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Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:21 am
by madathlon
Hello All, This is Madathlon!! I just wanted to let you all know I have a new site and have been posting my stories there.

I will also update my profile here

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:23 am
by Ominus
Hi. Looking for an old story about a guy who picks up a younger woman at a bar that he doesn't really fit in at. The next morning he learns she is a submissive and wants out of her current relationship. He helps her out and along the way she brings him into her lifestyle.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:14 pm
by Bester
This sounds like Oil of Roses by (I believe) Fillmore. It is on SOL, but I'm at work so don't have a link or confirmation of author's name (and spelling).

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:58 pm
by Ominus
Bester wrote:This sounds like Oil of Roses by (I believe) Fillmore. It is on SOL, but I'm at work so don't have a link or confirmation of author's name (and spelling).
Yep, you are right. Thanks, been looking for it for over a month lol.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:52 pm
by Bester
Glad to help. Good Reading to you.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:27 am
by Fovean_Author
Btw any1 got a copy of Indomitus Oriens - Books 3 in The Fovean Chronicles by Robert W. Brady ???

thanx for help
Yeah - I do. Go to and send me an address and I'll send you one

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:02 pm
by zebuddha
I was reading a chinese/japanese/korean LN, and I lost the page where I was reading it with a computer crash. I can't remember the name though, so I'm hoping maybe someone here will know.

It's somewhat similar to Ark - poor guy starts playing fantasy mmorpg. He messes up in the start of the game making his reaction to npcs very negative, eventually gets a cloak that ignores this effect and also an AI wolf companion (that turns into a girl iirc). Any ideas?

EDIT: Oh, and he ends up in a wheelchair early on in the story too...

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:06 pm
by Edengrave
it's not chinese japanese or korean, but it sounds quite similar to End Online by D Wolfin: ... r-mr-title

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:16 pm
by zebuddha
Edengrave wrote:it's not chinese japanese or korean, but it sounds quite similar to End Online by D Wolfin: ... r-mr-title
Ah yes, that was the one, thanks! :mrgreen:

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:47 am
by lagomilo
Looking for an old book(relatively) from the 80/90's, scifi. Future, agent has god linked with is body giving him limited ftl communication with other agents. His mission is to contact a closed planet that has psychics and convince them to help him. It starts off with one of the agents getting his legs crushed by having a machine driven over them. the god on his shoulder doesn't do anything because it was not life threatening.

the only other thing i remember is that the other is male.


Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:50 pm
by Darksparkru2
There is an author I can for the life of me can't remember his website. Two of the books he wrote are as follows. The first one was about a girl who knows a guy and they go on a cross-country tour in his plane, and end up getting married at the end. One of the others he wrote was about a girl who flakes out during her first year of college, and ends up becoming a prostitute in a Nevada brothel. She later goes on to become a very sucessfull businessman.

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Sorry for any typos, way to lazy to fix.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:23 am
by fortress
Not sure about the first, but the second reminds me of Magic Carpet by Wes Boyd.
Push that button, and your life will change forever!

Jennlynn Swift is a college student who's down on her luck after her parents threw her out. She sees only one hope of being able to pay for college and her flying licenses. Little could she dream that pushing the doorbell of a Nevada brothel would lead to the things it does, which includes being a national heroine.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:26 am
by Darksparkru2
YES. That is it. Thank you so much for the help. In case you are interested
is the first story.

Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:25 am
by MarkHR
Edit: Found, I fail at search.
"The Retrieved" by Sea-Life
NICE TRY SERGEANT as an exact match search.
My previous searching involved poppies, exoskeletons, spacecraft, meditation and all sorts of other things not in the story at all.

This was on storiesonline but either I fail at search, it's been removed or it was never one story. Any help finding the title, author and full text will be gratefully appreciated.

Earth is going to be destroyed by some sort of cosmic sized disaster (neither man made nor alien, I think?).
Prior to this a limited number of humans are harvested/abducted covertly (100,000?).
The hero is in such poor shape physically the aliens regenerate him (change in body type, athletic and mental ability, possibly given red? hair).
All humans harvested required to work for aliens for x year contracts if they wish to live.
Hero then trains to be special forces soldier as part of contract (x years service enforcing trade and peace treaties).
During training hero saves love interest during field training exercise on game reserve planet (conducted in full body armor exoskeleton, unpowered for the entire FTX, native animals so dangerous that even the herbivores are deadly, love interest has leg broken and spends almost entire FTX strapped to hero's back so he can save her).
Hero and love interest and unusually high percentage of humans pass special forces training.
Just before earth's destruction hero pitches aliens on deal (in exchange for an uninhabited earth like planet and aliens rescuing more humans, only a few million in the limited time available, humans will train and supply special forces qualified humans to aliens for x year individual contracts).
During this hero is forcibly volunteered for new phasing armor exoskeleton (only one to survive process due to history of meditation, on fields of poppies?).
Hero explains method of survival to aliens and successfully trains handful of squad to survive the phasing armor exoskeleton process (meditation to get back to reality, also proof of concept FTX ends with hunter force neutralized very quickly, "nice try sergeant"? possible quote).
After hero's contract is expired he, on the new human home planet, helps train special forces qualified humans (focuses on meditation, on fields of poppies?, to help with phasing armor exoskeleton use, has off planet cult following who are advised to leave the planet of killers and assassins if they turn up as tourists/pilgrims/fanbois).

I really hope this is one story and not parts of "prototype 10", aubie56 stories and others jumbled up by my faulty memory.



Re: Lost & Found

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 3:23 pm
by hikuk
Sounds like Steel World (Undying Mercenaries #1) by B.V. Larson to me.