions that have been made.

Will there be an uprising on Earth? My opinion is that they would be too afraid to fight the Faey directly and if they attempt to fight unconventionally they will find themselves under a yoke that would make the Trillanes seem gentle. Their best bet would be to integrate as much as possible with a strong ally ie. the Faey. Life under the Collective might not be so good.

Jason is looking to make Earth a focal point of a grander coalition which combined with the Academy and new trade routes through Terran space should improve life on Earth with even more opportunities.

The Faey believe that they have the greatest empire in the region and that combined with their telepathy, which is rare in other races, makes them superior. We don’t know the full extent of this feeling as we have mostly seen it from the outside looking in. Just like other nations around the world are bombarded with American entertainment and culture and keep hearing the message: “America is the greatest nation on Earth.” Not everyone agrees.



Where to begin...

Humans are animals and when we ignore our instincts we become very unhappy. Fel writes about this at length with Tarrin Kael’s were-instincts. The ability to problem-solve does not remove our biological imperatives. Spec8472 makes good points.

They have been recruiting all kinds of people into House Karinne, into every position, I believe you are making suppositions that Jason has been ignoring key areas.

I’ve covered as much as I want to about the Faey being bad and committing evil acts. They have a long way to go, Jason has plans in that direction. We in RL have a long way to go, greed battles altruism every day. Mostly we just go to work and do our jobs, buy our food and luxuries and don’t trouble ourselves with the moral ambiguities.

Climate Change has had a majority scientific consensus since 1979, the rest has been political manoeuvrings and intransigence combined with improved scientific modelling and examination.

The Faey have never really been defeated, repelled at their borders perhaps. They have built a large empire. They are powerful. They all have an ability which is rare in other races: telepathy. This makes them insufferably proud and arrogant. Maybe a good kicking by the Consortium with help with that...

A small offshoot of the Academy in Karsa is mentioned in the text.


Jason give a long speech to the people of Earth at the beginning of chapter 20 of Subjugation which outlines the new relationship with the Imperium under Karinne and how it effects the general population. It says that they are no longer subjects of the Faey but partners and talks of the need to rise above the need for vengeance and replace it with compassion for the Faey who would starve without Earth’s food.

Maybe the Humans believe in him. Maybe by the time Rann becomes Grand Duke the Humans will be more than happy being the hub of a major trading center. Only Fel will tell.


I’ve been to Bourke. On the way there and back I was stared at, swore at and threatened. On one memorable occasion two fine upstanding members of the community said that that they should set their dogs on me and give me a “good kicking”. Apparently stopping for fuel is an offense. For some reason the folk out in the country thought I was Aboriginal. I suspect that knowing that I am African-American/European mixed race would have made little difference. Not that it mattered what they thought. They were bigots and cowards and walked away when I showed no fear. I have faced death from much closer range before; accidental, medical, rugged terrain, dangerous weather, faulty wiring, violent gangs, hysterical women, bombs and confused drug users.

Still it’s good that they can get in touch with the rest of the world these days. Maybe the local TV now has something other than endless grain silo ads.

The desert, by the way, was in full bloom and beautiful...
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

expedient wrote:I didn’t disagree with some of your points.
And just to be clear my original argument twas that humans probably don't like the Faey too much. My comparison with the nazis was not so much a comparison of relative morality, but rather representative of the level of absolute rejection of everything the Faey morally stand for that I believe humans would feel.
The Trillanes controlled all information coming out of Earth. Pictures of calm alien cities and crops waving in the wind abound. Either the Trillanes or the Imperial Medical Service sent home people with little understanding of medicine or modern medical equipment. Perhaps the IMS thought that they’d have the opportunity to retrain in the future.
Which is something I addressed. The Faey must know how untrustworthy other Faey are. Why weren't other houses and other news services sniffing around looking for hidden truths? The Imperium has had thousands of years to come up with something like MSF or Amnesty International, as have the other races. When they fail collectively, they can be blamed collectively. In the same way we can blame the historic populations of America, Britain, Germany and Japan (and many others) for failing to control the worst excesses of their governments.

