Lost & Found

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Re: Lost & Found

Post by MarkHR »

That isn't it but thanks anyway. I'll have a look at the preview on amazon.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by ralbloke »

Hi Peeps
I was just reading the Kyle Martin Algonquin stories by Douglas Fox on SOL and I kept on half remembering a similar but totally different football story that I have read before. I have searched all over but can't remember enough to find it. There is a arrogant football player/local town hero, young, who meets next door neighbor girl who, with his mother helps him grow up a bit. Mother dies of Cancer, girl leaves him and gets into drugs later on, he visits hospital cancer patients and a girl patient ends up writing football plays for his team at some point. He goes out with at least one really good woman golf player and he also becomes really good American football player. Thats all for now and thanks to anyone who reads this meandering nonsense.

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Re: Lost & Found

Post by GBLW »

That would be by Brendan Buckley - "Path to Glory" found at http://storiesonline.net/s/56290/path-to-glory

K Pelle aka GBLW
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by ralbloke »

Thanks a lot! That is the one.

Best regards
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by ilox »

Thanks for the question ralbloke and thanks for the link kp. What a great tale and such ups and downs. Certainly not the usual run-of-the-mill football hero story.

I enjoyed that immensely.

A pity that nothing else of his shows up on SOL other than an incomplete story. No posts since 2008 so am I to assume that Brendan Buckley is another entry on the list of those that have dropped off the online world?

Again, a great tale and well worth reading even to the US-Football-illiterate like myself.
Cheers, Ian
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by the_scot »

I'm trying to remember a story on SOL. The key thing I remember was about someone using an antique snuff box to spread nanites or something similar around.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by gnume »

TJ an morg by green dragon

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Re: Lost & Found

Post by the_scot »

Thanks. As soon as you said it, I remembered it was from one of Green Dragon's stories. I have another, and I'm not sure the source. Some people are rescued by colonist on the moon and one extremist Christian woman is offended by the colonist's life style and ends up trying to bypass the internal locks and open the external doors to punish everyone.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by arargh »

Armageddon by Sir Winston (chapter 6)

Hmm, not on SOL anymore.

newtalos.com seems to be gone.


Some of his stories are here, but not that one:
http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Apac ... 20Winston/

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/s ... 8iT8Pipl0J
The second "Ahab" entry may still work.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Rambulator »

I have it but am reluctant to send it because of copyright protection. Lareez at SOL banned him because he would not finish the stories and wanted you to donate on his site for the whole story.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by gnume »

ya. this is one of the reasons i hate him as an writer. he had the full stories posted and than he took the later chapters down and stuck them behind an paywall.
i actually had an copy of all his original stories but i lost them in an HDD crash few years back
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by samuelmichaels »

gnume wrote:ya. this is one of the reasons i hate him as an writer. he had the full stories posted and than he took the later chapters down and stuck them behind an paywall.
i actually had an copy of all his original stories but i lost them in an HDD crash few years back
Fo what it's worth, he seems to be publishing his books on Amazon.com -- http://www.amazon.com/Ben-Winston/e/B00JF5UE8E.
Florida Friends wiki: http://floridafriends.wikia.com
Do-over stories: http://do-over.wikifoundry.com/
Spearfish Lake Tales wiki: http://spearfishlaketaleswiki.com
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by boballab »

A few years back he went into partnership with Siath, who wrote Earth Base Alpha, on a publishing company that were going to publish non erotic versions of their stories:

He and Siath also started using their real names and you can find their books on Amazon:
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss? ... blications
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by the_scot »

Thanks everyone, I have the original 3 books and part of the revision but I haven't read them in years. I was interested to see that he published Tides of Mars in its complete form. I got into it but posting was so erratic that I gave up.

One thing that confused me was that I was certain it was from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but I couldn't find it. It's bad when you reach the age that your mind starts to 'forget' things. The primary reason I stopped writing was that there were times that when I reached the bottom of a page, and I'd forgotten where I was going. What is worse, is that I keep coming up with good ideas for stories, but by the time I start to make notes, I can't remember most of the idea. :(
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by gnume »

samuelmichaels wrote:
gnume wrote:ya. this is one of the reasons i hate him as an writer. he had the full stories posted and than he took the later chapters down and stuck them behind an paywall.
i actually had an copy of all his original stories but i lost them in an HDD crash few years back
Fo what it's worth, he seems to be publishing his books on Amazon.com -- http://www.amazon.com/Ben-Winston/e/B00JF5UE8E.

my problem with him is that the original versions (NOT the revisions) were available for free completely and than he took the later chapters down and made you pay for them
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