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Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:30 pm
by michaelsuave
Fiferguy wrote:That's worth at least a $5, c'mon. I'm not THAT cheap for penguins and bicycles...
Well I hope not... of course, I don't know how much you slipped the penguin after the lapdance, but it was worth at least 5$, if not a pack of sardines or a halibut... I like the word halibut, its got a name like hal in it, like "I'm sorry dave, but I can't do that" hal. And it has I in it, which there is no I in team, but I think therefore I am, so I is cool too. And then there is but... immortalized by the song "I like big butt's and I can not lie..." or the ever present excuse to the boss/parent "yes, but..." so yeah, halibut is cool.... but so is Uranus... but you have to be either an immature giggling teenager or somebody who wants to debate whether pluto is a planet for Uranus to be really cool... :shock:

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:19 pm
by Fiferguy
There's only one way to respond to that... BLUEBERRIES!!!

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:22 pm
by michaelsuave
Fiferguy wrote:There's only one way to respond to that... BLUEBERRIES!!!
For a pychic/psion, how do you always get the answer wrong... its marshmellow, not blueberries, it would have had to be a catfish for the answer to be blueberries. Well, either a catfish or a panda bear... but lets not go there... scary :shock:

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:34 pm
by Fiferguy
Except it wasn't you... Long distance is hard... a hairs difference and you pick up someone else... especially when you're distracted. I swear it's blueberries...

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:21 pm
by Lochar
Cross talk between you people is horrible.

I hate picking up blueberry flavored marshmellows. :P

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:24 am
by J-Man5
All I can picture of blueberry flavored marshmallows is the Boo-Berry Ghost cereal. Along with Count Chocula.

Or possibly a mating between the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow man from GhostBusters and the BlueBerry girl in Willy Wonka. Purple Stay-Puft kids. Yikes!!!! ... erry01.jpg



Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:35 am
by J-Man5
I found some Butterfly and Bicycle related images. ... -2_xlg.jpg ... rfly23.jpg

This one is possibly not safe for work. ... y-babe.jpg

Have fun. Be safe. Watch out for Crosstalk.


Edited by Admin: You don't own the sites these come from - please don't hotlink the images.

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:13 am
by khyranleander
Yes, there's a fine of 51 bicycle clips in the Pottipart for using the crosstalk, Penfold.

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:54 am
by Journeywoman
Fiferguy wrote:
Lochar wrote:EMICONS?

And my god did that hurt my eyes.
Someone has ENTIRELY too much time on their hands...
The funny thing is I was PAID to do that. I was really bored at work :lol: !
Everyone is safe, I don't think I'll be doing it again. I definately agree with it hurting the eyes but it was fun.

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:48 am
by Mizriath
Between Bicycles and Butterflies, now comes Blueberries.... what's with all the B's ... Bigger and Bigger ... darns.. I have to find use for other alphabets.

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:03 pm
by J-Man5
Mizriath wrote:Between Bicycles and Butterflies, now comes Blueberries.... what's with all the B's ... Bigger and Bigger ... darns.. I have to find use for other alphabets.
Big Brown Bears Biking Backwards Blowing Bubbles Bulldozing Big Butterflies Baking Blueberries!

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:32 pm
by Fiferguy
J-Man5 wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Between Bicycles and Butterflies, now comes Blueberries.... what's with all the B's ... Bigger and Bigger ... darns.. I have to find use for other alphabets.
Big Brown Bears Biking Backwards Blowing Bubbles Bulldozing Big Butterflies Baking Blueberries!
...Between Barfing Bullfrogs Bringing Baby Baboons Back By Bus!

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:10 pm
by Spec8472
Fiferguy wrote:Between Barfing Bullfrogs Bringing Baby Baboons Back By Bus!

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:55 pm
by J-Man5
Spec8472 wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:Between Barfing Bullfrogs Bringing Baby Baboons Back By Bus!
Being Best Bad Boy.

Re: A question of grave importance for users of this forum

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:27 am
by Lochar
J-Man5 wrote:
Spec8472 wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:Between Barfing Bullfrogs Bringing Baby Baboons Back By Bus!
Being Best Bad Boy.
But Being Best Bad Boy Brings Ballooning Bursting Boobs Back Breaking Business.