More to the point, what happened when the commoners learned what had really happened? Apparently nothing. It's possible they were distracted slightly by coming that close to civil war, but you'd think *slavery* might have got their attention as well. We know Jason's (ugh!) rugged good looks did. Did they all ignore the rest of the message? It should have been one of the biggest scandals in centuries. And yet...
Just as Europeans were proud of their empires.
Those empires didn't have 24hour news media. As soon as that started, and home nations (and natives) began to see what was done in their name, the empires stopped working. The Faey have had it for centuries, and yet it still continues. INS might be Empress controlled, but what about all the independents, and the bloggers?
Inflammatory reporting which led to civil unrest could prove to the Imperium that Trillane were right to treat humans with such draconian measures.
That is... utterly indefensible. With that attitude you'd never report anything, because doing so would 'make it worse'.
it seems the life has improved overall for most of the population under Karinne and Suralle to a level above that before subjugation.
Speculation. And unlikely speculation at that. Trillane didn't tolerate human industry or institutes that didn't support their farming goals. You can't just rebuild destroyed factories, especially if the machines needed to do so have also been destroyed. Human tech may well have been knocked back to 1950s levels or worse. Becoming dependent on Faey tech (which they cannot locally manufacture) would reduce them economically to third world status. Neither outcome would be an improvement for China, India, Russia, or the western world. And that's at least 50% of humanity.

Humans are animals and when we ignore our instincts we become very unhappy.
You can make the argument even simpler: A rose doesn't stop being a plant because it is also beautiful.

More scientifically: A rose doesn't stop being a plant because it has greater than average beauty. On average humans are smarter than most species of animal. But we're not the only tool makers, and certainly not the only tool users.
I believe you are making suppositions that Jason has been ignoring key areas.
How many of those aliens know about the generations, or the special relationship with the kimdori? Zero. There is a glass ceiling in place. Aliens are welcome as commoners only.
Jason give a long speech
Talk is cheep. Less cynically, telling is not the same as showing. The actions and inactions of the Faey Imperium as a whole will have driven a deep rift between themselves and humanity. This will not heal overnight, and may never heal without some fundamental change in Faey behavior.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

On a side note, do the Faey believe at all in contraceptives?

From what we have garnered through out the series , we could assume not.Perhaps there is a taboo involved with it.
If that's true ,then when Jason has sex with dahni , he really has no choice but to play Russian Roulette. Otherwise , he would have been insulting the Empresses and you don't want to do that.

Well,i guess Bourke aint as remote as it used to be and that story really makes me mad as a cut snake - typical of some sick assed clockie whos got his donger stuck up his bloody Clacker!!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by Fel »

To answer that question, no. The Faey are much similar to Catholics in that they believe that children are a gift never to be denied. They also believe in the pure natural state of conception and birth. Faey women will not opt for in vitro fertilization unless she's utterly desperate for a child, because it's not natural, and they also will only use caesarian or other birth methods if the health of the mother is at risk.

And to say it without getting into a whole huge debate about it, the Faey don't believe in abortion for the same reason they don't believe in contraception.

Faey biology limits their effective birth cycle to 2-3 years between children, but they also encounter what you might call a degrading fertility period. Simply put, the more children they have, the harder it gets to become pregnant each time after. The average ability of a Faey woman to produce children through her lifespan is around 6 children.

However, Faey also have what you might call a "favor bias." Faey women actually have a much higher chance of becoming pregnant if they WANT to become pregnant. Their desire for it actually results in a heightened fertility cycle, where the woman's window of fertility is longer, and she releases more than one egg during her cycle, releasing eggs so long as her uterus is viable for securing the pregnancy. This, combined with Faey women's eggs being more prone to complete separation on the first division after fertilization, is why both fraternal and identical twins are relatively common among Faey.

