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Re: Two Years

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:25 am
by Fiferguy
Mizriath wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:
J-Man5 wrote:Fiferguy just like to throw things offtopic so that he doesn't have to work on his own stories. He'd rather post here than add to his own works and let us get offtopic on his board.
It just takes less time to post here... :twisted:
And less time for us to slime / slam / slum ... fifer
For your information, I wrote 9 pages on the next chapter did anyone watch the Superbowl the other day?

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:21 am
by Mizriath
I should at least say... Well Done fifer. :P :oops:

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:23 am
by michaelsuave
Mizriath wrote:I should at least say... Well Done fifer. :P :oops:
nope, he doesn't get a well done until its posted. :wink: :P

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:32 am
by Phantom
Fiferguy wrote:
Mizriath wrote:
Fiferguy wrote: It just takes less time to post here... :twisted:
And less time for us to slime / slam / slum ... fifer
For your information, I wrote 9 pages on the next chapter did anyone watch the Superbowl the other day?
I'm fine for time sometime unless i get sucked into some of the Essay like posts i've done in the past on Sub ...

I found out one time there actualy is a Message Size limit to Posts here.

We can control the topic
We can focus and sharpen it to crystal clarity
Or we can blur it into relative obscurity
There is a Sign post up ahead
You've just entered the Off Topic Zone
So don your Tin Foil underware and enjoy the ride
We now return you to your Regular scheduled off Topic postings


Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:54 am
by Mizriath
What's the Topic on now?

(Psst.. If I do not know what is the topic... I am off topic) :twisted:

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:50 am
by Spec8472
Phantom wrote:I found out one time there actualy is a Message Size limit to Posts here.
<Irish-Accent>Jesus, Mary and Joseph. </Irish-Accent>

Yes, there's a limit somewhere north of 65,000 characters. If you reach that, you're ranting. :P

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:29 am
by afrigeek
A measly 9 month difference between my join date to the forum and Fifer's but a 700 post difference!!

I read the books after finding a link to the forum on google while searching for free fantasy online novels or something like that. I saw mention of Fel, went back to google and hit to find that this site is more up to date than that after being frsutrated for a while! Joined the forum some time much later after I realised that it was far better to keep track of new chapter postings from here than checking the site and clikcing on the dead links periodically.

I have to say that for about a week I was entering office with bleary eyes after reading Fel's works all night for over 5 consecutive days.

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:17 pm
by MommyDoom
Gosh, I've been on this forum since it started, basically... and was on the old forum for quite awhile. Anybody know how long I was there before we moved to this forum?


Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:59 pm
by Lochar
MommyDoom wrote:Gosh, I've been on this forum since it started, basically... and was on the old forum for quite awhile. Anybody know how long I was there before we moved to this forum?

Even if I knew, I wouldn't say, as it's not polite to talk about a lady's age. Even her online one. :P

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:23 pm
by Fiferguy
afrigeek wrote:A measly 9 month difference between my join date to the forum and Fifer's but a 700 post difference!!
That's just a nice way of saying I talk too much... :twisted:

Re: Two Years

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:39 pm
by Weresmilodon
MommyDoom wrote:Gosh, I've been on this forum since it started, basically... and was on the old forum for quite awhile. Anybody know how long I was there before we moved to this forum?

I remember that old, old forum, the "fold-out topics", or however to describe it. I've been trying to remember on and off for a while what you called yourself back then, (before I introduced the while 'Wooden spoon of Mommydoom' bit) wasn’t it Runt? Or am i out walking the bridge-suspender again?