This is why pregnancies from casual partners are much less common than pregnancies from a husband or long-term lover.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by dellstart »

MMMM perhaps then what she did, was take something to lengthen or trigger her fertility cycle.Still pretty sneaksy, but not as bad as I thought.
Which was much more in the lines of vitro fertilization with stolen seamen. Now that would be a low blow!
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »

ANTIcarrot wrote:
Inflammatory reporting which led to civil unrest could prove to the Imperium that Trillane were right to treat humans with such draconian measures.
That is... utterly indefensible. With that attitude you'd never report anything, because doing so would 'make it worse'.
You're right which is why the full quote is:
expedient wrote:The news organisations might piece together the story of Trillane occupation but if I was the editor I’d be careful to balance that with the improvements in the situation under Karinne, especially the advantages of new technology and educational opportunities. Inflammatory reporting which led to civil unrest could prove to the Imperium that Trillane were right to treat humans with such draconian measures.
So, yes I would report it.

As I said before the Faey are bad, evil sometimes even, which is why I'd recommend caution. They are also a warrior race, which I haven't much mentioned before. My point is not to disagree with you but to temper the extreme characterization. Humans are not that far removed from Faey thinking and I think the similarities cast doubt on inevitable conflict between them.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by ANTIcarrot »

expedient wrote:
expedient wrote:The news organisations might piece together the story of Trillane occupation but if I was the editor I’d be careful to balance that with the improvements in the situation under Karinne, especially the advantages of new technology and educational opportunities. Inflammatory reporting which led to civil unrest could prove to the Imperium that Trillane were right to treat humans with such draconian measures.
So, yes I would report it.
How exactly do you 'balance out' the engineered destruction of a society and its economy? How do you present a moderate view of slavery, or ethnic cleansing? Or grand theft?
1) If the faey media decided to present such a distorted version of the truth (for any reason) they are complicit in perpetuating Trillane war crimes. If the faey population was dumb enough to believe it, so are they.
2) If the faey media were simply incompetent, and didn't see this stuff happening, then the entire faey population is complicit by not demanding that the media provide reasonable government oversight.
What they did or said or thought in private doesn't matter. The fact is that the public actions of every level of faey society contributed to the suffering of humanity during the occupation, and hence humanity will feel strong resentment and distrust towards every level of faey society. Nothing Jason has done will change that.
As I said before the Faey are bad, evil sometimes even, which is why I'd recommend caution. They are also a warrior race, which I haven't much mentioned before. My point is not to disagree with you but to temper the extreme characterization. Humans are not that far removed from Faey thinking and I think the similarities cast doubt on inevitable conflict between them.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly by this. Are you saying that if humans call a spade a spade, the faey will stop smiling and starting using that spade as a bloody club? That terra should be a good little satellite nation?

I think you're making a common scifi false assumption. A species is separate from its society. Humanity is one species, but we have many societies, and historically have had many others, including nazi germany. The faey are similarly separate from their societies. Even if fay and human are physically and mentally similar, that doesn't mean their particular societies are. When I criticise the faey, I'm not talking the species as such, but rather their culture. In comparison all villains and heroes think in basically the same way. They (almost) all use words and numbers, and plan, and weigh costs and benefits inside their heads. That doesn't mean they get along.

As to conflict... Yes I think it is inevitable at some point and in some way. If Jason allows Earth to be self governing, then sooner or later Earth will get to the point where it will be able to take independent action without Kerrine holding its hand. Not long after there will be a point where Kerrine can't hold Earth back. If nothing else Fel has strongly implied that Faey (or at least their institutes) are less imaginative than humans. Something will lead to conflict sooner or later. Something always does.
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Re: Unification - Chapter 5 - Spoilers

Post by expedient »

My point is that the destruction and enslavement was done by House Trillane. They have been removed from Earth and the Faey there now are working in a spirit of cooperation with humans. The balance is in not characterizing all Faey with the crimes committed by the Trillanes. The rest of the Faey have committed different offenses against humanity, such as invasion. Slavery is illegal under Faey law but the Imperial forces would not intervene without strong evidence when Jason uncovered the trafficking. If humans are attacking just any Faey they can as retaliation then they would face a situation close to martial law to protect Faey lives. I've been seeing you as the one characterizing the whole Faey species with one homogeneous society rather than one with many viewpoints. It has been my intent all along to temper that stereotyping. The Trillanes are not getting out of this without consequences but Jason et al have been a little busy of late.

As to the inevitability of conflict, we just have different opinions on how that will work out...
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